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Why you shouldn't start out on a new bike


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Damn, he's lucky he didn't go off a few feet further down the road after that guardrail. The camera guy was seriously lucky as well.

I thought Ninja 250/300's were the perfect starter bikes? Guess it's maybe not so much the bike as the rider and roads.

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I'm pretty certain we know what it's called. The point it happened on that slight bend in the road raises issue of lack of competence of the rider. Target fixation or not there is no reason to blow that tiny "curve"

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the degree of the curvature of the road has fuck all to do with it. target fixation can happen anywhere.

of course there is a lack of competence (having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully). he's a new rider. he did not have the experience, knowledge or skill to realize what's happening and take corrective action...

as experienced riders, we know what to do in these kinds of situations. we know that you look where you want to go, and we know that if you start going where you dont want to, how to take corrective action. we don't start to panic over it, and if we do, we have the knowledge and skills to overcome the panic. new riders may not.

we know that you look where you want to go. it sounds so simple, but honestly, for a new rider in a panic situation it becomes perhaps the most difficult thing to do. a new rider doesnt want to go into the wall, so he looks at it to make sure he doesn't go there (inexperience). then he starts going that direction, which causes him to panic, because he's going right where he doesn't want to. the natural response to panic is to fixate on the immediate hazard. so he's still heading the wrong way, which makes him panic more, which makes him fixate more and so on...

panic impairs perception and judgement. so much so, that he ends up going straight into the guard rail instead of negotiating the slight curve.

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I was trying to pay attention to the camera guy's speedo. He was doing about what, 60? So the guy in front was doing maybe 70? Wow. Blazing fast for that corner. I don't even...i don't...there are just no words. Wtf?

And how much do one of those things weigh? Pull in the clutch and get it off the road muscles. Damn....:lol:

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How can any of you speculate that the new rider was going any faster than the camera guy? Just because he was in front doesn't mean he was going any faster. Not once did it look like the guy was pulling away from the other rider.

I'm really not. Regardless, if he was going just as fast or from the looks of it not much faster. There was no way he was doing more than 70 mph. 75 at the absolute most. He and his bike looked like a pinball bouncing off that guard rail. It was just sad.

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70mph is fast for a newb. Hell' date=' depending on the corner, it's fast for a veteran. Granted, that wasn't a tricky corner, but that's not the factor. His brain isn't accustomed to those speeds, yet. He probably wasn't looking ahead, which most of us know slows down our view to something our brains can process. It happens.[/quote']

I can see your point. I can trust me. I guess i was commenting more on the actual corner and the speed of which he was going.

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