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For all you queer cat and Starbucks lovers....

max power

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Lol its okay I understand you don't have the drive, will, or determination to keep up.

Go back to drinking beer, eating fast food, and raising your estrogen levels.

Friday night what are you doing? Sitting at home or out at a bar? I'm busting my ass for fun.


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Lol its okay I understand you don't have the drive, will, or determination to keep up.

Go back to drinking beer, eating fast food, and raising your estrogen levels.

Friday night what are you doing? Sitting at home or out at a bar? I'm busting my ass for fun.

I'm fat and fucking love my life! I have no regrets about being a lazy, beer drinking, food loving asshole. Who gives a flying fuck? You do what you like, I do what I like so why attack people for seemingly no reason?

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Honestly, I don't understand why any man can look at another man's hairy ass and find love. :wtf:

I don't understand why women find us attractive.

Lesbians I understand. I find women attractive.

I am obviously a lesbian, trapped in a man's body.:D

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I'm fat and fucking love my life! I have no regrets about being a lazy, beer drinking, food loving asshole. Who gives a flying fuck? You do what you like, I do what I like so why attack people for seemingly no reason?


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Ok, having both cats and dogs I can say there are ups and downs to both animals. We recently dropped $3600 on new living room furniture because the dog ruined the old stuff with his claws. He wouldn't get on it while we were home but when left alone its the first place he would go. He also thinks everything in the house including my side of the bed is his (i blame the wife, she raised him to sleep in her bed) and he Shits all over my yard. Now I love the dog, he's a good boy and we play every day and he's got personality and he's hilarious and all the great things a dog is, but he's a pain in the balls sometimes.

Those who say a cat is a shitty pet have never watched one stalk a squirrel, run it down and catch it, beat it up some, drag it to the center of the yard and let it go, watch it almost make it to a tree and let it think it got away, then catch it again and repeat the process till dead. Sitting on the porch with a six pack watching that, well its just wholesome family entertainment. I like cats because they are miniature versions of some of the planets most viscious and efficient killing machines and the only animal besides humans that hunts for pleasure. Sure you have to clean out a litterbox once a week, it takes five minutes. I'd rather clean my catbox than my yard, which is full of man-sized Shits.

I love owning both cats and dogs even though they both have their faults.

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Ok, having both cats and dogs I can say there are ups and downs to both animals. We recently dropped $3600 on new living room furniture because the dog ruined the old stuff with his claws. He wouldn't get on it while we were home but when left alone its the first place he would go. He also thinks everything in the house including my side of the bed is his (i blame the wife, she raised him to sleep in her bed) and he Shits all over my yard. Now I love the dog, he's a good boy and we play every day and he's got personality and he's hilarious and all the great things a dog is, but he's a pain in the balls sometimes.

Those who say a cat is a shitty pet have never watched one stalk a squirrel, run it down and catch it, beat it up some, drag it to the center of the yard and let it go, watch it almost make it to a tree and let it think it got away, then catch it again and repeat the process till dead. Sitting on the porch with a six pack watching that, well its just wholesome family entertainment. I like cats because they are miniature versions of some of the planets most viscious and efficient killing machines and the only animal besides humans that hunts for pleasure. Sure you have to clean out a litterbox once a week, it takes five minutes. I'd rather clean my catbox than my yard, which is full of man-sized Shits.

I love owning both cats and dogs even though they both have their faults.

^ this is why you put your dog in a cage while you're not home. You should have learned after he destroyed the furniture... I used to put mine in the bathroom until he ate the door frame lol. Now he's in a cage when nobody is here to supervise.

I absolutely don't mind cats as outdoor pets... I just don't understand why people allow them in the house... Then again, I feel that way about some dogs too... I just can't imagine constantly living in filth with their hair all over everything... When my ex gfs cat lived here, I had blankets covering everything just to protect it all from hair... It was awful. And the damn thing wasn't declawed so he tore shit up... Goodluck putting him in a cage anytime you leave the house too, have to wear a leather riding jacket to force his ass in there without getting fucked up by claws

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It's clear that some folks shouldn't own animals. I find it funny that pet hair bothers people' date=' but laying on someone's flaked off skin isn't an issue because you can't see it. :lol:[/quote']

What my pets have done on my couch pales in comparison to what I have done on my couch.

