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Another bad day TL DOWN AGAIN!!


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I was on the "steak ride" with greg when at our first stop i had a text from my inlaws to call ASAP, my son had fallen down the stairs and hurt his arm and they didnt know what i wanted to do , so i said im on my way. I go there he is mostly ok by that time just had a bruise and a little swelling, told him to put ice on it and gave him a advil. Then i proceded to go home since the ride with the other guys was long gone. About a mile from my house this big ass labrador retriever just jumps out in front of me, i had no time to react so i just got on the brakes and locked my arms strait and managed to bring it to a stop shiny side up. I still dont know how but i maaged to keep it off the ground. But the damage was done, i had nailed this dog with the right side of my bike, craking my fairing, broke my turn signal and my rear set, and i fairly sure i ran over the dog with the rear tire.

The dog was in bad shape its leg was all busted(id say in at least 3 places) and bones we protruding, and blood was running out of its mouth. There was a lady and a boy (that at the time i thought were the owners)there seen it all, aparently they were watching this dog for a freind and it wasnt even theirs.

I was more concerned about the dog than i was me or the bike i help her get it into a truck and off they went to the vet. I managed to limp my bike home using the frame slider as a leg rest. I went back down about a hour and a half later to see about the dog and what we needed to do as far as insurance claim. The male owner was there then and he didnt know anything about it, so i filled him in and he being really cool about it we did the whole insurance thing and he talked to my policy holder and between mine and his they will hash it out to who is liable.I still havent heard any updates on the dog, he said he would call me later.

So just another thing to top off this incredibly shity month for me.

Edited by 2talltim
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Wow man, luck is certainly not on your side this month. I'm glad you are physically alright and it sounds like the bike is mechanically alright (arearset and some cosmetics isn't bad). Unfortunately if that dog hit you hard enough to break a rearset I don't think its going to fair too well. Good luck with, well, everything

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Okay, so is that three things now? Truck down, hurt dog, damaged bike. Yep, three (four if you include the son getting hurt).

You're safe for awhile. Rule of threes. Heres to a better week next week.

Dont forget i droped my bike a few weeks ago too:nono:

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if you consider everyday as the bottom of the pit there is always a better day to look for tomorrow :D . Things could have been far worse and you might be more lucky than you think

here for a better hour/day/week/month/year/decade to look forward to. cheers

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Any time a dog is hit by a vehicle in the road the assumption is that the dog's owner is at fault.

Sucks that the dog was allowed out - not its fault. If the dog survives then he needs better petsitters.

Here's hoping you get your bike paid for, through whatever combination of insurance/payments/subrogration is needed so your rates don't

go up.

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dude you are stupid for offering to pay for the dog's injuries. I get it that you feel bad and all but it's not your fault. they should be paying for your bike's damages.

and that guy seen you coming from a mile away if he took your insurance info. he'd be lucky to not be sued by you but you offered to pay for the vet bills.:wtf:

Edited by serpentracer
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dude you are stupid for offering to pay for the dog's injuries. I get it that you feel bad and all but it's not your fault. they should be paying for your bike's damages.

and that guy seen you coming from a mile away if he took your insurance info. he'd be lucky to not be sued by you but you offered to pay for the vet bills.:wtf:

What? Dude, tell me you didn't offer to pay for the dog?!

Its their fault for not controlling their animal. If that dog had caused you to get injured I don't think your wife or kids would have offered to pay the dog owner.

The owner is at fault. Make them pay for your damages.

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dude you are stupid for offering to pay for the dog's injuries. I get it that you feel bad and all but it's not your fault. they should be paying for your bike's damages.

and that guy seen you coming from a mile away if he took your insurance info. he'd be lucky to not be sued by you but you offered to pay for the vet bills.:wtf:

I never said that:confused:..and that was the first thing my isurance said, was that we are not liable for the dog..when i said see who is liable i meant see who i liable for fixing my bike, he never really got my insurance info i just started a claim so they could hash out with his insurance on getting my bike fixed. As far as know he hasent even talked to his insurance agent yet but my insurance has talked to his on the corp. level:D.

Edited by 2talltim
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What? Dude, tell me you didn't offer to pay for the dog?!

Its their fault for not controlling their animal. If that dog had caused you to get injured I don't think your wife or kids would have offered to pay the dog owner.

The owner is at fault. Make them pay for your damages.

i never said that

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