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Yet Another Top 10 Motorcycle Roads Article


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Dont see Ohio any where, Dont we have good roads ?

Most of our roads suck. Hard. At least by comparison of some of the great roads. Hell, most any mountain road in WV puts the best Ohio road to absolute shame.

However, nominating anything in Florida puts the judgment of that article into serious question.

Ride the 2200 turns of the Devil's Highway in SE Arizona, and tell me that the Key West snooze-fest is worth talking about.

Even putting PCH in first is debatable. Parts are awesome...and some parts are a parking lot.

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You guys have not seen much of our roads then obviously.

There aren't too many roads I haven't been on in Ohio, unless by "ours" you mean you have your own.

Even the best roads here are a pimple on the ass of 50 through the Monongahela, or 219, or 311, or 16 through Hawk's Nest....unless you think sweepers and the occasional blip of twisties is awesome.

The only way you can qualify Ohio roads as great, is if you compare them to other roads in Ohio...or Iowa, or northern Indiana.

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We've never had any complaints so maybe you should come ride with us. There's always that hidden gem you didn't know about and the group you're with makes a difference. But you've been on them all so I'm prolly not telling you anything.

I'm not saying there aren't good roads in Ohio, but for the most part they're nothing great especially compared to other states. If there's a county road or state road in Eastern or Southern Ohio that's twisty I haven't been on, it would really surprise me. I've mapped and explored that area pretty heavily, and I'm not boasting I spent a couple years doing nothing but on a bike.

It's just an opinion, but the layout of the WV twisties is like a carnival ride - banked with clear vision. They invite you to wail on them.

Ohio roads are like a screwy drunk bitch. Might be fun, might take your wallet and give you herpes.

Might be a great twisty section, or it might be gravel in the turn, a tractor around the corner, or a decreasing radius-off-camber turd of a turn you haven't committed to memory yet.

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