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Found a second use for a motorcycle jacket


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Statistically, dachshunds are the breed most likely to bite, followed by chihuahua and jack Russell terriers.

Larger breeds are just more likely to cause enough damage that people decide to report it. That skews the prejudice quite a bit.

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Even great owners can't counter bad genetics, health or mental problems that can make a dog attack. Some dogs are dangerous. Some breeds moreso than others.

I don't care if you have the most aggressive or least aggressive dog in the world, just keep it under control (fenced, leashed, muzzled, whatever) and its not an issue.

I trust my dogs not to hurt people, but I'm still extremely cautious and make sure they don't have a chance to screw up.

The neighbor kids complain about my friends pug puppy biting their hands. Obviously that would be a different issue with our beagle or our Rottweiler. I trust the rott 100% with them. The beagle, 85%. They're still always supervised.

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meanest dog i ever met was an inbred white lab....awesome dog, very sweet and loving towards me when i was little, but as we both got older, all the sudden he got very mean.....he was nice to his owner, but tried to attack anybody else that he saw....im pretty sure his aggression got to the point that the owner had to put him down....he was also HUGE...pure bred white lab, but he was the size of a bull mastiff.....something in his genetics was very fucked up....he bred with the owners german shepherd, and we were going to adopt one of the pups, but decided against it due to how crazy the dad got as it got older....bad genetics are real, a good owner doesnt always equal a good dog....i definitely see both sides of this argument

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neighbor was walking toward me with his pitbull.
after talking with the owner the dog is a pit/chow mix.
skews the prejudice quite a bit.

Proof that identification from witnesses is unreliable and that the statistics are meaningless. We started out with a pit bull and ended up with a mutt in this case. The owner of the dog is most likely wrong about what mix he has to further the confusion.

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Bad breeding does make weird dogs. Dalmatians have a reputation for being inbred and fucked up.

Obviously not ALL of them are, but any poorly bred pure-bred dog is at risk. That's why mutts are great dogs.

pits are the same way. a guy I work with had one and it was so mean he had to put it down before it was a year old.

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My point was the assumption that it is bad owners that make bad dogs while that is most certainly one of the ways to end up with a bad dog it isn't the only one. Genetics from poor breeding lead to poor dogs regardless of good or bad owners with or without proper training. Bad dogs can be managed but they are not usually stable social dogs.

You are making a generalization that doesn't include all of us.

Even dogs used for fighting were kept as ideal family pets.

Don’t these two quotes cancel each other out?

Using the C.D.C. numbers or any other numbers for bite statistics is unreliable because identifying a pit bull is very unreliable. Believing in bad statistics and using then in a debate leads to poor conclusions. Does it matter the actual volume of dogs when using statistics or just the numbers? Putting pit bulls and rottweilers into the same category is proof that people don’t understand the subject matter.

I am flabbergasted by your ignorance pertaining to my post. Let me break it down for you since apparently you dont get the jist. I quoted reliable sources for both sides of the arguement (as I pointed out in my last statement "Cliffs: There is factual arguments for both sides,") to show there is no right or wrong answer to this but comes down to poor management of the dog and other external factors. Also it seems you are trying to discredit valid resources I quoted but you failed to present your case with sources/research/studies, didn't you learn anything in school? Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, Sir. And yes I am making a generalization but you once again proved me right by showing your opinion in your last statement and not backing it up.

Edited by Big Chief201
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I am flabbergasted by your ignorance pertaining to my post. Let me break it down for you since apparently you dont get the jist. I quoted reliable sources for both sides of the arguement (as I pointed out in my last statement "Cliffs: There is factual arguments for both sides,") to show there is no right or wrong answer to this but comes down to poor management of the dog . Also you are trying to discredit valid resources I quoted but you failed to present your case with sources/research/studies, didn't you learn anything in school? Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, Sir. And yes I am making a generalization but you once again proved me right by showing your opinion in your last statement and not backing it up.

