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new less restrictive laws passed


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If I happened to have a "runaway" gun I would just break off the belt :confused:

Not as easy as it sounds, have you ever tried ripping off a moving belt?

keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction, let it run its course if its not safe to stop the ammo supply. I have ZERO experience with belt fed machine guns, and never claimed to! Is the CHL class supposed to train us on belt fed machine guns? :dunno: If my sidearm started firing on "full auto" I would keep it pointed down range, drop the mag, and bam it will stop!

I never claimed to know it all!

Yup, but you forgot 1 huge factor... Remain calm, it's too easy to forget the steps if you panic. I have seen plenty of guys crack under pressure and forget simple things like SPORTS and SLAP.

Exarch always brings WIN to a thread! I always get entertained. I only wish he wouldn't mention his Army service...he does not represent the military I know!

Have you ever served? again don't believe the media if your a civilian. Alot of shit goes on that you will never ever see or hear about...

:plus1: I totally agree! Now if you could just learn the difference between your and you're...

Your and you're... One is possessive and one means you are.... I don't see where I confused the two?

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Yup, but you forgot 1 huge factor... Remain calm, it's too easy to forget the steps if you panic. I have seen plenty of guys crack under pressure and forget simple things like SPORTS and SLAP.

Not really a huge factor as I am pretty calm under pressure, and I would have sense about me to keep it pointed in a safe direction. End of story. Eventually it runs out of ammo!

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Yes, but not when you let go of the trigger... If they are dirty or if the barrel is too hot the gun will still shoot unmanned. And if you do not swap out the barrel it will melt. But what do I know, not like I've been shooting and training other people on machine guns for the past 6 years :dunno:

What would YOU do to prevent both of these situations? What would YOU do if your gun ran wild or your barrel got hot?

I have been trying to stay away from posting in this thread, it has enough stupid that it doesn't need me but this is so interesting I need to learn more.

When you say melt do you mean it turns into a liquid pile of mush?

Will a hot barrel cause a cook-off? What do you do with a jammed gun that is hot with rounds in it?

We need to know these things and be trained so we can carry a magazine feed 33 round sidearm for self defense. I see your point and wish the rest of these dumbfucks would shut up long enough to learn something.

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Have you ever served? again don't believe the media if your a civilian. Alot of shit goes on that you will never ever see or hear about...

Yes, I am currently AD enlisted. I don't believe everything in the media. I hear all!

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"Between 2007 and 2009, law enforcement agencies reported 36,318 criminal incidents in which a gun was present. About 7.6 percent of the cases involved a concealed carrier."

I wonder if that means 7.6 percent were the BG, or 7.6 percent were just involved in a criminal incident (and used a CCW to defend themselves, etc)

NoBama 2012

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I see allot of people who are not properly qualified/trained to drive or ride a motorcycle, so they should all be banned until proper qualifications and certifications are met.:rolleyes: Yes many people lack common sense, but I have yet to meet anybody that isn't aware that a gun could "potentially" be lethal in the wrong hands. Owners need to be responsible first and foremost, realize it is an instrument of death if used incorrectly or disrespected. There are always gonna be a minority of gun owners that are gonna fuck up in some way, that includes not being responsible for keeping the guns out of unattended kids access. I fail to see how a gun is more dangerous than many things in the home which we take for granted each day. Guns are not dangerous, people are careless/dangerous and always have been. The number of guns in households in this country is unparalleled anywhere in the world, which is a big reason why this country would be almost impossible to invade. I used to be one that thought mandatory training/qualifying for a universal carry should be utilized, I have since used my common sense and see that is unnecessary and futile. Sure folks are still gonna fuck up, even those that are experienced.....shit sometimes just happens. But I can assure you of one thing, I believe there are many more responsible gun owners than not. Tragedy's are going to continue to happen no matter what we try to do, that is just how things work. YOU CANNOT FIX STUPID!!!!!

Edited by Pokey
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I wonder if that means 7.6 percent were the BG, or 7.6 percent were just involved in a criminal incident (and used a CCW to defend themselves, etc)

It's the latter. The study only looks at criminal incidents where a gun was present, which leaves a shit ton open as far as who was negligent, criminally charged, or even if the weapon was used in the commission of the crime.

I believe Lott's work showed that CCW holders were statistically the least represented criminal element in American society...what other ways people were classified (I'm assuming legal adults) I don't know, but suffice to say we're not the ones fucking up society and killing each other.

See: Ghetto.

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It's the latter. The study only looks at criminal incidents where a gun was present, which leaves a shit ton open as far as who was negligent, criminally charged, or even if the weapon was used in the commission of the crime.

I believe Lott's work showed that CCW holders were statistically the least represented criminal element in American society - meaning no other way to classify a group showed a lower incidence of crime commission.

I believe that study ended up showing chl holders were statically lower than cops and teachers to commit criminal acts.

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