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Found a second use for a motorcycle jacket


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I actually watched a documentary on this last night on Netflix. It was very biased and pro pit bull but based on my experience alone with pit bulls I have run into only aggressive ones. My sister in law has a pit and it can be the sweetest dog ever but it WILL attack other dogs if it gets jealous. It has a lot of scars on it from fighting. I think it is an owner issue though because she just lets it run around and doesn't socialize it enough with other dogs.

I have run into two loose pits in my neighborhood. One was a male that was not neutered and it was very large. I happened to be walking my ex's Chow at the time that was in heat. The pit charged at me but stopped as soon as it sniffed the Chow. Then it was just following us. So I had to knock on the owners door to get them to take their dog back. Was pretty scary for a moment. If that was a kid walking around the neighborhood it could have ended ugly.

The other Pit I ran into in the neighborhood was circling me and growling as I was jogging. I walked up to the owners door and asked her if she could take her dog in because it was being aggressive and making me nervous. And she said "no he's fine".

But... this is my opinion. I'm sure there are many great pits out there and we cannot classify an entire breed by a handful of dogs. I just will not be owning one any time soon.

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I got growled at regularly by a dog that lives a couple doors down from me whenever I went jogging down the street. I took to carrying OC in case it did more than growl.

One day as I was jogging home it ran across the street and charged at me, barking/growling/snapping but didn't get closer than 5 feet. I had my OC out ready to go and was retreating as it approached further. As this was going on the dog warden was driving down the street and watched this all unfold. He pulled over, got the dog and went to speak with the owner.

They were allowed to keep the dog, but I've never seen it out again since.

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What I'd like to know is if Ohio did away with the stupid vicious breed law then how can State Farm tell me they won't insure me because I have an american bulldog(actually the lady said any bulldog I said so my 18lb French bulldog would disqualify me too and she said yes any bulldog)?

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sBoth my grandparents had pits as family pets. They were great dogs. Never heard that they ever turned on anyone. Back in the 70's and 80's I had some friends that had pits. Both were far different life styles, one a family, my buddy being a Leo. The other was a biker, worked for the railroad, smoked and partied. Either dog loved me, I could walk in anytime unannounced and they would lick me to death.

Both ended up flipping and becoming dangerously aggressive. Much like St Bernards the pitbull breed has been bred and inbred by people seeking to make their dog a certain way, to promote certain tendencies in them for either selling or personal satisfaction. Invariably it ruined the breed. Sure there are a scattering of good dogs here and there, but for the most part, the breeds I mentioned have been detrimentally affected and considering how dangerous a pitbull attack can be a reasonable person can understand the public outcry. Blame whomever, if you or your child is attacked by one you will think differently. Add to this the fact that so many pitbull owners do not keep their dogs confined or under control it makes for one dangerous situation.

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What I'd like to know is if Ohio did away with the stupid vicious breed law then how can State Farm tell me they won't insure me because I have an american bulldog(actually the lady said any bulldog I said so my 18lb French bulldog would disqualify me too and she said yes any bulldog)?

We have a mutt that we think is rott-mastiff-lab. He's marked like a rott, shaped like a mastiff (barrel chest, long legs) but has the size and temperament of a lab (85lbs, soft mouth, big sissy). We had a hell of a time getting homeowners insurance because he looks like a rott mix, and they are "dangerous breeds". This is the sweetest, least aggressive dog you'd ever meet. I could post videos of him letting our prematurely-weaned calico kitten 'nurse' from him. He's afraid of geese. The cats boss him around.

Eventually we had a local am-fam agent come over and spend ten minutes or so with tyton and he decided that our dog was a lab mix, not a rott mix.

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