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Are you kidding me?


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Didn't see this anywhere else... just was posted on absoluteBS today.


from how I read that, even a semi auto pistol is considered an assault weapon.

(D) As used in this section, "assault weapon" means an automatic firearm that has not been rendered permanently inoperable, a semi-automatic firearm capable of accepting a detachable magazine with the capacity to accept ten or more cartridges, and a semi-automatic firearm with a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept ten or more cartridges.

Luckily I am technically allowed by this law to possess an assault weapon since I am

1) Officers, agents, or employees of this or any other state or the United States, members of the armed forces of the United States or the organized militia of this or any other state, and law enforcement officers to the extent that the officer, agent, employee, or member is authorized to possess or acquire an assault weapon and is acting within the scope of the officer's, agent's, employee's, or member's duties;

Please god let this be laughed at by the rest of the Senators in our state and tossed into the fire of lunacy.

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People write those letter and make those phone calls. Let them know you are watching and disapprove or they will think the media has the pulse of the nation and we want these bans. Today it was "Surely" Smiths' turn for a letter from me. :)

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They want to build a database.

Changing this:

109.52 Operation and maintenance of bureau.

The bureau of criminal identification and investigation may operate and maintain a criminal analysis laboratory and mobile units thereof, create a staff of investigators and technicians skilled in the solution and control of crimes and criminal activity, keep statistics and other necessary data, assist in the prevention of crime, and engage in such other activities as will aid law enforcement officers in solving crimes and controlling criminal activity.

To this:

Sec. 109.52. The bureau of criminal identification and

investigation may operate and maintain a criminal analysis

laboratory and mobile units thereof, create a staff of

investigators and technicians skilled in the solution and control

of crimes and criminal activity, keep statistics and other

necessary data, maintain a firearm and ammunition transactions

database, assist in the prevention of crime, and engage in such

other activities as will aid law enforcement officers in solving crimes and controlling criminal activity.

https://www.facebook.com/sherrod - Sherrod Brown

https://www.facebook.com/StateSenatorKearney - Eric Kearney

http://www.ohiosenate.gov/skindell/contact - Email Senator Michael J. Skindell

http://www.ohiosenate.gov/tavares/contact - Charleta B. Tavares

http://www.ohiosenate.gov/turner/contact - Senator Nina Turner

Nothing to see here citizen, move along.

Edited by Strictly Street
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Someone can introduce a bill that requires all Ohio Homecoming Queens statewide to fellate all the bill's co-sponsors one by one. Doesn't mean it will pass, or get signed, or even be constitutional. All you can be sure of is that bill will have a shit-ton of co-sponsors.

Edited by Scruit
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He will never sign off on something like that, and what is so wrong/bad about Kasich?

He was gifted hundreds of thousands if dollars from the Ohio Oil and Gas Association and made many, many promises he would support the oil and gas industry and not turn his back. Well Lo and behold that asshole has broken nearly every single promise and going back on his word. We are fighting him tooth and nail from all the bullshit he is now agreeing to sign off on

So I assure you, never say never with Benedict Kasich

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You can bet there will be an additional tax on both ammunition and firearms down the road to "pay" for the database and all the other expenses.

Wonder what kind of rate it would be?

Incrementally outlawing by making them so expensive nobody can afford them except government.

We have to let those Senators know that we are watching them and see what they are trying to do.

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