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wrecked bike


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No way I would ever air dirty laundry about family issues publicly, and I know there is always 2 sides to a story. Lost the teeny tiny little bit of credibility he was starting to gain with me, now it isn't coming back. Bad Dad or not, you never disrespect him like that "especially on a public forum". You have allot to learn boy.

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  scottb said:
I wish my dad was still around to knock the mirror off my bike...
  max power said:
Me too. I would let my dad drop my bike every day if he were still here, as long as he didn't get hurt.

Some of my best memories are taking slow rides with my dad.

No other shit matters when he is gone.

  Isaac said:
...and I would let my father light my motorcycle on fire and run it over with his lawn mower if it meant I could have him back. Even more unbelievable' date=' I would sell the Ducati and buy two Harley Davidsons so we could ride together. I never had the opportunity to ride with my dad. He died 3 months after he was diagnosed with cancer. You should realize how fortunate you are to be able to ride with your old man. Yes, taking your bike was a dick move, but he's only human. Try to not be such a cunt all the time.[/quote']

'nuf said here.

someday he'll be gone.

you'll wish he wasn't.

think how you'd feel if your kid(s) were acting like this toward you.

it's a g-d mirror, for f's sake.

it can be repaired, easily.

the relationship with your Pop, not so easily fixed - but it's something you both should strive for, before it's too late.

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  Pokey said:
If I were to store somebody's bike for free, you bet your ass it is getting ridden.

Key word stored aka put up aka not to be ridden aka a place for safe keeping... I would of gladly paid for storage else ware, which was my original intent... Doesn't matter now, he obviously chooses himself and others over his kid. So I get fucked over.

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If only you were a hot girl with all these daddy issues...

Srsly, I don't know the full story so I'm gonna refrain from any actual rants, but I hope you re-read some of the stuff you wrote.

Also, it's almost too good... Like you're tag team trolling.

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Here are some text screen shots from a while back.

Here I tell him don't do ANYTHING to the bike period


Here is me telling him NOT to touch the bike till it has a new kickstand(which it doesn't)


Here is him provoking me about him riding it knowing I told him no



Proof of him doing it just to be an asshole to me. No means no, I don't know how much clearer I could have been, I did tell him he can ride it next spring when he is with me, not out showing off like a spacon(misspelled? Its Italian for an idiot show off who likes to be flashy and impress people). He obviously shows no respect, I'm the asshole for being disrespected?

I payed cash for that shit btw desmo, ya I got bad credit(never had or wanted a credit card before my wife and now I regret ever touching one or having a wife that used it all the time) I can't really put anything new in my name so I asked my dad for his help, unfortunately. Doesn't matter, it's his shit and I just want my money back as it wasn't a gift, call it a loan I guess? I was dumb enough to pay for it and I was dumb enough to trust him to do the right thing and I was dumb enough to get fucked.

I'm out a bike and $5k apparently according to him, what kind of dad would do that to their kid? Tell me how I'm in the wrong for trusting someone that's supposed to be trusted? Dumb? Sure... Wrong? I'm missing something here...

Edited by Exarch
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Exarch, I understand and would be mad to a point and for just a short time.

Seems like there are bigger issues going on then just a mirror, maybe more issues than Dr. Phil can resolve.

I wish you well in your efforts to determine what is important in your life and how you react to events that happen to you.

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Insurance is $300/year, that's not an issue, I blow through that in a month on cigs and energy drinks alone. Money isn't an issue, we were gunna file, but I don't see that happening anymore, so just dumb judgment on my part. It don't even matter about the bike, I was pissed about that, but I'm more disappointed how he goes behind my back. Pretty much the final straw before I snapped, it's nice to know what's important to him.

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  Exarch said:
Insurance is $300/year, that's not an issue, I blow through that in a month on cigs and energy drinks alone. Money isn't an issue, we were gunna file, but I don't see that happening anymore, so just dumb judgment on my part. It don't even matter about the bike, I was pissed about that, but I'm more disappointed how he goes behind my back. Pretty much the final straw before I snapped, it's nice to know what's important to him.