I was flabbergasted by the ignorance of your post and had a hard time trying to piece it together into something coherent that would follow any logic or conclusion. The conflicting statements started my doubt that you were driving at a point with any thought process other than to hear yourself speak. Then you use poor information to further your points that has been disproven when looked at by people who actually have knowledge of the subject. There are no hard numbers to draw any conclusions from because they all lack factual information. Linking to opposing conclusions drawn from bad numbers proves nothing other than that there are two different opinions which was something you stated that you were trying to remove from the discussion. Showing your lack of knowledge of the subject matter even more you bring in another breed of dog into the discussion that shares no common traits with the breed at hand other than the fact that they are both dogs just like any other breed you could have included.

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Proof that identification from witnesses is unreliable and that the statistics are meaningless. We started out with a pit bull and ended up with a mutt in this case. The owner of the dog is most likely wrong about what mix he has to further the confusion.

you know how many people tell me I have a nice looking boxer? a lot. about 80% of the people I talk to think she's a boxer.


this is a boxer clearly a big difference seeing them side by side. but as you can see to the average joe how easy they can be confused


Edited by serpentracer
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half the people i encounter think my dog is a "rockwilder."

I assume he's Rottweiler/Lab, but until we get a DNA test, there's really no way to know. And even then, I don't think the DNA test gives you proportions; it just tells you "your dog is a mix of lab, rottweiler, poodle, and shepherd." Nevermind that he's probably 70% of one breed.

I really don't care what breed a dog is. If it's biting people, the owner is failing to control it. THAT is the issue.

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I was flabbergasted by the ignorance of your post and had a hard time trying to piece it together into something coherent that would follow any logic or conclusion. The conflicting statements started my doubt that you were driving at a point with any thought process other than to hear yourself speak. Then you use poor information to further your points that has been disproven when looked at by people who actually have knowledge of the subject. There are no hard numbers to draw any conclusions from because they all lack factual information. Linking to opposing conclusions drawn from bad numbers proves nothing other than that there are two different opinions which was something you stated that you were trying to remove from the discussion. Showing your lack of knowledge of the subject matter even more you bring in another breed of dog into the discussion that shares no common traits with the breed at hand other than the fact that they are both dogs just like any other breed you could have included.

Mr. Puck, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


P.S. At least I sited sources in my ramblings of just wanting to hear myself speak, you on the other hand are just strenghtening my position that you have no clue what you are talking about by not providing evidence on your position.

Edited by Big Chief201
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You never always know what makes a dog bite, but I agree that owners can't be blamed in most instances. Smaller breeds bite more often, but the big breeds are the ones that get all the press "tends to be more damage and or possibility of death too". I have to agree about the Chow breed having issues, I have yet to be around 1 that I trust. My experience with Pitbulls has been nothing but positive, same goes for Dobermans and German Sheperds. There are crazy fucked up unpredictable people, how are dogs any different?

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Mr. Puck, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


P.S. At least I sited sources in my ramblings of just wanting to hear myself speak, you on the other hand are just strenghtening my position that you have no clue what you are talking about by not providing evidence on your position.

I understand that it's easy to confuse a weak mind; I'm starting to have my doubts about anyone’s ability to be much dumber than you.

There is nothing wrong with lacking knowledge about a subject; everyone has a deficiency in at least a few subjects. Where your failure lies in is a delusion of having knowledge that doesn't exist. Knowing how your stated "information" of other people’s opinions are formed by flawed information, how the information is reported and the history of the changes in that reporting over time only proves the depths of your ignorance. This is compounded by your need to spew it out as fact by some weird compulsion to show you have something to add.

I wouldn't expect a mental midget like you to have the ability to glean the correct information let alone retain it. This is why you feel the need to put out others opinions as information because you have no knowledge base to draw from. You might have been okay with using others opinions to make a point until you decided to muddy the water with information that wasn't relevant to the subject matter. It's hard to take someone’s ramblings serious when they start to throw more information into the conversation that doesn't apply. I guess "baffle them with bullshit" applies in your circles but around here it doesn't fly. What’s really glairing about your inability to speak on the subject is that you don’t have a clue about why you are so wrong, it’s sad. I’m certain that taking the time to educate you would be a waste of everyone’s time and unlike you I’m not compelled to bring in information that adds no value to the conversation. While this conversation between us doesn’t add value to what was being discussed at least I’ve made an attempt to keep erroneous information from poisoning the landscape. Beating down a blow hard is a bonus.

