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I Want Snow


Do you want snow?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want snow?

    • YES! Bring on the snow!
    • No! Keep this semi-warm weather!
    • Hookers and Blow!

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snow can GTFO. My only reason for hating it is that 90% of people dont know how to fucking drive in snow and it infuriates me

I love driving in snow, separates those who know how to drive from those who don't....

Those who do, get to their destinations, those who don't, end up in ditches.

I would rather it just be warm all winter, like fall to spring, but if it's gonna be cold out anyway, I'd rather have some snow to play in.

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snow can GTFO. My only reason for hating it is that 90% of people dont know how to fucking drive in snow and it infuriates me

Oh so true. I enjoy driving in the snow provided I'm not stuck behind some terrifed hobag doing 10 on the interstate. But that happens all the time. Hell, it happens on 90E going to Cleveland if there's a few raindrops. It's pathetic!

You'd think in a place where it snows every year, people would be prepared for it. Apparently I live in a town of braindead unprepared dipshits.

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