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There is no way that she would allow her precious baby dog to be put in a kennel while we are gone, she treats that dog like its her own child. My cats dont cover my house with hair or filth, plus we vaccuum the place weekly so its not like it has a chance to build up.

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My dog has destroyed a flip flop. Once. That is it. She doesn't get on the furniture, she doesn't chew things that aren't handed to her, she shits in a 4'x4' area in the very far corner of the yard. She sheds, but her hair doesn't stick to my clothing or make my eyes swell shut, so I'm ok with that.

Maybe I'm just lucky.

I would accept owning an outside cat.

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Cats fuck me up with allergies and I cringe when I see people take allergy medicine just to have a cat. I think cats are cool as others mentioned that they would kill your ass if they were bigger. A bigger dog could still be tamed.

I have one dog that doesn't shed, but I'm not a dog person (or cat person). I think some people have dogs because it makes feel superior to dominate another creature.

I have it for the kids. I like the dog, don't get me wrong, but putting up with training and having shit in the yard, buying ropes every few weeks because this little thing tears them to shreds, medical care, worrying about feeding, etc. just doesn't feel worth it to me.


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Should've known you were a cat person...

:lol: What does that mean?

Ok, having both cats and dogs I can say there are ups and downs to both animals. We recently dropped $3600 on new living room furniture because the dog ruined the old stuff with his claws. He wouldn't get on it while we were home but when left alone its the first place he would go. He also thinks everything in the house including my side of the bed is his (i blame the wife, she raised him to sleep in her bed) and he Shits all over my yard. Now I love the dog, he's a good boy and we play every day and he's got personality and he's hilarious and all the great things a dog is, but he's a pain in the balls sometimes.

Those who say a cat is a shitty pet have never watched one stalk at squirrel, run it down and catch it, beat it up some, drag it to the center of the yard and let it go, watch it almost make it to a tree and let it think it got away, then catch it again and repeat the process till dead. Sitting on the porch with a six pack watching that, well its just wholesome family entertainment. I like cats because they are miniature versions of some of the planets most viscious and efficient killing machines and the only animal besides humans that hunts for pleasure. Sure you have to clean out a litterbox once a week, it takes five minutes. I'd rather clean my catbox than my yard, which is full of man-sized Shits.

I love owning both cats and dogs even though they both have their faults.

Cats are awesome hunters and killers. The wild cat shrunken for sure.

^ this is why you put your dog in a cage while you're not home. You should have learned after he destroyed the furniture... I used to put mine in the bathroom until he ate the door frame lol. Now he's in a cage when nobody is here to supervise.

I absolutely don't mind cats as outdoor pets... I just don't understand why people allow them in the house... Then again, I feel that way about some dogs too... I just can't imagine constantly living in filth with their hair all over everything... When my ex gfs cat lived here, I had blankets covering everything just to protect it all from hair... It was awful. And the damn thing wasn't declawed so he tore shit up... Goodluck putting him in a cage anytime you leave the house too, have to wear a leather riding jacket to force his ass in there without getting fucked up by claws

If you have to cage your animal when you leave then you fail as an animal owner, and shouldn't waste it's life with you... living half of it locked up. I never had any issues with any pets while I'm gone.

There is no way that she would allow her precious baby dog to be put in a kennel while we are gone, she treats that dog like its her own child. My cats dont cover my house with hair or filth, plus we vaccuum the place weekly so its not like it has a chance to build up.

:Werd: Hell my wife vacuums everyday. Plus our dogs are the hair issue. :dunno:

Cats fuck me up with allergies and I cringe when I see people take allergy medicine just to have a cat. I think cats are cool as others mentioned that they would kill your ass if they were bigger. A bigger dog could still be tamed.

