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man did I ever screw up big time.


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I'll spare you the long winded story and get to the point.

I got a call about 11:30 today and it was my new job. weird I thought.

so it's the guy who hired me and he asks if I remember the holiday schedule. I said yeah it's fri and monday off. he said yes, but today is tuesday.:eek::shortbus:

I honestly don't understand how I lost a whole frigging day. I've never done something like this before.

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he told me "we'll see you tomorrow". it was 11:30. we get off at 2:30 so no point in coming in.

he's pretty cool and laid back. all I could do was apologize. wtf else can I say. i fucked up. I thought christmas was on sat.

I've been there for over a month at this point.

besides it's not like it was monday and a normal work week. fuck I'm not even getting paid for the holidays.

I might get wrote up or whatever but I doubt he'll fire me.

Edited by serpentracer
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I used to work a second shift job that started at like 3pm or so during the week. Saturdays, we had to come in an hour earlier. Twice i simply forgot it was Saturday and rolled in leisurely at 2:45, confused to why everyone was working 15 minutes before the shift started. Never got any shit for it though, a lot of people didn't bother to come in on Saturday.

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I had a job a few years back and was suppose to work a 15hr shift and missed the first half of my shift compley for I was dealing with my car being in the shop that had some shotty work done. Came in for the second half and was reminded I had missed it nothing more happend first time it had happend.

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