Hmmm... Being the baller you are smoking and drinking $300 a month, how about becoming a bit better at managing your finances and buy a bike on your own and insure it on your own?

You get on here and bitch about your dad and since there are two sides to every story, I am willing to bet the bike being in your dad's name and the registration in your name also means it is HIS bike and not YOUR bike. Correct us if I am wrong.

But, if you drink and smoke $300 a month and have that bike, you sure as shit could have made the monthly payments and got it registered in your name.

Something isn't adding up here and maybe you have some sort of mental issues where you need attention or something. Dunno. But, it sure as hell sounds like it. You claim to own this bike, but it is at Daddy's house, in Daddy's name and registered to Daddy which probably means Daddy is paying insurance since you can't insure a bike you don't own.

How we doing so far? Daddy's bike and Daddy wants to ball it up and ride it or rub his wiener on it? His bike. He can do what he wants with it. Maybe the son is thinking he gets a free pass and all these things paid for and free storage and doesn't owe Daddy shit? If I were your Dad, I'd wheelie that thing in front of your house and float the valves with the throttle wide open playing Kid Rock on my boom box.

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  Pokey said:
No way I would ever air dirty laundry about family issues publicly, and I know there is always 2 sides to a story. Lost the teeny tiny little bit of credibility he was starting to gain with me, now it isn't coming back. Bad Dad or not, you never disrespect him like that "especially on a public forum". You have allot to learn boy.


No shit, show some class. An internet forum of local riders shouldn't be your personal diary. Keep personal issues offline and not online.:nono:

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Look dude, a public Internet forum is not place for your personal family issues. I'll admit, it was amusing at first, but now it's just devolved into impotent, redundant rants on how you hate your Dad and he "fucks you over". What were you expect to happen here, we're you seriously expecting to have everyone immediately take your side, especially given your long and storied history of rampant douchebaggery, hyperbole, and general dickheadishness? Were you seriously expecting unqualified support?

Yes, there's something to be said for respecting your wishes. There's also a proper way to deal with these things, and that's to take it the fuck off the internets and handle your business like a man, not a petulant child.

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  C-bus said:
I'm pretty sure they will let you put it in your name if you paid cash.

He was about to file bankruptcy and didn't want them to take it from him.

5k on a bike plus 300 a month on smoking and energy drinks and he's talking about bankruptcy.... Priorities need some adjusting

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  C-bus said:
I'm pretty sure they will let you put it in your name if you paid cash.

Paid cash for a bike to put it in someone else's name? Why, what benefit is there? Your sense of entitlement is amazing.

You've put the cart way infront of the horse on this one. Bought a bike when you apparently couldn't put it in your name. Don't have a place to store it. You don't have the ability to ride a bike.

Then you knew your dad was riding the bike yet you kept storing it there. If money wasn't an issue why not get a $40 a month storage unit to keep it in?

Dude sell the bike or just cut your losses get over it and MTFU (Man the Fuck Up) and get a big boy job. Be responsible and pay off your debts then get a place with a garage. Make sure you can own a bike without any assistance then buy one.

My dad totalled a bike that I had for less than a week. It was a 2007 yamaha stratoliner quite a bit more expensive than a cbr mirror. The worst part was I watched him do it. Yeah I was upset but I didn't get pissed at him. I was just glad he was relatively ok, broken ankle and shattered collar bone. I was mad that I let him ride it and put him in danger, mad at myself.

You should be mad at yourself for 1. Not being able to own the bike on your own but getting it anyways. 2. For not storing it elsewhere after him riding it against your will.

One day your dad won't be around for you to keep blaming for your screw ups. One day you'll wake up and realize that everything in your life is a direct result of choices you've made. Quit blaming others for your fuck ups. It's a mirror Mr. $300 bucks a month in cigs not like he firebombed your house. Get over it.

If I were your dad I'd get ahold of your licence take it and the bike to someplace launch it into something expensive and leave your id at the scene.

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  Steve Butters said:
He was about to file bankruptcy and didn't want them to take it from him.

5k on a bike plus 300 a month on smoking and energy drinks and he's talking about bankruptcy.... Priorities need some adjusting

So, asset hiding, yeah? Totally legal, honest. :cool:

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