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Everything posted by Ryan_c_F

  1. Yeah the stretch of road right after Gates Mills is pretty slippery. Almost low-sided last Sunday because of that junk.
  2. We probably keep better records than those folks do.
  3. ...not that I know what those look like or anything.
  4. This sounds like an m4m craigslist ad.
  5. Just to clarify, I wasn't objecting so much to the type of engine, as I was objecting to 50HP in something that looks like it should be pushing at least a hundred.
  6. ...and all before noon. Glad to have you here, Julie.
  7. Rode to work and back Friday... Rode around some back roads Friday evening with my buddy on his Ducati ST3... and the exhaust note on that thing makes me want a Duc more than anything right now. Wow! Went out to North Olmsted Saturday morning to help a friend pack his moving truck... Sunday, took a short hop down Chagrin River Rd from Willoughby to Solon, which is about the only thing that passes for twisties in my area. My bike was kind enough to tell me my front tire was down to 20 psi (!) rather than killing me outright by slipping just a little on a descending right-hander. Took it Harley-pace for the rest of the ride which kind of ruined it, but it's my fault for not checking in the first place.
  8. Never felt the need to differentiate!
  9. ...or men looking to hook up with women from college.
  10. Hopefully, by the time I run this FZ into the ground, I'll have saved up enough for the S1000F, the sport-touring version of the S1000RR that BMW is designing.
  11. I second the Schecter advice. They're light, easy to play, and feature-packed. You should be able to find a few cheap -- my first guitar was a Schecter. Ibanez is also a popular electric brand and they do all right by quality. It's an intensely personal choice, though. What works for me won't necessarily work for you.
  12. Depends on how good you are with a CNC machine I guess. You could, but it'd be more expensive than it'd be worth.
  13. Everything I've ever run is stock; furthermore, 50% of my bikes have been shaft drive.
  14. I would ride the fuck out of this thing if it had ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE 750CC PARALLEL TWIN that they're putting in every goddamn bike nowadays. But, wouldn't you know it, they put the fucking PARALLEL TWIN in it, so now no one anywhere will ever buy one. Honda is so fucking retarded. Why not drop the VFR1200 powertrain in and try to take on the muscle cruiser crowd?
  15. Just read the article -- they have a police-livery SLR McLaren Roadster... and an Aston-Martin One-77 D: Which is built by HAND. I'm officially jealous.
  16. Haha, yeah, two fat white guys roll up to a sorority house like AY BB U WAN SUM BIEK TWEEN UR LEGS
  17. If you like, I have a guy that can quote from a bunch of different insurers. He's part of an independent agency but he doesn't have any broker fees or anything like that. He got me a quote for my FZ1, full coverage including roadside, uninsured/underinsured, medical, theft/fall damage, $270/year. 29/M, and I have a couple of speeding tickets. *edit -- through Progressive. I have multi-line discounts there.
  18. There's a meet going on? Must be warmer in Dayton than in Cleveland, haha. It's not going to be this weekend... we're undedcided as to exactly WHEN we're going, just that it's a good first intermediate distance ride for me. I've never done a multiple-tank-of-gas ride before and don't want to find out that my seat sucks when we're halfway to New York, haha.
  19. My dad and I are thinking about taking an overnight trip down to D-town and seeing the Air Force museum. Figuring that we'll get down to the area around 9-10:00 on a Friday night, grab a hotel, snag some drinks and a cigar somewhere and do the museum Saturday. What should we make time to see while we're in town? Where are the best steaks in town?
  20. You're a good man for doing it. Some people need their worlds rocked every once in a while, for perspective. When I was pulling free of the logjam, doing at least 50 on the way out, I could see the guy that was directly behind me, still doing about six miles an hour, staring... two miles of traffic behind him, and he's not even watching the road. ...Ever want to throw it in reverse and let the impact do the talking for you?
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