I have one dog that doesn't shed, but I'm not a dog person (or cat person). I think some people have dogs because it makes feel superior to dominate another creature.

I have it for the kids. I like the dog, don't get me wrong, but putting up with training and having shit in the yard, buying ropes every few weeks because this little thing tears them to shreds, medical care, worrying about feeding, etc. just doesn't feel worth it to me.


What is with "Biggie" after every post? Do you say that after everything when you talk too? :lol:

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I lock my dog up so she won't set my alarm off. It is her safe place. She spends lots of time laying in there even when we are home because she likes it in there.

She's chillin in there right now.

These are animals, kids. Not babies. Lets not forget that.

In my estimation, dogs as better pets because they don't shit/piss in a box in the house (no matter what you say, I know if you have a cat the second I walk in) they don't paw at the shit/piss in the box and then go walk on the counter where I prepare food or the table where I eat it.

One of my best childhood friends had 2 cats and always invited me over for dinner with him and his wife. I would never eat there because he didn't bleach every surface in the kitchen before during and after cooking. Yuck.

The filthy things walked on the counter WHILE they were cooking.

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I lock my dog up so she won't set my alarm off. It is her safe place. She spends lots of time laying in there even when we are home because she likes it in there.

She's chillin in there right now.

I crate my dogs when I leave. They are rarely in there since my gf and I work opposite shifts. Many times they will wonder in their crates to sleep or stay in there with the door open after we get home. When used properly crates are not a bad thing.

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She got our dog years before we met. He's like 5 or 6 now and definitely set in his ways. In the past 4 or so years I have managed to leash train him, teach him some tricks and simple commands and stuff but he would definitely not take well to kenneling. He's a huge pussy and it would probably emotionally scar him.

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I crate my dogs when I leave. They are rarely in there since my gf and I work opposite shifts. Many times they will wonder in their crates to sleep or stay in there with the door open after we get home. When used properly crates are not a bad thing.

One of my dogs "chooses" to lay/sleep in her kennel even when we are home, she just loves that damn thing. Nothing wrong at all with putting a dog in a kennel while you are at work, no comparison to keeping a dog chained up outside and or in its house almost 24/7. This is all going to depend on the temperament and personality of the dog, whether or not you choose to let roam free about the house while you are gone or at work. As for cats I have no issue with them and I have been around some awesome cats, although I doubt my Umbrella Cockatoo and them would mesh well. :D

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One of my dogs "chooses" to lay/sleep in her kennel even when we are home, she just loves that damn thing. Nothing wrong at all with putting a dog in a kennel while you are at work, no comparison to keeping a dog chained up outside and or in its house almost 24/7. This is all going to depend on the temperament and personality of the dog, whether or not you choose to let roam free about the house while you are gone or at work.

+1..my dog loves his cage.. Sleeps there all the time even when we're home.. When I leave I point to it and he runs right in and lays down.. No barking or fussing or anything.

It's safer and more humane for him IMO. last time I left him out, he tore up my bathroom and was shitting out debris the whole next day... He chewed up a razor but luckily didn't swallow the blades.

Depends on the dog. My old schnauzer never had to be caged... She wouldn't get into anything... My pit will wreck a place if left alone for even 30min... Hell, if it's just the gf home, he can't even be trusted out while she showers because he will tear stuff up... If I'm home though he's well behaved.... As much as you think all dogs are perfect and should never be caged, it all depends on the dog... You can only teach a puppy so much, chewing is just something they do

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Your pit destroys your house when you're not home because of anxiety. He is so dependent on your company he freaks out when you aren't around. Puppies chew but destructive behavior should be gone by year 2 at the latest. Our dog doesnt chew. Now if I leave a Wendy's wrapper or something out he will chew it up but otherwise can be left alone as long as we either gate him out of the living room or put laundry basketson the furniture to keep him off.

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