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My son had a REALLY $h!ty birthday


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My youngest turned 9 yesterday and it couldn't have been a worse day for him. It staryed great i brought him home doughnuts and choco milk for breakfast as per his request, and i gave him his present before school(a starscream transformer that he's ben wanting)I bought some cup cakes to take to school to share with his class, and off he went. About a hour and a half later the phone rings, it's his teacher saying "First of all tyler is fine there is nothing wrong with him, but he is very upset and crying because one of his class made died last night". I'm like WHAT? It turns out that one of his buddies passed away in thier sleep last night and his parents found him in the morning when the went to wake him for school. So i talked to my son and ask if he wanted to come home, and he manned up and said " no i want to stay here and cry with freinds"

If that wasnt bad enough he ended up getting in a fight on the bus on the ways home because someone made a rude remark about his freind dying and my son sticking up for his freinds honor started a pushing match from what i understood. I talked to the driver he has had a really bad day and im sure emotions were high, he agreed and all is forgotten.

Anyway the kids name was Robert Gallogly he was a 3rd grader at Fredericktown Primary(no word on cause of death)..please keep him and his family in your prayers and my son too if you would he is having a really hard time with this,,Thanks for listening

Update: here is the full obituary .... http://www.snyderfuneralhomes.com/obituaries/obit_view.phtml?id=11721

Edited by 2talltim
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A completely horrifying experience for any parent. Sad for the family, and sad for your young son. Its beyond unfortunate that he has to experience the loss of a friend at such a young age. Thoughts and prayers for the grieving family.

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Wow, take care of your boy. I can't imagine that happening to my boys. Just goes to show nothing is guarenteed and why i tell my boys i love them every change I get. RIP Robert and prayers for the family.

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You just made me cry. Hug your little guy for the rest of us. I can't imagine what Robert's parents are going through. I don't believe I could handle that one.

^ said it best. Your family and Robert's family are in my prayers.

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This hits home, as I have a 10, 8, and 6 year old at home. Its unfortunate, but he may always remember his birthday as the day his friend passed.

Your family and the family of Robert is in our prayers.

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You just made me cry. Hug your little guy for the rest of us. I can't imagine what Robert's parents are going through. I don't believe I could handle that one.

Exactly Pauly. I don't know how one could go on after the loss of a child. My eyes have watered up as well.

Tim, it sounds like your son is very strong. He must have had a good role model.

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May the Angels from Heaven come down and comfort the parents and family of that little Man. Fear not for him as he is in great hands. The parents are whom need all the love and support than can be offered. Now is not the worst time for them but when everyone goes away. You have a wise little one Tim. He is gonna be okay. How does one get thru it? I lost a daughter 10 years ago.It does not get better it just gets a little easier. I'm not looking for any response ... You just never know people. Hugem and lovem as much as you can. Much love and prayers to the family.

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I really can't stand it when people say things happen for a reason. I can't fathom the reason... Thoughts out to the family, and your son is a wise and kind soul.

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