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Got pulled over


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I'm not defending the guy's attitude, but let's not pretend that we all don't break the letter of the law on a daily basis.

Rolling stop signs, driving 5 over the limit, etc.

The police don't need to be hassling people enforcing laws without a victim. Now if they pull you over to make sure you have an M endorsement, and you act like a douche, then the visor ticket is no surprise.

You're God damn right we break the law on a daily basis...the difference is I don't complain about it when I get caught, and I sure as hell don't wish death upon the officer.

OP, feel free to leave the forum, and take your brother exarch with you.


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You're God damn right we break the law on a daily basis...the difference is I don't complain about it when I get caught, and I sure as hell don't wish death upon the officer.

OP, feel free to leave the forum, and take your brother exarch with you.


What he said!

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Think I may have saw this last night right outside my office. Came out to get something out of my car and an hour later, saw like 3 osu police cars surrounding you.

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I open my visor from time to time but I have an internal one as well :dunno:

And like others have asked, did he give you a ticket or a warning? Or are you just the kinda person who post shit about hating cops cause they catch you being a squid and it hurts your feelings?

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oh really? where was they at when students getting robbed on campus but they quick at stopping people for riding with there visor up for 5 seconds NICE!

Less raging on forums, more studying English.

So you want him to do his job, but you wish death upon him for doing his job? I'm confused :wtf: .

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I think you left a few parts out... I know the officer in question, who is once of the most polite and professional officers at OSU.

Might want to insert what all your ticket was for before going off.

The truth will set you free!

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Yup, I have been warned even by OSU Police when I was going to school down there for having a visor up at a stop light stopped even. No biggie as I clicked it down when I rolled off.

But, as stated by SJC, it sounds like IF you got a ticket, it was due to something else. They probably used the visor/eye protection as a reason to pull you over. All of a sudden, it sounds like you were doing something wrong that warranted a stop and seems you were cited properly.

Now, should an officer pull you over and cite you for just the visor? Yeah, not typical and somewhat a dick move, but in the end, to post on a public forum and wish he gets shot in the head is just plain stupid.

I got pulled over two times with the van as I have limo tint, but each officer just wanted to essentially see what was going on and what I was hauling. When I told them why and what I haul in there, neither gave me any grief. And, both were State Troopers who we all seem to think are somewhat aggressive on ticketing folks.

It's all how you handle yourself in whether or not you get a ticket at times... You apparently were similar to the way you acted here in your initial post and subsequent responses...

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Got pulled over going 5 mph down campus because my VISOR was up with no eyewear... LOL. i hope he gets shot in the fucking head tonight

You're not going to find many folks here agreeing with the "shot in the head" thing.

Sounds like he was doing his job. :confused:

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Nothing to do with your thread, but what are you majoring in at OSU? That may help us get a picture of where the foundation of your decision making process lies.

I'm guessing it's not biology or engineering.

I am assuming he isn't a student and is one of those guys who coasts by parties while holding the bike on the rev limiter for extended periods of time.

I'd like to think OSU wouldn't admit anyone with such terrible grammar.

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Nothing to do with your thread, but what are you majoring in at OSU? That may help us get a picture of where the foundation of your decision making process lies.

I'm guessing it's not biology or engineering.

Or English, or Literature.

Can you major in Squid Studies at OSU?


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I will flip my visor/faceshield up at red lights on a warm day. No cop ever gave me hassle over it, but I wouldn't consider the cop to be the bad guy if he/she did. Always flip down before I set off again.

In the cold mornings I have to ride with the visor open one click. The law states the visor must come down below the tip of your nose - at the one-click position the visor is below my nose so I'm legal.

I have been know to take liberties with certain laws, and have known to be pretty anal about other laws. Still, if I get caught it's my fault and I don't bitch about it. This is where attitude goes a long way - I've been pulled over ~7 times in my 20+ years of driving (all of those times were in the first 10 years, nothing since, knock on wood!) in different states and countries. The I have found that almost universally if you treat the officer with respect you will get respect back. You may not get out of the ticket you were pulled over for, but the officer didn't break the law, YOU did, so you only have yourself to blame. Mouthing off or giving the cop grief is not going to motivate him/her to go out of their way to help you out.

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Sounds like threat on an officer's life to me.....

Maybe anonymous tip to the osu police to be on the look out for this guy...

He was speaking in hyperbole. That's actually protected speech. Plus he only expressed a hope that the guy gets shot it wasn't a threat.

(sorry. My first amendment exam was Monday)

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Every officer that's pulled me over has been polite and just doing his job whether it was a deserving ticket or warning - give respect to get respect.

To wish ill on some one for disrupting your day with regards to your safety is the furthest from mature posts I've seen on this board.

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Every officer that's pulled me over has been polite and just doing his job whether it was a deserving ticket or warning - give respect to get respect.

To wish ill on some one for disrupting your day with regards to your safety is the furthest from mature posts I've seen on this board.

+ rep

I couldn't of said it better. I have been pulled over many times and everytime I did break the law. Some officers are just more forgiving than others.

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You guys scared the OP away. I agree with what you guys are saying about the officer doing his job but some LEO's go out of their way to be a d bag. I'm a firm believer that 80% of LEO's are good guys but there are about 20% who were losers in HS and want to take it out on everyone else because they have a gun and a badge. With the facts that I know its absurd the guy got pulled over for going 5mph with his visor up. I ride with my visor up at that speed and I go 7 mph over daily. Things like that are petty and are not harming anyone else. Disclaimer: the OP seems to have a "I'm a badass on a gsxr attitude," so I'm all for him getting a ticket but to blindly defend the officer is just as crazy as flaming the OP.

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Got pulled over going 5 mph down campus because my VISOR was up with no eyewear... LOL. i hope he gets shot in the fucking head tonight

Dude what the hell is wrong with you hoping he gets shot. That cop could have destroyed your nite but instead just gave you some tickets. Honestly he was pretty nice for the circumstance.

I hope that comment was just the beers talking.

Everyone else just to clear some things up he really did just get pulled over for the eye protection. We were just cruising around not going fast or revving or any other squid like behavior.

I think you left a few parts out... I know the officer in question, who is once of the most polite and professional officers at OSU.

Might want to insert what all your ticket was for before going off.

O shit I really don't want to be a part of this now. I feel like I'm going to be guilty by association for being there. Can you tell your buddy that I do not wish any harm to him and that I felt he was being professional.

Last thing I need is campus pd giving me hell cause I'm associate with someone who wishes them harm.

Sounds like threat on an officer's life to me.....

Maybe anonymous tip to the osu police to be on the look out for this guy...

I do not agree at all with the comment but I can tell you that it's not a threat.

Edited by MiDe84
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