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I love how the cops grab and yank the dude around, then when they find that he isn't pissing, they hug on him and try to be uber friendly so he won't bust them out. Dicks.

Let's see here... Police officers doing their job by enforcing laws they didn't write then acknowledge they got played by being good sports about it and you call them dicks. Tell us, Sherlock, what would you have done different? Would you ignore it so Fuelit could whine about wasted tax dollars or would get all bad ass and take him in?

Takes 2 Cops to check on a guy pissing? wasted tax dollars!!

I just love the psychic abilities of some of you arm chairs cops. Anybody can make that call AFTER the incident but have you got the stones to go solo BEFORE you know the situation? My guess is no. Walk a mile...

Not to mention they probably have regs dictating how this should be handled.

Have good day.

One last thing why don't you guys let us know where you work and maybe we can get some kid with nothing better to do to follow you around with a camera while fucking with you. Then we'll take a minute or two out of it, post it up and then all of us can critique you. Sounds like fun!

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Let's see here... Police officers doing their job by enforcing laws they didn't write then acknowledge they got played by being good sports about it and you call them dicks. Tell us, Sherlock, what would you have done different? Would you ignore it so Fuelit could whine about wasted tax dollars or would get all bad ass and take him in?

I just love the psychic abilities of some of you arm chairs cops. Anybody can make that call AFTER the incident but have you got the stones to go solo BEFORE you know the situation? My guess is no. Walk a mile...

Not to mention they probably have regs dictating how this should be handled.

Have good day.

One last thing why don't you guys let us know where you work and maybe we can get some kid with nothing better to do to follow you around with a camera while fucking with you. Then we'll take a minute or two out of it, post it up and then all of us can critique you. Sounds like fun!

Well said my brotha!!!!!! And it is very obvious that most all were in fact good sports about it, actually probably a nice break away from the typical assholes they encounter. Some very much need to walk a mile in a police officers shoes or a fireman's shoes, gives you a whole different perspective on their job with what and who they deal with.

Edited by Pokey
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Let's see here... Police officers doing their job by enforcing laws they didn't write then acknowledge they got played by being good sports about it and you call them dicks. Tell us, Sherlock, what would you have done different? Would you ignore it so Fuelit could whine about wasted tax dollars or would get all bad ass and take him in?

I just love the psychic abilities of some of you arm chairs cops. Anybody can make that call AFTER the incident but have you got the stones to go solo BEFORE you know the situation? My guess is no. Walk a mile...

Not to mention they probably have regs dictating how this should be handled.

Have good day.

One last thing why don't you guys let us know where you work and maybe we can get some kid with nothing better to do to follow you around with a camera while fucking with you. Then we'll take a minute or two out of it, post it up and then all of us can critique you. Sounds like fun!

Gtfo, cops are egotistical pricks. Ok not all of them just 99%.

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Aw... is somebody wearing a poopie diaper? Poor little feller... :(

Nope' date=' just pointing out the obvious. It's just been my experience that people who spout this drivel have never had to do that kind of job. They just sit back and bitch basking in the fact that their decisions don't carry any real consequences.

Gtfo, cops are egotistical pricks. Ok not all of them just 99%.

That would mean you've had 100 encounters and only 1 went the way you wanted? What the hell are you doing that gets you that kind of attention? My experience has been the exact opposite, maybe you need to work on your interpersonal skills?

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Nope, just pointing out the obvious. It's just been my experience that people who spout this drivel have never had to do that kind of job. They just sit back and bitch basking in the fact that their decisions don't carry any real consequences.

That would mean you've had 100 encounters and only 1 went the way you wanted? What the hell are you doing that gets you that kind of attention? My experience has been the exact opposite, maybe you need to work on your interpersonal skills?

You are right I never had that kind of job. I went to college and got an education so I am not eligible to be a cop.

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You are right I never had that kind of job. I went to college and got an education so I am not eligible to be a cop.

That's okay, not everyone is cut out to do it. That's nothing to be ashamed of and you can rest assured that even though you appear to be ungrateful the people who can do that job will still come and help you when you need it. We (emergency services) don't care if you're black, white, male, female or "educated".

Have a nice rest of the evening.

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You are right I never had that kind of job. I went to college and got an education so I am not eligible to be a cop.

Funny enough, I'm going to college so that I have the possibility of promotion after I go local law enforcement. But gee, I guess my degree makes me ineligible to do the job it's required for. I'll just drop out and sit around with my thumb up my butt until i can get that law enforcement job.

