Casper Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 I saw this on Reddit yesterday and really enjoyed the stories. I figured I'd post it up here. what are your stories? Mine isn't necessarily as much a glitch in the Matrix as it is a ghost story. Fifteen years ago or so my family lived in what we semi-joking called a haunted house. Things were strange from the day we moved in. The house was an 1800s farmhouse in Northern Ohio on the Maumee River. The house is where the workers lived. Down the drive was the owner's home, a beautiful, large home.So, day one. The house was left in quite a disarray. Nobody had lived there in a very, very long time. We had to do a lot of work before we could move in. There was years of "stuff" in the house. We rented a dumpster and started cleaning it. Of the items we found, a black wooden baby-doll was the strangest. It was quite old. Meaningless at the time. It was found in the canning room. In that room, there was a door to a room with a dirt floor under the front porch. Back to that later.Another item, or items I should say, found were Brazilian coins laying on the floor in the coal room. They weren't very old, 1980s I believe. Just neat coins. My mom and I picked up a dozen or so. So a couple weeks go by. My mom yells up to me asking why I threw the coins on the floor. I hadn't. We picked them up and added them to the previous collection of coins gathered. Fast forward a few more weeks, more coins. Same deal. My dad and I searched all through the rafters trying to figure out where they were coming from. Nothing. This happened a few more times then stopped completely.Fast forward a year or so. My cousin and I are sleeping on the floor in the living room after a night of watching movies. We both wake up at the same time. She and I heard an odd sound. It was winter, and every window in the living room was open. No, nobody else was awake.Later that winter, my dad had back surgery. He was bedridden for a few weeks, so we moved his bed to the den on the first floor. One day while my brother and I were at school, he heard my mom walk buy into the kitchen and pour something to drink. He yelled in asking for a glass. Nothing. Nobody walked past. Nothing. My mom came by an hour or so later and my dad asked her why she didn't bring him a glass. She'd been in the bath reading a book, and hadn't been down.Back to the canning room; the door between the canning room and the dirt floor under the porch wasn't hinged. It was more of a panel made out of 2x4's and wedged into place. It always fell down. It became a mission for my friend and I to keep it in place. One night we nailed it in. We had to have used two dozen nails. Middle of the night, we both awake to a loud bang. We ran down to the basement only to find the nails pulled out and the door on the floor. I should add when we moved in, the only thing in the room under the porch was a shovel. We joked when moving in that there was probably a body buried there.A rather regular occurrence happened at night upstairs. We'd all awaken to the sound of something falling on the hardwood floors in the hallway. We'd walk out of our rooms to find items from the bathroom on the floor. Razors, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, etc.Another strange occurrence happened while I was mowing the lawn one day. I had headphones in and was cruising around the yard on the lawn tractor. Out of the corner of my eye I see a large dark animal run by. I thought it must be a deer or something, but it seemed so much larger. A few minutes later, a horse (yes, a freaking horse) runs by. I chase after it around the corner of the barn. Gone. No horse.And for my finale, the black baby doll. One day after school my brother was watching tv in the living room. He for some reason had a strange urge to go upstairs. The stairway went halfway up to a landing with a huge window, then up the opposite direction. As he rounded the corner to head up the steps, on the landing was a black woman and a black child dressed in 1800s clothing. The girl was holding the same doll we found in the basement, and she was smiling at him, motioning as if she wanted to play. We moved a few weeks later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wantahertzdonut Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 My glitch? I'm still living in Cleveland and wake up here every day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBrown57 Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Well need less to say that last sentence sent a chill through me lolMy story is that of a relative that got crushed under a car out in his garage and was left to suffocate for hours. He lived upstairs and after his death some nights you would here someone coming down the stairs and then a cold chill on the first floor and the back door would open (him leaving to go to work). You could bolt the door and even barricade it but no matter what it would open. They eventually tore down the 2nd floor of the house, for some reason I cant remember, and you would still here foot steps as if someone was coming down the stairs... they moved out and the house I believe got demo'd Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmh_sprint Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Casper said: Another item, or items I should say, found were Brazilian coins laying on the floor in the coal room. They weren't very old, 1980s I believe. Just neat coins. My mom and I picked up a dozen or so. So a couple weeks go by. My mom yells up to me asking why I threw the coins on the floor. I hadn't. We picked them up and added them to the previous collection of coins gathered. Fast forward a few more weeks, more coins. Same deal. My dad and I searched all through the rafters trying to figure out where they were coming from. Nothing. This happened a few more times then stopped completely.Back to the canning room; the door between the canning room and the dirt floor under the porch wasn't hinged. It was more of a panel made out of 2x4's and wedged into place. It always fell down. It became a mission for my friend and I to keep it in place. One night we nailed it