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Looks like winter storms this year


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I despise the snow unless I have absolutely no reason to leave the house, then it's a nostalgic reminder of when I was a kid and loved playing in it. Now I just bitch about every shovel full on my way to garage.

My 4by does great in it, but it sucks mopping up the garage when it melts all over the place

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My favorite thing too is laughing at people who can't drive in snow. I've driven FWD, RWD and 4WD in all kinds of snow and never had an issue adjusting knowing how to drive. Then again I'm a superior driver to most ;)

I laugh when I can, but usually I'm surrounded by hundreds of morons white-knuckling their car at 5mph on 90. You know the ones, they usually drive with their hazards flashing thinking that's doing some sort of good.

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