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Funny enough, I'm going to college so that I have the possibility of promotion after I go local law enforcement. But gee, I guess my degree makes me ineligible to do the job it's required for. I'll just drop out and sit around with my thumb up my butt until i can get that law enforcement job.

Since you are trying to stretch your 500 then you are just retarded enough to be a cop

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You are right I never had that kind of job. I went to college and got an education so I am not eligible to be a cop.

Holy shit that is a low blow, I am sure that many of law enforcement that are members here will not take kindly to that. So what exactly has occurred with you that has given such a bad taste for the po po? Lets compare the number of responsible gun owners in the country, to the number of responsible and professional law enforcement. Isn't the main argument against the anti guns folks from the NRA and pro gun folks, one of overwhelmingly responsible citizens vs a few bad apples, and cannot law enforcement be compared in the same way? Why not focus your disdain toward the many that are running this country, that is a much better thought process. Now you have law enforcement under the scrutiny and iron fist of these leaders, and also have groups like the ACLU that make their job even harder. You could not pay me enough money to be in law enforcement, but I am thankful to the selfless many that decide to take that career path. I also guarantee that I personally know a few po po that would have a much higher IQ than yourself and many others that are "college educated", so that would blow your theory out of the water.

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Your a moron. Majority of departments now prefer you have a degree, whether it's an associates in CJ or a bachelors in something else of your choosing. You are the same person who bitches about the cops when you get caught breaking a law and then will turn around and bitch when something bad happens to you and they are not around to help

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Holy shit that is a low blow, I am sure that many of law enforcement that are members here will not take kindly to that. So what exactly has occurred with you that has given such a bad taste for the po po? Lets compare the number of responsible gun owners in the country, to the number of responsible and professional law enforcement. Isn't the main argument against the anti guns folks from the NRA and pro gun folks, one of overwhelmingly responsible citizens vs a few bad apples, and cannot law enforcement be compared in the same way? Why not focus your disdain toward the many that are running this country, that is a much better thought process. Now you have law enforcement under the scrutiny and iron fist of these leaders, and also have groups like the ACLU that make their job even harder. You could not pay me enough money to be in law enforcement, but I am thankful to the selfless many that decide to take that career path. I also guarantee that I personally know a few po po that would have a much higher IQ than yourself and many others that are "college educated", so that would blow your theory out of the water.

Support higher education..... Send a cop to third grade.

I'm mostly trolling you but PD's need to stop hiring 20yo kids to be cops and focus on hiring 30-40 year olds that have some life experience.

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No' date=' he's not. He's stating that if you aren't a cop or a firefighter then your job is inconsequential to others around you. That's an ignorant statement. He may be humble, but that statement doesn't reflect it.

I understand that he didn't draw first blood and was defending his position. I respect that, too. However, an inflated sense of self-worth was being presented and required being knocked out of the ball park.

So, tell your buddy to stop his sniveling and take his "public employee lashing" like a man. :lol:[/quote']

Sorry I couldn't participate yesterday, I was on duty and don't feel it's appropriate to be spending here while at work.

A couple points of clarification: your first part of the above post is a complete lie. If you go back and read the exchange it was in response to the "I went to college so I can't be a cop" comment. The point I was attempting to make (admittedly with sarcasm) was that some people are unable or unwilling to become Police Officers or Firefighters or Paramedics... Apparently that was lost in translation and I'll attempt to do better moving forward. It isn't a job for everyone and that's okay, that was the point.

Secondly: I do feel I'm important to society because of my profession. It comes with taking the oath seriously. I don't feel I have an exaggerated sense of worth just a pride for the profession. I would hope you have some measure of self worth because of your profession, if not you may want to consider a career change.

Finally: I can take whatever you want to sling, I've got broad shoulders. It's when you debate from a position of ignorance that concerns me. You (and by You I mean in the general sense, not specific) are 100% entitled to your beliefs and opinions but you should strive to make those beliefs and opinions educated ones. When comments like "99% of cops are arrogant pricks" are made I'll cry BS because its a lie. If the comment was started with "99% of the cops I've dealt with..." that's a different matter. It's no different than saying all Harley riders are pirates (false) and all Gixxer riders are squids (false) and all KLR riders are cheap ( well, that one may be true...).

Anyway, I have a problem with sweeping generalizations and try to take those opportunities to both educate and learn.

Have good day!

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