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Your Right to Resell Goods Is in Jeopardy


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The court will decide whether people must obtain manufacturer approval to resell items made outside of the USA
An appellate court recently ruled in favor of a company who sued a student for buying its books in Thailand and then reselling them on eBay to American students. The student, Supap Kirtsaeng, made upwards of $1.2 million, the report says. The books were cheaper to buy in Thailand than in America.

The company, John Wiley & Sons, argued Kirtsaeng infringed on its copyrighted material, and the court agreed.

But Kirtsaeng's lawyers argued their client was protected under something called the first-sale doctrine, which the US Supreme Court has said gives Americans the right to resell goods.

But the high court will now revisit the issue, and if it upholds the lower court's decision, it could mean people would have to get manufacturer permission to resell goods produced overseas.

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That article is very poorly researched & written. If they were selling bootleg books that the copyright holder wasn't being compensated for then yes they shouldn't be allowed to sell them just like any stolen idea or intellectual property. It sounds like the court has this right and the people that are upset about it are being led to a conclusion that is wrong by a misleading article. But who knows the article doesn't go into enough detail.

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