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14 dead at dark knight premier

kawi kid

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A 100 round mag is gonna jam like a motherfucker anyway. Let the dumbasses have them.
Actually no, the Beta 100 rnd drums function awesome. Cost more than others but you get what you pay for.
I don't believe I have ever seen a theater in my area that isn't a posted CPZ.

Dont care, I dont disarm.

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Dont care, I dont disarm.

this is my thought as well.

the only place i dont carry are places with a metal detector, and my job (i would if i had something small enough it didnt print)

funny thing is, the employee book says we may not bring weapons onto company property unless in compliance with local laws or something of that jazz....so i asked if i can carry at work, since i would be in compliance with the laws, and they told me no

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I agree with this post with one exception. The need to make head shots at 50 feet is a good skill to have but NOT needed for effective self defense.

It would have been useful in the movie theater but that situation is so rare that it really doesn't count just as banning large capacity magazines will not affect such a rare occasion. I cannot make reliable head shots at 50 feet with a sub compact pistol but very few threats need shooting at that distance. I have back up weapons and carry spares, get in my safety zone as a threat and expect to have an effective fight on your hands.

Just to clarify, since I think you may have misread, or maybe I misspoke; I don't feel that 50 foot headshots are the norm for self defense engagements, nor could I (doubtfully) make reliable 50 foot head shots under the extreme stress of a active shooting.

I do feel that if a guy can stand on the range and hit, every time, a head sized target at 50 feet he is going to be much more efficient at an up close and dynamic confrontation than a guy who can't hit the paper at 25 feet in a static range situation. Point being, your skills don't get better under stress.

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Its just really sad and messed up i really feel bad for all the family's , but i am sure Obama will use this to promote gun bands who knows Obama might have put the guy up to it about like the whole deal with shipping guns to mexico although that backfired but just trying to gain more support for gun bands any way they can

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Its just really sad and messed up i really feel bad for all the family's , but i am sure Obama will use this to promote gun bands who knows Obama might have put the guy up to it about like the whole deal with shipping guns to mexico although that backfired but just trying to gain more support for gun bands any way they can

so much fail :nono: take off the tinfoil hat, and turn off faux nuz for a day, you might get a little less paranoid...

gun bands? like "guns and roses" "machine gun kelly" "38 special"

Edited by magley64
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Kids pick up guns all the time, they have no money, and figuring out how to use it can be done in the process of using it.

I'm talking point blank, or no aim at all, just happens to be pointing in the direction of someone's vital organs when you happen to be squeezing the trigger (again has happened to kids all the time)

the force it takes to squeeze a trigger, effortless, as opposed to say picking up a large rock and bludgeoning someone, or the force it takes to squeeze someone's windpipe while they notice, and struggle to get you off of them...

and that is why guns exist, it makes brute force irrelevant and puts a little old level on equal ground with a badass that could throw some bows

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and that is why guns exist, it makes brute force irrelevant and puts a little old level on equal ground with a badass that could throw some bows

I understand, but it's a double edged sword... cause now some little punk dipshit with a inferiority complex has the power to kill whoever bruises his ego.

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Probably not posted on the rear exit door. But he did ignore the 'Exit only, do not enter sign'. Guess those don't work either. :rolleyes:

He bought a ticket and walked sat down with the rest of the crowd - then went out the back door to arm himself and came back in.

He saw the sticker, but probably was too focused on murdering everyone to contemplate the severe wrist-slapping he would receive for carrying a gun into a theater.

Maybe we need laws banning Heat Miser hair? If we keep throwing enough laws out there, liberals will feel safe.

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I understand, but it's a double edged sword... cause now some little punk dipshit with a inferiority complex has the power to kill whoever bruises his ego.

only when establishments and laws remove the ability of people to protect themselves.

I think the consensus is that he was after the "glory" of a mass murder. It makes sense to do it where there is the least probability that someone will fight back with equal force.

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only when establishments and laws remove the ability of people to protect themselves.

How are you going to protect yourself if someone shoots you in the back from 30 ft?

Its the same availability of guns to the general public that puts guns in the hands of people who would do harm to you. Most people don't have the tools or ability to make a reliable gun, or reliable, functioning bullets for that matter. (I realize there are several people who do reloads, but assembling is not the same as manufacturing)

I realize that many of you disagree, and that's fine. I find myself of 2 minds on the subject.

Perhaps we should dedicate ourselves to developing technology that would render guns virtually useless (thinner, more effective body armor for example)

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Magz' date=' you're wrong. Look at Mexico, for just one example. Some of the most strict gun control laws on this continent and people are being shot to death all the time. Prohibition will not fix the problem. It will just give those that desire to do evil that much more resolve.[/quote']

obviously that's an enforcement problem... like Chicago and New York.. it's not like they can just stop everyone at the border of those cities and search them for guns. They buy the guns somewhere else (somewhere they are perfectly legal to buy and sell, and readily available), and bring them along.

let me ask you this..

Why are armored tank rampages exceedingly rare? cause they are really difficult to get your hands on.

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How are you going to protect yourself if someone shoots you in the back from 30 ft?

Its the same availability of guns to the general public that puts guns in the hands of people who would do harm to you. Most people don't have the tools or ability to make a reliable gun, or reliable, functioning bullets for that matter. (I realize there are several people who do reloads, but assembling is not the same as manufacturing)

I realize that many of you disagree, and that's fine. I find myself of 2 minds on the subject.

Perhaps we should dedicate ourselves to developing technology that would render guns virtually useless (thinner, more effective body armor for example)

this makes no sense. there are still gun crimes in places where guns are outlawed. if criminals want guns, they WILL get them.

you cant go into a store and buy crack, but you sure can find it on every street corner. that shit was imported from somewhere, or at least the coke was.

banning something from law abiding citizens doesnt keep it away from criminals....idk why you dont understand that

criminals will have guns, no matter what. so why should law abiding citizens not be allowed to protect themselves with equal force?

this isnt a case of some punk kid who lost his temper and opened fire. this asshole was planning this attack for over 4 months...he had plenty of time to acquire illegal guns if there was a gun ban. he also had an apartment full of home made explosives he could have used against the crowd if he was unable to find guns.

either you really are just a fucking moron, or you are the best troll ive ever come across. ever.

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Why are armored tank rampages exceedingly rare? cause they are really difficult to get your hands on.

banning guns doesnt make them "difficult to get your hands on", it just makes it illegal to do so

do you know how fucking huge the illegal arms market is???

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