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My phone uses almost nothing. I only surf on my phone if I'm stuck in a waiting room or "taking the browns yo the superbowl."

My home internet connection burns up 40Gb/mo. Nobody has 40GB 4g plans so I am stuck with a 2Mb wireless data trhough a local isp (no dsl or cable modem) If I went with the verizon 10Gb 4G plan I'd be paying $400/mo after overage charges.

Edited by Scruit
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The poor phone needs used Brian. :nono:

its a phone, it makes calls and texts and entertains me when im bored. Otherwise I'm at a computer all damn day at work. The poor phone needs to keep a charge for more than a day :lol:

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do you guys not use computers? I've never even come close to 1GB in the 6 months ive had this iphone

Phones and computers arnt the same thing? Both have mb/CPU/graphics/ram/psu/OS/ec... both can surf porn just fine, both can do texts and calls.... Im really not seeing the difference?

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i got boned when i upgraded to 4g....

i have 4 gb per month, and haven't come close to going over...

back when I had my droid 1 rooted, and was wi-fi tethering (which verizon officially said was not possible) I was using almost 10 gig per month, but now that i got the droid 4, the only real data hogging i do is watching comedy clips when i hit a 4g area and i'm NOT driving (which is rare)

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That's blasphemy....


Phones and computers arnt the same thing? Both have mb/CPU/graphics/ram/psu/OS/ec... both can surf porn just fine, both can do texts and calls.... Im really not seeing the difference?

and nope not the same. The day a phone can do what I need for work I will consider it a "computer" but until then its a phone

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you got a lap dock for your phomputer? I bet my phone could do what your job requires.

it might be doable if a phone could use LogMeIn now that I think about it. But that would be a MAJOR pain in the ass

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and nope not the same. The day a phone can do what I need for work I will consider it a "computer" but until then its a phone

There are a shitton of apps out for the phone and more and more everyday. You can even have custom apps built to suit.your.needs. Alot of OTG jobs use a phone as their workstation nowadays, they used to use bulky tablet comps, but now a phone is their mobile workstation e.g. twc and.whatnot..

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no app can do what i do on a daily basis.....

....and thats troll the shit out of OR and generally be an asshole :D

Sir, you are wrong. Im a bot app for OR with the same qualities. How else would my programer get anything done at work. Oh wait he doesnt get anything done at work thanks to OR...

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Just remember that you're only grandfathered in until you update your contract. Then you'll have the 2G just like everyone else. The way around this is to buy a phone from somewhere else when you want one. This was the rumor when the unlimited was first cancelled. Might not actually be true.

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there is no reason to update your contract if you have enough minutes and unlimited data...

my mistake was buying a 4g phone and ordering online, if you do it in the store, they will happily grandfather you in.

and mine is 4 gigs, not 2 (lucky me)

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thats you're first mistake. Might wanna reprogram yourself to realize I'm always right

I never make mistakes, Mexicans cannot be trustes. Da gusta corherta la chivas? Moi bueano ci? Baaaaaahhhhhh baaahhhhh

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Da gusta corherta la chivas? Moi bueano ci? Baaaaaahhhhhh baaahhhhh

I have no idea what language that is but its certainly not Spanish

edit: unless its some sort of Spanish ebonics, I have no fucking clue what you just said

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