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14 dead at dark knight premier

kawi kid

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I heard someone say that 100 round mags should be illegal because they hold more ammo than a civilian needs. So, if 100 rounds is more than a civilian needs, would the anti-gunners agree that a 30 round mag is OK?

everyone is a potential perp, do you want a potential perp to have virtually unlimited ammo, or do you want a shot when he/she goes to reload?

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The trouble with most of you candy asses is you have a conscience and are worried how you would feel if you had to kill someone. You can't think about it in the heat of the moment. If some scumbag threatens my life or the life of anyone around me I will drop the fucker end of story. I will aim for the forehead to end the threat. I will have no remorse. I will not feel sorry for his family. I will not lose a second of sleep.

i already hate most people anyways. if put in that situation, i wouldnt feel bad about anything that occured. when it comes down to them or me, im choosing myself.

If the shit hits the fan I want our resident midget standing next to me

^ this. having his little crazy ass in the battle would be like having 10 savages with tomahawks ready to scalp motherfuckers.

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everyone is a potential perp, do you want a potential perp to have virtually unlimited ammo, or do you want a shot when he/she goes to reload?

If everyone is a potential perp then they should all be banned from owning anything that could hurt anyone. No 100-round mags, no guns, no knives. We'll need a licensing process to own a pencil.

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^ this. having his little crazy ass in the battle would be like having 10 savages with tomahawks ready to scalp motherfuckers.

Thats why there's only 3 people left at work that like being my partner. I never wait for the other units when going on domestic and od calls. Pussies, I don't care anymore so we are called the Honeybadger unit. :lol:

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If everyone is a potential perp then they should all be banned from owning anything that could hurt anyone. No 100-round mags, no guns, no knives. We'll need a licensing process to own a pencil.

Ahhh the jolly ole brit in you is coming out

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If everyone is a potential perp then they should all be banned from owning anything that could hurt anyone. No 100-round mags, no guns, no knives. We'll need a licensing process to own a pencil.

welcome to my world.. but how do you manage in such an environment?

as for practicality, I'd rather someone have to put some thought or effort into killing me, guns require no forethought, no skill, and no effort to be deadly, they are a bubbling cauldron of potential energy in a direct, focused, and elegant package. The means to do irreparable harm in an instant.

Great idea, lets give everyone that kind of power, regardless of training, education, mental/emotional state...

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guns require no forethought, no skill, and no effort to be deadly

too broad of a statement as this has too many holes in it

no forethought? gotta take the time to get the money to buy one and figure out how to use it

no skill? from point blank range sure. spraying and praying in a large crowd of sitting ducks sure. picking out one person that could be on the move or you have to hit from a distance takes plenty of skill

no effort? i believe all those above are categorized as efforts

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no forethought? gotta take the time to get the money to buy one and figure out how to use it

Kids pick up guns all the time, they have no money, and figuring out how to use it can be done in the process of using it.

no skill? from point blank range sure. spraying and praying in a large crowd of sitting ducks sure. picking out one person that could be on the move or you have to hit from a distance takes plenty of skill
I'm talking point blank, or no aim at all, just happens to be pointing in the direction of someone's vital organs when you happen to be squeezing the trigger (again has happened to kids all the time)
no effort? i believe all those above are categorized as efforts
the force it takes to squeeze a trigger, effortless, as opposed to say picking up a large rock and bludgeoning someone, or the force it takes to squeeze someone's windpipe while they notice, and struggle to get you off of them...
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you said you want someone to take the thought and effort to kill you. I was merely using that sole example :)

If someone wants to kill you all those need accomplished. If a kid shoots you, its an accident. BIG difference if you ask me

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Kids pick up guns all the time, they have no money, and figuring out how to use it can be done in the process of using it.

I'm talking point blank, or no aim at all, just happens to be pointing in the direction of someone's vital organs when you happen to be squeezing the trigger (again has happened to kids all the time)

the force it takes to squeeze a trigger, effortless, as opposed to say picking up a large rock and bludgeoning someone, or the force it takes to squeeze someone's windpipe while they notice, and struggle to get you off of them...

Throwing elbows accurately takes much more skill.

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you said you want someone to take the thought and effort to kill you. I was merely using that sole example :)

If someone wants to kill you all those need accomplished. If a kid shoots you, its an accident. BIG difference if you ask me

so kids are the only ones who can just find a gun laying about?

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Several people have posted that even if armed they are not sure they could have taken a shot in the darkness, with gas swirling around, etc; or felt that their shots would be ineffective due to his body armor.

