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Rescheduling Trick or Treating....your thoughts


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So cities around here are starting to make the executive decision to cancel trick or treating on Halloween and do it this upcoming weekend

This for some reason really pisses off for several reasons. Mainly because I think this is just another factor in the pussification of America. When I was a kid, a little weather never stopped us nor was I ever told by anyone other than my parents I couldn't trick or treat because of silly weather. What say the rest of you OR peoples?

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I have a problem with being told what to do by people I feel have no business making that decision for me. I don't know but I get fired up about the weirdest principles which is why I figured I'd ask and see what other people thought.

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I'm not pissed off about it, but I'm kind of with Brian on this one... I remember going out in freezing rain and/or snow some years.

At the time, I was young enough that my dad was still walking with us. I remember because at one point he started throwing snowballs at my friends and me. (he was on the sidewalk, and we were walking across the yard to the next house)

But my point is that we were young enough that we required parent supervision, and we were out in cold and wet conditions without anyone feeling the need to cancel and protect us from ourselves.

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Not rescheduling in our town and Im glad. We usually get over 300 mostly rude kids, teens and some adults in about an hour. Its chaos.

The weather should thin it out quite a bit.

Teenagers only get candy at my house if they're in costume. Adults get 10 seconds to get out of the range of my garden hose. I have a sign posted in our front window that says as much.

I've never actually used the hose on anyone, but I have turned away teenagers who aren't in costume, or those who have tried to come back multiple times. I'm sure my house will be targeted for some sort of prank eventually, but it hasn't been an issue yet.

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The pussification of America comes from guys that have uber calorie laden cookouts every Sunday and spend the week in an office without any other moderate or intense physical activity.

Not so much from kids whose parents are the ones that typically have to shuttle their little asses around, punishing them with this weather for a meager sum of candy.

Just my humble opinion.

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The pussification of America comes from guys that have uber calorie laden cookouts every Sunday and spend the week in an office without any other moderate or intense physical activity.

Not so much from kids whose parents are the ones that typically have to shuttle their little asses around, punishing them with this weather for a meager sum of candy.

Just my humble opinion.

:lol: what a dick

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The pussification of America comes from guys that have uber calorie laden cookouts every Sunday and spend the week in an office without any other moderate or intense physical activity.

Not so much from kids whose parents are the ones that typically have to shuttle their little asses around, punishing them with this weather for a meager sum of candy.

Just my humble opinion.

I'd rather be fat than a bubble boy parent type :D

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Hey man. I didn't say anything about you... I'm just saying that different people have different ideas of what makes others' soft.

That and every time someone complains and points fingers at one thing... just remember that same group can point the finger right back in the complainers face. You know the saying, "Every time you point a finger at someone else, there are three pointing back at you"...

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I say make 'em tough it out, if the weather plays spoiler so be it. Shouldn't be treated any differently than any other city/town function meaning the show must go on. We had to trodge through rain, and snow a time or 2 when I was a kid, no big deal. I say suck it up, dress for it, and go earn that chocolate

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Hey man. I didn't say anything about you... I'm just saying that different people have different ideas of what makes others' soft.

That and every time someone complains and points fingers at one thing... just remember that same group can point the finger right back in the complainers face. You know the saying, "Every time you point a finger at someone else, there are three pointing back at you"...

Bullshit it was a pot shot and we both know it. I mean I don't really mind it because I know you and how you are so I'd expect nothin less than some devils advocate

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I will start to give out candy again when they start celebrating Halloween around here. I don't find beggars night on any calendar I have looked at so therefor I shall not indulge the idiots that can't call it what it is.

Oh, and I have done it in the rain, sleet, and snow. If you can't drag yourself out of the house for free candy even if the weather is bad. What in your life will get your lazy butt off the sofa.

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I may not take my kids out tomorrow if its too cold :dunno:

that's your decision as their father to make, but i'd ask them if they want to go, and bundle 'em up if they do. they're only kids once - they won't die from a little cold and rain.

if Jr. wants to go out tomorrow night, he can, otherwise he's going to help man the door - which means he'll be tired of that in 5 minutes and hit the begging trail.

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My son is 3 so if the weather is crappy we will hit a few houses in the neighborhood and call it a night. How much candy do I........O wait, does he really need.:D

He's been wearing his spiderman costume more than his regular clothes lately anyway.

When i was young enough to trick or treat i lived in Texas and dont remember the weather ever being bad on begger's night. I also remember you could go door to door with people passing out candy. Now it seems you will be lucky to get a few houses on one street.

Im not to big on Halloween. To me it just marks the last time i have to mow the grass.

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I too trick or treated in snow and rain at times. What's going on out there is a little beyond that. In our town it probably doesn't matter since they only give the kids two hours to hit houses. That's a component of the pussification of America. When I was a kid, we were out until 10, 11 at night whether we had school the next day or not. We'd come home and empty a full pillow case and go back out.

The pussification also falls on the curmudgeons who bitch about having to answer the door for a couple hours and keep up an American tradition. Share stories of how they braved the elements out of one side of their mouths, then bitch about having to reciprocate as an adult. It's one night. Let the kids have their fun.

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Ok first shouldent you be talking about motorcycles btw i can tell you dont have kids and if you do you prbably abusse theme

This has real potential. I love it when a user's second post is insulting to a long-standing member, and full of spelling errors.

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