in. We had to have used two dozen nails. Middle of the night, we both awake to a loud bang. We ran down to the basement only to find the nails pulled out and the door on the floor. I should add when we moved in, the only thing in the room under the porch was a shovel. We joked when moving in that there was probably a body buried there.And for my finale, the black baby doll. One day after school my brother was watching tv in the living room. He for some reason had a strange urge to go upstairs. The stairway went halfway up to a landing with a huge window, then up the opposite direction. As he rounded the corner to head up the steps, on the landing was a black woman and a black child dressed in 1800s clothing. The girl was holding the same doll we found in the basement, and she was smiling at him, motioning as if she wanted to play. We moved a few weeks later.Coins = cool occurrence, door & doll= GTFO My ghost story happened in the last 6 weeks and the odd part is that I live in a fairly new home (8 y/o). My normal routine is to play PS3 online after the kids and wife go to bed to vent the days frustrations. My living room is connected to the dinning room and kitchen which the door to the garage is off the kitchen. About 4 times over the course of a week. while playing my games, I heard the door to the garage open and not shortly after a cupboard door open. I finally asked my wife what she kept going out to the garage for to which I got a blank stare. Needless to say I got a little freaked out. I hasn't happened since but I pay more attention now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Casper Posted January 13, 2012 Author Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 cmh_sprint said: Coins = cool occurrence, door & doll= GTFO Yeah. There are so many other stories about that house. To this day, if something is missing or ends up somewhere where nobody would put it, we say, "must've been the ghost". The property was quite odd. There was our house, a chicken coup converted to an apartment, a barn converted to a house, and a garage with an apartment above it. My dad couldn't walk into the chicken coup/apartment. It started when he was painting the inside for the owners. He was painting near an outlet and a spark arched from one slot to the other in a u-shape, and stayed that way for 30s or so. Weird, but explainable I guess. Well it never happened for the ladies who lived there... until my dad was in there again helping them with something. A different outlet randomly arched as he walked by. cmh_sprint said: My ghost story happened in the last 6 weeks and the odd part is that I live in a fairly new home (8 y/o). My normal routine is to play PS3 online after the kids and wife go to bed to vent the days frustrations. My living room is connected to the dinning room and kitchen which the door to the garage is off the kitchen. About 4 times over the course of a week. while playing my games, I heard the door to the garage open and not shortly after a cupboard door open. I finally asked my wife what she kept going out to the garage for to which I got a blank stare. Needless to say I got a little freaked out. I hasn't happened since but I pay more attention now Shit like that seems to happen to me all the time. Recently, in our house which is only 4-5 years old, we keep hearing someone walking upstairs and occasionally sneezing. I've tried to rationalize it the best I can, but there seems to be no explanation. It freaks Carie out, so I just tell her it's her dad watching over Baby Ben. Really though, it's probably a poltergeist. LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBrown57 Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Casper said: Shit like that seems to happen to me all the time. Recently, in our house which is only 4-5 years old, we keep hearing someone walking upstairs and occasionally sneezing. I've tried to rationalize it the best I can, but there seems to be no explanation. It freaks Carie out, so I just tell her it's her dad watching over Baby Ben. Really though, it's probably a poltergeist. LOLGirlfriend has something similar with her grandmother and robins. When ever a robin seems to catch her attention (usually driving) she slows down only to find that if she was going the same speed it would have been bad. She was driving home one time noticed a robin fly almost straight at her so she slowed then as she came over a hill that goes to a gradual left curve a semi that was WAY over the yellow comes round the bend she would have been screwed if not slowing and then paying more attention. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kawi kid Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Man I got stories! My house I bought it right after the old owner was found face down on the floor dead at the bottom of the stairs. The son and daughter of the owner didn't want anything to for with the crap in the house except for the antiques. So for a long time I was finding stuff of this old fellas everywhere. One night me and the wife were sitting on the couch and we heard someone or something walk down our stairs to the front door. There was a sound at the front door like you would push on it to make sure it was closed tight, then the foot steps went right around the couch into the kitchen and there was a bang at the sink. We were dumbfounded. The really wierd thing was the dog sat in between is and obviously heard it too, but the kicker was she was following it with her head like she was watching someone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simplysix Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 kawi kid said: The really wierd thing was the dog sat in between is and obviously heard it too, but the kicker was she was following it with her head like she was watching someone.Freaky $hit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBrown57 Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Simplysix said: Freaky $hit^^^This Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scruit Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 My grandfather always promised his young daughter (my mother) that when he