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My lack of knowledge on the subject really shows by the fact I was able to add value to the subject by siting research studies and report from valid sources and you still have yet to even post anything remotely factual to back up your position. Now if you would like to call my sources and fact erroneous as you did please find a research study or expert source that will attest to your ramblings and I will digress. Until then try and add some real helpful information not just going after people who show intelligence. Beating me down? Let be realistic here you have done nothing besides type incoherent ramblings trying to attack me while not representing your side one bit. If this was a debate you would have already lost on your lack of credibility. You don't know me I don't know you so I wouldnt try cheap jabs to "win", besides this is the Internet there tough guy.

Edited by Big Chief201
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It's kinda hard to effectively get your elbow to the opposing forearm...

That said, I'm never letting another dog bite me and live. That bitch is latched onto your arm already, and you got armor on? Hard kick to the stomach, and slam it into the pavement head first..hard punches to the throat... dead dog = no more dog bites.

Edited by magley64
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It's kinda hard to effectively get your elbow to the opposing forearm...

That said, I'm never letting another dog bite me and live. That bitch is latched onto your arm already, and you got armor on? Hard kick to the stomach, and slam it into the pavement head first..hard punches to the throat... dead dog = no more dog bites.


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My lack of knowledge on the subject really shows by the fact I was able to add value to the subject by siting research studies and report from valid sources and you still have yet to even post anything remotely factual to back up your position. Now if you would like to call my sources and fact erroneous as you did please find a research study or expert source that will attest to your ramblings and I will digress. Until then try and add some real helpful information not just going after people who show intelligence. Beating me down? Let be realistic here you have done nothing besides type incoherent ramblings trying to attack me while not representing your side one bit. If this was a debate you would have already lost on your lack of credibility. You don't know me I don't know you so I wouldnt try cheap jabs to "win", besides this is the Internet there tough guy.

Your ignorance and lack comprehension skills are monumental. The delusion you have of finding and citing valid sources is laughable and proof of your lack of knowledge. You lose the credibility argument when you try to inject others conclusions based on failed numbers. I could cite and point to so many resources it would fill the day with reading only for you to retort with just as many resources with opposing views. All we would accomplish is to prove my point that all the so called facts are manipulations of poorly compiled numbers put together in a way to advance a foregone conclusion based on the "opinion" of the person that is omitting or including erroneous information. Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Having studied, watched and participated in court cases involving the same bullshit creditable information I have seen the judgments go both ways based on a prejudice of the people making the decisions. There is no science to the way these resources are compiled because the hard numbers used to generate them in the first place are not creditable.

I don't know everything about this subject but I have amassed a great deal of knowledge about this subject over the last thirty years and do know the people who know more than I about it. Based on your stupidity of the subject I'm certain I don't know you therefore can confidently state that you have no chance of having a greater grasp of this subject matter. If you would like to put out more information about history or origins I will gladly interject and guide you when you go astray or by giving incomplete information as proved in the past. I will even try to keep you on track when you wish to bring up other breeds to keep you from going off on some tangent like a child rambling to fill space because they don't have a clue about what they are saying.

Cheap shots were only retorted, had you decided to reply with some sort of intelligent discourse it could have been avoided. I understand why you needed to take it there because you lacked any knowledge to form a creditable reply and who am I to not have some fun fucking with the retard on the internet.

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It's kinda hard to effectively get your elbow to the opposing forearm...

That said, I'm never letting another dog bite me and live. That bitch is latched onto your arm already, and you got armor on? Hard kick to the stomach, and slam it into the pavement head first..hard punches to the throat... dead dog = no more dog bites.

Why Mr. Magley, I do declare... :lol:

There are no biting dogs in your neck of the woods though, right? Lassie, Snoopy, Ruff, Eddie, Freeway, Buck, Tiger, Flash...

+rep :bow:

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