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What if it was your dog?


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  CephasGT said:
I wonder about characterizing the offending dog as "charging". The term implies aggression, but was any actually demonstrated? Was there growling, hackles raised, etc.? It might've been that the dog was just in a big hurry to meet yours, and while you perceived a charge, your dog (since he speaks dog) didn't, which is why he didn't react adversely.

Very good point actually.

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  Scruit said:
Who are "they" and what are they "inspecting"? What village is this?

Is this a *law* that grants agents of the village government access to rented units? Or does it grant rights for a landlord to access his rental unit?

whoever they wish I guess. it was on the news. the reason they gave was to ensure the units are up to code.:rolleyes:

if they can't come in the unit the landlords have to pay a fine. but landlords are throwing a fit at the town hall meetings and said it's unconstitutional etc etc..

state laws says even landlords can't enter a property without asking.

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  serpentracer said:
whoever they wish I guess. it was on the news. the reason they gave was to ensure the units are up to code.:rolleyes:

if they can't come in the unit the landlords have to pay a fine. but landlords are throwing a fit at the town hall meetings and said it's unconstitutional etc etc..

state laws says even landlords can't enter a property without asking.

Do you have any URLs or more detail that I can find online?

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  Scruit said:
Do you have any URLs or more detail that I can find online?

I think the news station deletes the story after a few days. searching the site yields 0 results. however so does searching for the headline of the day:rolleyes:

I went through that site the other night for 30 min and couldn't find it again.

I knew you would ask and I wanted to show you I ain't no lier.:D

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  brn6604 said:
If it was shot in the yard that's one thing, if it left the yard I'd call it fair game.

+1 Owning a dog that is capable of attacking is a plus and a liability. You should be prepared for both. That said, I do feel bad for the dog as it didn't know it wasn't supposed to defend against the guy with the blue suite. :rolleyes:

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  madcat6183 said:
my point is, we don't give him the chance to make a mistake.

And I think this is the most significant thing you said. I try to train our dogs the best I can, and they're pretty good. I trust them with almost any person and almost any dog - but I still greatly prefer any such encounters happen on my terms rather than by surprise.

I have had similar experiences with one dog in our neighborhood, and when the owners are idiots, there's not much you can do.

Before we had Kramer, my wife and I were walking Hank to Dairy Queen. A 50 lbs. mutt was roaming the street with his family sitting around their front yard. They didn't seem to find anything wrong with the fact that their dog was all over the place. He confronted Hank in a manner that seemed friendly enough, but then snapped and lunged at him.

I yelled at the dog and stepped between him and Henry. Luckily that dog was afraid of me, if not hank. The owners barely reacted. I was not pleased.

Similar thing happened the next summer, except I had both dogs. Henry is a 40 lbs beagle mutt. Kramer is an 80 lbs Rottweiler mutt. He gets along with any neutered dog he has ever encountered. This dog pulled the same routine as last year, and I told the owners, "can you please keep your dog under control? If he picks a fight, that's not going to end well for him."

I wouldnt have let Kramer really hurt their dog unless it was posing a real threat to his safety or mine (or Henry), but I let him scare their dog, and them.

Dogs are smart. They largely react based on how YOU act. I was on edge. I probably need more training than my dogs.

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  CephasGT said:

That seriously pisses me off. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The dog was fleeing after it was caught. Dumb fat ass control officer should of handled the scene. All 3 retards should lose their job and pay dearly. They need to be cart pushers.

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