died he would phone her from heaven and tell her what it was like. When he died my mom wame home on compassionate leave from the air force to attend the funeral and stay with her mother for a while. In the middle of the night the phone rang and my mother woke and answered it. She says it was her dad and he told her is was a big beautiful garden with lots of nice people and that he would always watch over her kids (we weren't born yet). She went back to bed.When she woke up in the morning she figured getting a call from her dad was a dream. Until she got chewed out by her mother at the breakfast table; "Who called you last night? I looked out in the hall and you were talking on the phone at 3am"(Told to me by my mother before she died. She hasn't called ME yet,but she never made such a promise to ME. I also asked my grandmother about this - she confirms that the phone rang and that my mother answered it and was talking on the phone at 3am the night after after the funeral. She does not believe that it was her husband calling from beyond, and suspects that the caller gave up / hung up before my mother answered and that my mother was sleepwalking, woken by the ringing) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CleaveTheGreat Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 cmh_sprint said: Coins = cool occurrence, door & doll= GTFO My ghost story happened in the last 6 weeks and the odd part is that I live in a fairly new home (8 y/o). My normal routine is to play PS3 online after the kids and wife go to bed to vent the days frustrations. My living room is connected to the dinning room and kitchen which the door to the garage is off the kitchen. About 4 times over the course of a week. while playing my games, I heard the door to the garage open and not shortly after a cupboard door open. I finally asked my wife what she kept going out to the garage for to which I got a blank stare. Needless to say I got a little freaked out. I hasn't happened since but I pay more attention nowThat seems to happen to me a lot too. Our garage also opens into the kitchen and there's been 4 or 5 times in the last few weeks that it will open on its own. Sometimes I'll leave to go somewhere and then when I pull back into the garage the door to the house is open. I live a little closer to the hood than I'd like to so I usually just assume that some gangsta broke into my house and grab the shotgun and scour the house but no one is there. It's also happened a few times while I'm in the living room and then when I go into the kitchen the door is open and no one else is home. Weird. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pokey Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Sure glad I live in a newer house with no history, of course I can only hope it wasnt built on an Indian burial ground! I did find a cool arrowhead while digging post holes, so far nothing weird has happened in the last 12 years. I for sure believe in restless spirits, why wouldn't they exist? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdubyah Posted January 13, 2012 Report Share Posted January 13, 2012 Some of your have been to the sportzone in Coshocton. Let me tell you, that place is haunted as shit.First time I noticed. End of the night, just the manager and I left. Bar is locked down. As I was walking to the office in the basement, I had to check the bathrooms, to make sure lights and faucets were off. As I was cashing out we heard someone running back and forth upstairs through the bar. Old wood floor creeked alot. After I cashed out I walked back to by the bathroom and the lights were on. I promptly left.Second time. Bar closed for the evening, several of us had stayed for a beer. We usually propped the kitchen door open to make cleaning easier. Sitting at the bar we watched as numerous plates were taken off the stacks and fell onto the floor. Almost as if someone grabbed them and accidentally dropped them.Last time, we were cleaning up after a catering event, so we had to take the dishes upstairs. So a coworkers and I hauled the dishes up. Opened the door, and saw what appeared to be an orange colored light, about softball sized floating around. Then it stopped, and was motionless for a moment. Then it started down the hallway towards us. That was enough for us to leave.Just remember that next time you order a burger there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pfloydgad Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 (edited) Remind me next time we get together, and i'll tell you about an intersting thing that happened on an operating table one time. I bet it will give you goosebumps. RSA,Greg Edited January 14, 2012 by Pfloydgad I meant C, sorry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReconRat Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 (edited) About 17yo, I woke up one night to see a woman standing in my bedroom. I thought I saw her move, but she froze. I froze. Summer time, window open, moonlight streaming in. I don't move, don't breath. I stare and count to 60. Against the far wall, partly in front of the dark closet, stands a woman with long hair and what looks like a old time flannel nightgown. I figure I'm just dreaming or seeing imaginary things. I stare. Her black hair is in front of the white wall. Her white flannel is in front of the dark closet. I try to not see this, but she's still there. The 60 second count is done. I need to breath. I move, I speak... There's nothing there.Another night some one obviously walked down the upstairs hallway and fell down a short flight of stairs on the split level house. Very loud and noisy. Every one jumps up out of bed, only to see each other at the top of the stairs, and no one fell down those stairs.I searched the old maps at the library, and found the house was built next to where once was a small creek, in an apple orchard. Back then, travelers on the old National Trail (Rt 40) camped out there overnight. Many people died of illness while traveling back then.edit: On the East side of Columbus, are many small Indian burial mounds. I know where a house was built on top of one. We wondered how that