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So a guy walks up to me while I'm getting on my bike...


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I still don't have a snappy comeback for 'Where are you headed' but I am working on it.

- [Point your finger in any direction] "That way"

- "To Hell in a Hand-Basket"

- "Back to the Titty-Bar to see if your sister/wife/mom is still working"

- Out

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I just pull the Maverick from Top Gun move. Rev the shit out of the bike and say "what?!?! I cant hear you!?" and ride away

You seem to have left some out, so I fixt.

just for good measure. Check out the :13 mark and 1:08 marks (youll have to read lips)


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^ I know what you mean about getting asked questions. Funny thing was when I had my 05 Speed Triple I was always getting asked about it. "What is that thing"? "Looks like a bike outta Mad Max". I never minded talking to people, I remember when I was a teenager and would ask guys questions on bikes.

I get questions about mine all the time too. I think its funny how some people act like they know everything about bikes but then ask, "Is that a CBR/GSXR?" because those are the only 2 bikes on the planet they know. Had a cop pull a fast one on me once when I got pulled over, he comes walking up after taking my information and sitting in his car for 3 minutes and says, "I used to ride myself so I know how easy it is to let speed get away from ya, so what kind of bike is this anyway?". Thinking he was just curious I tell him it's a Triumph, he then pulls out his clip board, writes Triumph on the ticket he was hiding and sends me on my way lol.

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I get questions about mine all the time too. I think its funny how some people act like they know everything about bikes but then ask, "Is that a CBR/GSXR?" because those are the only 2 bikes on the planet they know. Had a cop pull a fast one on me once when I got pulled over, he comes walking up after taking my information and sitting in his car for 3 minutes and says, "I used to ride myself so I know how easy it is to let speed get away from ya, so what kind of bike is this anyway?". Thinking he was just curious I tell him it's a Triumph, he then pulls out his clip board, writes Triumph on the ticket he was hiding and sends me on my way lol.

ross, she who must not be named, and I were sitting at a Speedway gassing up before a Coshocton run one summer morning. Some big gangster wannabe guy (I'm talking 350-400 easy) waddles over to us and asked if the bikes were Busa's, then after we said no, asked "if we got into 'dem boosa's". Once we got back to IP, I damn near fell off laughing so much.

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This thread raises a broader question, one I asked on twitter the other day. Why does everyone at a gas station, restaurant or even a stop light feel this uncontrollable urge to talk to the biker? It happens to me all the time. Some of the sample conversations I seem to have every day:

Them: Great day for a ride!

Me: How would you know, you are in a cage.

Them: My brothers second cousin's nephew twice removed got killed on a motorcycle.

Me: While I am sorry to hear someone you apparently don't even know died, I really don't give a shit.

Them: Is that a Harley?

Me: No, are you blind or stupid because it says right there in big letters 'Kawasaki'.

I still don't have a snappy comeback for 'Where are you headed' but I am working on it.

My favorite story though was the time when a bunch of old people came up to a group of us and were all excited to see 'real' bikers. I kid you not, they took their picture with us. Anyway, the best answer I got on twitter was they want to ride a bike but don't so they are living vicariously through talking to the biker. That actually makes sense.

with the questions like, nice day, or what kind of bike, or the classic "you ride a bike?" when they see you with a helmet...

they are just trying to be friendly and dont know what else to say. its just like how you default to talking about the weather when you dont have anything else to say.

just because someone is in a car doesnt mean they can't realize its a nice day for a ride... snappy comebacks just make you a dick to someone who is just trying to be friendly.

Edited by John
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with the questions like, nice day, or what kind of bike, or the classic "you ride a bike?" when they see you with a helmet...

they are just trying to be friendly and dont know what else to say. its just like how you default to talking about the weather when you dont have anything else to say.

just because someone is in a car doesnt mean they can't realize its a nice day for a ride... snappy comebacks just make you a dick to someone who is just trying to be friendly.

This. People are trying to be friendly, and some bikers want to be dicks about it. Just because someone is in a cage on a nice day doesn't mean they don't ride!

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This. People are trying to be friendly, and some bikers want to be dicks about it. Just because someone is in a cage on a nice day doesn't mean they don't ride!

I'm friendly when people talk to me, I just get irritated at ignorant people who act like they know about bikes and but are actually shitting out their mouths and don't even know it.

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lumber yard....... you are going to the lumber yard.

Although that's good, I prefer to answer the question "did you ride in today?" when I have my helmet and jacket on my desk with "no, it's international dress like a astronaut day. I'll make sure you get a copy of that memo."

I did have someone ask me after I was coming out of Chipotle with a larger than usual order where I was going to put all the bags, since my RR had no saddlebags and I wasn't wearing a backpack. They were seriously trying to figure it out, like this was some X-Files mystery shit. I saw their brains literally explode when I unzipped the fastpack and put everything inside. :)

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I'm known at my work for riding in when all the other "bikers" cage it. such as when it might rain. It when the high is below 70... So when I actually do drive, whether because if weather, or my lazy ass is too late to pull the bike out of the living room, I always get "where's the bike? Didja wreck it?"

No, I just didn't feel like riding. Asshat.

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