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Go Bags, what to have in one


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I'm talking, zombie apocalypse where you need to get out quick and possibly defend yourself. Nothing like 3 gallons of water or anything, that would be a survival kit, this is just a go bag that is easy to grab with weapons, small food items etc.

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I'm still open to hosting if folks wanna come. The one we had there was only 2 of us.

I wanna go, but I don't want it to be just a camping trip. ... I mean, I'm always up for a camping trip, but if we're doing bug out practice, I want to hike 5 to 15 miles before camping. I want to practice the the things that I know I'm bad at. I can hike 15 miles, I can carry 40 lbs, I can start a fire.... idk how I am at catching food, I think it would be interesting to try to build a shelter instead of setting up a tent.

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You can move fast with a 75 # ruck - been there, done that for years in the military.

You can also live out of a poncho hooch for weeks (two ponchos, 550 cord is all that is needed), if necessary, in decent weather (never used one in the snow, though).

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I'm talking, zombie apocalypse where you need to get out quick and possibly defend yourself. Nothing like 3 gallons of water or anything, that would be a survival kit, this is just a go bag that is easy to grab with weapons, small food items etc.

off the top of my head:

beef jerkey & peanut butter - good calories, fats if you need them, salty to help with hydration stuff

bottle of water (1L) - you can survive on this for a few days if needed

extra set of clothes & shoes - in case you get wet, cold, smelly, can also be used for survival tools

knife - one that could be multifunctional... size large

contact case, solution, glasses - I'm blind as shit without them, the zombies will get me :(

extra hair bands - they have utility beyond keeping my hair off my neck while i'm hiking

but, let's be realistic, a go bag with no destination in mind doesn't make sense. If i'm just trying to grab stuff to get out of the city and think i'll be to safety within a day, all i need is my transportation.:cool:

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... If i'm just trying to grab stuff to get out of the city and think i'll be to safety within a day, all i need is my transportation.:cool:

As to that, anyone that doesn't have a minimum of a half tank of gas at all times need not apply for freedom from zombies.

This is normal in Florida near hurricane season. You might not be able to get fuel anywhere nearby.

edit: gosh, if I kept backup glasses in a bugout bag, I might actually be able to find them once in a while.

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I'm still open to hosting if folks wanna come. The one we had there was only 2 of us.

And one of them was a 11 y/o kid LOL! I have redone my bag a few times when I got better gear. I prefer to carry a water filter system as to carry lots of bottled water. Where I plan to head has plenty of moving water to filter even in summer. I have switched over to mostly dried foods as well due to weight savings. I did a 40 min walk with my old bag and about died due to it weight. It use to weigh almost 50#, with the changes I made it now weighs around 35#. Much better to try to hike with if you end up on foot.

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I like the hike 5 to 15 miles in before camping idea. Not from a, like to hike perspective but from a more realistic you're on your own perspective. We did a lot of fire only cooking in boy scouts and ate a lot off dirty eggs.

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I like the hike 5 to 15 miles in before camping idea. Not from a, like to hike perspective but from a more realistic you're on your own perspective. We did a lot of fire only cooking in boy scouts and ate a lot off dirty eggs.

I still like some of the stuff we cooked in boyscouts to this day.

Cut up some potatoes, carrots and chicken

Place in foil

Salt and pepper it

seal the foil and toss in the fire (or oven like I do now)

Forget what its called, wanna say its called a hobo dinner, but its a good, cheap and easy to make meal. Also, dutch oven apple pie is AMAZING but thats a bit harder to make lol.

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but, let's be realistic, a go bag with no destination in mind doesn't make sense. *If i'm just trying to grab stuff to get out of the city and think i'll be to safety within a day, all i need is my transportation.:cool:

Lets assume food is not part of this since I am sure if anything were to happen there will be some food to grab from the pantry for the immediate time being. I want this bag to be things that are not easy to find or to obtain in short amounts of time. Like this Pocket Ref Guide. This may not be useful immediately depending on the situation, but a month down the road when there is no power or internet, this may be extremely useful.

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Heck im good for food as long as i have my .22 in my bag with my small skinning knife.

This is a weak point for me. I'm a decent shot, but I would have to be close to starving if I'm going to personally kill and skin an animal. I don't like the thought of my dinner having been alive at some point.... I know its a little hypocritical, but what can i do :p

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This is a weak point for me. I'm a decent shot, but I would have to be close to starving if I'm going to personally kill and skin an animal. I don't like the thought of my dinner having been alive at some point.... I know its a little hypocritical, but what can i do :p

Fishing pole?

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