would work out. No family lived there more than about 6 months each. They kept moving out without saying why. Edited January 14, 2012 by ReconRat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scruit Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 My dad was given 5 "fortunes" many years ago by an old woman who came to his store selling pegs. He didn't buy the pegs but gave her money still.She told him:1) You will have four boys. (At the time he had two, and had two more five years later)2) Your car is a safe car and will have no accidents, but the next car you get will be in an accident very soon. (No accidents in the car he had at the time. New car totalled a soon after he bought it - hit while parked by a car hydroplaning in heavy rain)3) Your second son will hurt his back in a moving accident, but will recover. (I am the second son, and we hit head on at ~80 by a drunk driver. Suffered a few injuries but recovered from them all.4) Your youngest will be close to death in his 10th year, but will survive. (Youngest brother had a brain tumor at age ten - bad enough that they weren't sure it was even worth operating. He was given less than 50/50 chance of surviving the operation. They did, he did, and he is still alive today 20 years later.)5) After the first came true he wrote it down in a letter in his lawyer's safe, dated. He is a pathological skeptic and can't bring himself to believe that these event were foretold. He tells us that if the 5th fortune comes true then he'll have his lawyer to back him up that was truly foretold. He will not tell us the 5th fortune is so there not chance we could make it happen (consciously or subconsciously) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scruit Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 Remember back to the first story about the phone call that my mother said she recevied from my grandfather after he died... One of the things he told her was "I'll watch over your kids". She told me the phone call story years BEFORE this next story:We all moved to a small 3-bed house. My two younger brothers shared a small room on the top floor. My youngest brother used to tell us he got scared walking down the stairs because the thought someone was watching him from the top of the stairs. We all get that feeling sometimes, right?Well he came and told us that one time he got to the bottom of the stairs and turned around - and saw an old man standing at the top of the stairs. The man smiled at him, then turned and walked into my brother's bedroom, out of sight. He was majorly freaked out. We told him it was his imagination. HE described him a "An old man wearing a brown suit with a funny collar"He reported this several times over a couple of years. Nobody else felt or saw anything.Some time later we had friends visiting from Canada (husband and wife). They came to dinner at the house and my mother showed them round the house. When the 'tour' got to my youngest brother's bedroom at the top of the stairs the wife pointed to the empty corner of the room and said "Who is that?"She looked at the empty corner of the room for about a minute then said "He says he is the child's grandfather. He is attached to the youngest because he needs help the most. He is abut 60 and he's wearing a brown suit, white shirt with a victorian collar. He is protecting the boy."*Major freakout ensues*We had known these folks for a couple of weeks, and never told them the story before."He needs help the most" = 3 years later, he had a craniopharyngioma (brain tumor) that left him with weeks to live. (see story prior "Your youngest will be close to death in his 10th year but will survive") Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scruit Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 Finishing up the grandfather 2000 my mother was sick and I flew home to England to be with her. She was in the ICU when I arrived, and was in a coma. 24 hours after I arrived the doctors said she had turned the corner, things were looking good, and that we should go home and get some rest. My brothers had kept a bedside vigil for 2 weeks and were ready to relax a little. Moments after we got home we got a call from my grandmother who told us that moments ago she clearly heard the voice of her late husband (same grandfather who "called" my mother and is "watching over" my youngest brother) saying; "Jean, it's time for Rose to come home." We reassured her that all was well and that she was fine, but Gran insisted we call the hospital. When I called the nurse told us "Everything is fine, she is looking great, and... oh... wait... " (I was put on hold for 5 minutes) "Something's just happened. The doctor says it's probably best if you all come in now."She waited long enough for us to all rush to the hospital visit her bedside in pairs, and died within minutes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReconRat Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 Ok, this one actually is a "glitch in the Matrix".Working in a warehouse for the day, I see a skid of tvs, the cheap type with the VHS built in the bottom of the tv. I talk to the warehouse manager about them, we thought they were junk. Warehouse stuff always has a record of delivery, receipt, etc. We go home.The next day, I'm back over there for stuff, and we both turn and look at where that skid of tvs isn't anymore. We both saw it the day before. We can't find the records either. We even check entry records for who was in the day before. Which was limited, since an alarm is set at night. We don't give up, we track it down and find it, to where it was delivered to another dock, on another building pretty far away. And records there backed that up. It never happened... