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Smoking while riding


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You're contradicting yourself. If you would have had to slow down to move right when getting behind granny, that tells me your going faster than granny. In which case, you are using the left lane as intended. Kudos. Pass her and then get out of the passing lane. I don't care if you pass her at 1 or 20 mph faster than she is going. Your good. But if you're not passing, you're squatting!

I don't care if you're going 70, or a BUCK 70 in the left lane. If you're not passing anyone, GTFO! Someone coming up behind you that is going faster than you? Pay attention! Are you going slower than the lane on your right? GTFO! Is the lane on your right empty? GTFO! And if you ARE actually passing someone, kudos again. Now do your passing, and GTFO! Really not rocket science. Common sense and the correct way to drive! Just think "Autobahn"

Nobama 2012

Disagree. If I'm going 170 I'm not bouncing between lanes to please you. At those speeds, constant lane changes are very risky and unnecessary if there's any other cars out. Have you ever been that fast?

Edited by Steve Butters
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Disagree. If I'm going 170 I'm not bouncing between lanes to please you. At those speeds, constant lane changes are very risky and unnecessary if there's any other cars out. Have you ever been that fast?

No, I haven't ever been that fast. Close, on the bike, but only when it's open, no other Traffic, and I won't be doing any lane changes. It was an example. Chances are if you're doing 170, there will be no one behind you to please.

Nobama 2012

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Doesn't Ohio law state that slower traffic must use right lanes? I know I've seen a few random signs along the Interstate. I've also seen a yellow sportbike around Troy/TippCity with a huge mirror image of "slower traffic -->" on his windscreen so when he approaches a slowbie in the left lane, holding up traffic, that they see why he's giving them the old "you're number one" hand signal


Like this. I have one on my car. But honestly it doesn't do a lot of good. I don't think it gets noticed much because it came in a gray color.

And yes, that is a law in some areas. I've see the signs too. But it never gets enforced.

Nobama 2012

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As far as not breaking any laws by squatting... It actually IS illegal in certain parts. Just not enforced unfortunately.

Nobama 2012

Highway patrol pulled me over once for squatting in the hammer lane on I-75. Just so happens i was skipping school so when he got behind me i set the cruise at 65mph. About two miles later the lights came on. After the usual questions he asked if i knew why he had pulled me over. He told me there was a line of traffic behind us and that none of them were going to dare pass him on the right. So basically he told me to GTFO of the left lane unless i was passing. I didnt get a ticket or know if it is even a traffic offense but i was definately holding up the flow of traffic. Ever since i hold fast to the left lane is for passing only.

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If I'm doing 75 and someone comes up on me while I'm passing someone I will speed up get around the person and get outta the lane to allow the person behind me to go faster . Left lane is for passing only on any road with a speed limit of 55mph or higher.

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Highway patrol pulled me over once for squatting in the hammer lane on I-75. Just so happens i was skipping school so when he got behind me i set the cruise at 65mph. About two miles later the lights came on. After the usual questions he asked if i knew why he had pulled me over. He told me there was a line of traffic behind us and that none of them were going to dare pass him on the right. So basically he told me to GTFO of the left lane unless i was passing. I didnt get a ticket or know if it is even a traffic offense but i was definately holding up the flow of traffic. Ever since i hold fast to the left lane is for passing only.


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I couldn't imagine how a cigarette would last long enough to be worth it at much speed. My friends and I would occationally pull out a cigar while snowboarding, and if it were left out in the wind on your way down the slope, it would be completely burned away by the bottom of the run. I would think a cigarette on a motorcycle traveling at anything over 30 would burn away before you got the thing to your mouth!

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I would think a cigarette on a motorcycle traveling at anything over 30 would burn away before you got the thing to your mouth!

Many of those bikes have windshields big enough to draft a 747 behind, not much wind at all.

dad always smoked on his 750 with the big windjammer on it.

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I've seen people talking on a cell phone will riding.

Many of the large bikes have cruise control, and if the windshield blocks

enough of the wind, ehhh, guess it could be done, of course you'd probably

lose the cell phone if you had to do anything quickly lol.

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