If you are going to carry, you owe it to yourself to carry a quality gun of a fighting caliber in a secure, quality holster. You need to be proficient in the use of that specific gun. If you can't make static head shots at 50 feet with zero misses you'd better not be packing. If you can't reload without looking at the weapon, reload under severe stress, and clear a malfunction without looking, you'd better not be packing. Carry reloads. Carry a small flashlight, even in the daylight... it's useful for all sorts of stuff but especially useful if you have to identify a threat in the dark or engage someone in the dark. Carry a secondary weapon; not necessarially a second gun, but a knife, OC, something to use as a weapon if there is a failure or loss of your gun.

I can't say what I would have done in that exact situation, but I can tell you I would have been carrying a Glock 26, 2 spare mags, a knife, and a flashlight; and I'm capable of making static headshots every time with the G26 at 75 feet. I like to think I'd have had the tools, training, and heart to get the job done and put that fucker down.

I get tired of contacting CCW guys who are carrying a piece of shit Diamondback in a E-bay $12 holster, no training, no rounds fired through the gun, no spare mags, no secondary weapons or light, shaky legal knowledge (as evidenced by the whole "trespass" discussion here); and who think they they are somehow prepared for a life-or-death confrontation with someone.

Every time I leave the house, be it for work or personal stuff, I mentally am gearing up to kill someone, or multiple someones, if I have to. I am secure in my equipment, my training, my legal knowledge, and I have plans in place for various contingencies - including briefing my wife and step-kids on what to do if we encounter extreme violence and I have to go hands on with someone. I don't think that mindset is prevalent enough among the CCW community. It needs to be.

I agree with this post with one exception. The need to make head shots at 50 feet is a good skill to have but NOT needed for effective self defense.

It would have been useful in the movie theater but that situation is so rare that it really doesn't count just as banning large capacity magazines will not affect such a rare occasion. I cannot make reliable head shots at 50 feet with a sub compact pistol but very few threats need shooting at that distance. I have back up weapons and carry spares, get in my safety zone as a threat and expect to have an effective fight on your hands.

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I agree with this post with one exception. The need to make head shots at 50 feet is a good skill to have but NOT needed for effective self defense.

It would have been useful in the movie theater but that situation is so rare that it really doesn't count just as banning large capacity magazines will not affect such a rare occasion. I cannot make reliable head shots at 50 feet with a sub compact pistol but very few threats need shooting at that distance. I have back up weapons and carry spares, get in my safety zone as a threat and expect to have an effective fight on your hands.

Not if what I posted earlier is true, and so far there's no confirmation at all to counter it. Holmes was not wearing body armor, just a nylon tac. vest.

A torso shot would have been perfectly sufficient. His helmet wasn't rated for ballistic protection either, IIRC.

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No skill? No effort? Let me assure you, shooting someone in a dynamic life or death situation is fucking hard. Your vision narrows, your fine motor skills go to hell, and no one stands still like a cardboard target.

If you're drawing your weapon to defend yourself in a life or death situation, you are probably right... if you're just pissed off and incapable of controlling your anger, I bet it's really easy to point a gun at someone..

Or if you feel that you're entitled to someone else's property, I bet its easy to point a gun.

The fact that it's harder to use a gun as a "defensive weapon" (if you can call it that) doesn't make it any less deadly or easy to use for people who aren't using it for that.

I've chosen my preferred method of death, believe me, I'm exponentially more likely to die at the hands of an inconsiderate, daydreaming, or otherwise distracted motorist than by any other means.

I honestly care as much about gun control as I do about helmet laws...:dunno: whatever man, has no effect on me...but i'm not voting for it.

I'll say it again, I'm not proposing a ban on guns, whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, go for it.

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Not if what I posted earlier is true, and so far there's no confirmation at all to counter it. Holmes was not wearing body armor, just a nylon tac. vest.

A torso shot would have been perfectly sufficient. His helmet wasn't rated for ballistic protection either, IIRC.

I was making the point that very few self defense scenarios need 50 foot head shots and the ability to do so is not needed to have an effective self defense mind set. No one really knows yet what he was or wasn't wearing and I wouldn't be surprised if all reports up until now have been wrong. I was conceding the point that you could make a case for the need of such skills but very few self defense shooting need that ability. To make a point that if you don't possess the ability that you shouldn't be carrying is so far from the truth that it's not an idea others should look at as fact or give much credence to.

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I would definitely prefer that the people who choose to carry guns on their person regularly also be prudent enough to learn to be proficient with them. It speaks volumes about the maturity level, and dedication.

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