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RSparky Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 fun reads... i've had a few "wait, what was that?" moments, but i generally can rationalize anything so it isn't paranormal or a glitch. so... meh. it would be freaky though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kawi kid Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 (edited) Another couple story about my house for ya since I'm not trying to type on my phone. Long before I even met my wife my place was the batchelor pad. All my buddies were here from the time I was off work until we all had to be at work the next day. One night I was sound asleep and woke up to someone trotting up my steps into my room. I laid there waiting to see who it was cuz everyone had already left to go home way earlier. Nothing ever made it to the top of the steps . And I forgot to mention these are the same steps the old man died at the bottom of. Another night asleep in my upstairs room I dreamt somebody was touching my cheek. Sorta like when you were a child and your mother would check you for a fever with the back of her hand... Well it startled me awake and when I opened my eyes I looked towards the stairs and the was a dark figure walking away from my bed and towards the stairs. I scrambled for my glasses on my night stand, put them on, turned back and nothing as there. Right after I bought the house my then wife now exwife had a dog that looked like the exact dog on the taco bell commercials. Really for that breed of dog it was pretty chilled out. He never really got excited. I'm sitting at my computer desk and the dog starts barking in the kitchen. I was just in there maybe five minutes before that finishing up the dishes from dinner. When I get to where I can see the dog the hair on the back of his neck is straight up and he is wigging out. I get to the kitchen and find the rug I had in front of the sink I had just been standing on five min prior was perfectly folded in half... Not once .... But twice. And yet I have more..... The worst one in which I actually lost sleep over. I was asleep again. Nobody was around and it was about 4 in the morning. I was awoke to a huge crash. It literally shook my house it seemed like. I woke up instantly and the first thought was someone broke into my house and was stealing my tv and dropped it while they were leaving it. I grabbed my handgun and ran down stairs. I cleared the three rooms I come to before I get to my living room just to make sure there wasnt any way some one could still be left in the house and be behind me. Finally in my living room i see my tv in the same spot it was when I went to bed. I move through my living room into my kitchen and I see my back door cracked open. I know I specifically checked every door before I went to bed just like every night before and it was locked. I never leave a door unlocked, EVER. When I grabbed the handle to inspect it and the knob was still locked so to me that means it was opened from the inside. Now my adrenaline is going in over drive! I spend the next hour clearing my entire house. No room or closet went unchecked... I checked under beds even. To this day I have no idea how it came open. That's pretty much it for the freaky stories. There are other little things like things look like they are pushed off surfaces. Last week I was standing in my kitchen and a bag of m&ms that had been sitting on top of my refrigerator for over a year slides off right into my arms and I catch them. Edited January 14, 2012 by kawi kid Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scottb Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 It was 2004 and we had lost power at the house. As it got dark, the wife and I were playing cards by candlelight. We wanted to listen to the radio but I dont have any real battery powered radios, except for the alarm clock. So I go to the bedroom to get the clock radio and notice the time is not displayed. Damn, no batteries in the alarm clock. I even checked - no batteries in the clock radio. I remember saying out loud " it would sweet if this thing actually turned on" Guess what, for 3 hours that clock radio play music with no batteries and not connected to the wall. Even freaky-er, when the radio stopped playing, the power to the house came back on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kawi kid Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 kawi kid said: Man I got stories! My house I bought it right after the old owner was found face down on the floor dead at the bottom of the stairs. The son and daughter of the owner didn't want anything to for with the crap in the house except for the antiques. So for a long time I was finding stuff of this old fellas everywhere. One night me and the wife were sitting on the couch and we heard someone or something walk down our stairs to the front door. There was a sound at the front door like you would push on it to make sure it was closed tight, then the foot steps went right around the couch into the kitchen and there was a bang at the sink. We were dumbfounded. The really wierd thing was the dog sat in between is and obviously heard it too, but the kicker was she was following it with her head like she was watching someone.Sitting here talking to the wife about some of the other things that has happened and she corrected me on this story. There was a bang in the coat closet before the front door. I totally forgot about that.She also reminded me of the time we walk into our living room and our boxer/pit was staring at the wall with her head cocked sideways like she does when someone is talking to her. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imprez55 Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 I love reading all these. I don't have any specific events that I want to talk about, but I can say that the number of times that I have seen something happen out of time is astounding. I used to just feel deja vu quite often when I saw something happen that I thought I had seen; it could have been as simple as a location of a cup or how something was moved. The longer I live, though, the more vivid the original image gets to the point where I can look around a room while knowing fully that it is not real. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4DAIVI PAI2K5 Posted January 14, 2012 Report Share Posted January 14, 2012 imprez55 said: deja vu quite often .This is all I have Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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