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Do you have a gun in your house? Do not answer


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This particular situation may be false but this is actually a question being asked for anyone covered by medicare. There are a number of confirmed reports by firearms enthusiasts that I doubt would go on record as making a false claim.

This was a post from a guy on an long range forum where he supposedly just left the Dr. office.

Entire thread is here if you are interested.


""Sitting in the doctors office and just finished filling out some forms, the question was indeed on there""


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This particular situation may be false but this is actually a question being asked for anyone covered by medicare. There are a number of confirmed reports by firearms enthusiasts that I doubt would go on record as making a false claim.

This was a post from a guy on an long range forum where he supposedly just left the Dr. office.

Entire thread is here if you are interested.


""Sitting in the doctors office and just finished filling out some forms, the question was indeed on there""


I'm not denying that it could be on there, but I find it fishy the form that was copied... Is that from you or the guy on the forum? Not sure where firearms is a "habit" as the others listed are considered.

I also think that it is a legit question to be asked by any medical person if they are possibly going to be servicing your needs in your home. No different than a school not allowing handguns or weapons by visitors... The medical professionals have the right to know the environment they are entering...

Just my $.02...

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I'm not denying that it could be on there, but I find it fishy the form that was copied... Is that from you or the guy on the forum? Not sure where firearms is a "habit" as the others listed are considered.

I also think that it is a legit question to be asked by any medical person if they are possibly going to be servicing your needs in your home. No different than a school not allowing handguns or weapons by visitors... The medical professionals have the right to know the environment they are entering...

Just my $.02...

Supposedly the question is being asked by medicaid with the justification of being exposed to harmful substances like lead poisoning that are detrimental to your health just like tobacco, fatty foods, etc.

Form copied? Thats a cell phone pic of the form.

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This particular situation may be false but this is actually a question being asked for anyone covered by medicare. There are a number of confirmed reports by firearms enthusiasts that I doubt would go on record as making a false claim.

This was a post from a guy on an long range forum where he supposedly just left the Dr. office.

Entire thread is here if you are interested.


""Sitting in the doctors office and just finished filling out some forms, the question was indeed on there""


Why don't they ask how many times you Fap?:confused:
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I'm not sure if this is legit...Passing it on. I've never been asked?

I had a doctors appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out something very interesting that I would like to pass along. While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions: 1. Did I feel stressed? 2. Did I feel threatened? 3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone? The nurse then informed me, that if I had answered yes to any of the questions, I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to Homeland Security. Looks like they are going after the vets first. Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have?

Be forewarned and be aware. The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner, veteran or not, YOU"VE BEEN WARNED ! If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very cautious about what you say and to whom.

I have heard this many times as well. I ALWAYS take my word usage and answers into high consideration when I have appts at the VA Hospital also. I know they would try and take any firearms I may or may not have if I answered those three potentially disarming questions improperly.

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I can't speak to anything re: medicare or a VA hospital, but one of the questions on the "medical history" form at a sleep disorders doctor I started going to several months ago included a question asking whether I had firearms in my house. I'll try to remember to get a copy of the form the next time I'm there.

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There was no murder before guns. In fact, I think if you look at history people were loving flower children of the earth before they came along and ruined people with evil intent.

I prefer trying to understand and sympathize with people who want to hurt me. A hug goes a long way towards solving problems.

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There was no murder before guns. In fact, I think if you look at history people were loving flower children of the earth before they came along and ruined people with evil intent.

I prefer trying to understand and sympathize with people who want to hurt me. A hug goes a long way towards solving problems.

Unless your problem is you are about to be raped and then a hug could be considered mixed signals

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Don't we all buy and sell privately and from stores based upon changing needs? NICS records (if kept) are no more proof I own a gun than a driver's license is proof I own a car.

Good point. The answer should always be no, blank, or hide a few private purchases.

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I got asked those questions when I had an electric hedge trimmer accident last year... If I was going to kill myself I don't think I am going to do it cutting the damn bushes!

I LOL'ed!!! :D

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All my firearms were lost in a tragic boating accident. We keep knives, scissors, matches, hammers, and medications locked up with 2 locks so both my wife and I must be present with our separate key to access these items. We also keep a log of the items. All persons wishing to use s knife must be wearing a full body chain suit and we chain the knife to the work surface on a short chain.

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