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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Like the article. Blows out the myth of two in one month. Interesting that 2012 and 2013 both had a "blue Moon".
  2. Everytime I check, LG and one other major manufacturer produce all the big parts of every electronic device made. When means they are all the same, except for things like quality control per contract. Which some pay more, some pay less. Aways an exception, Sony mostly does it's own thing, and it costs more.
  3. Started life as a KickStarter kit. Might still be available. Minimum of buy frame/exhaust kit and DIY. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2106946212/motoped-motorized-bicycle?ref=search The mountain bike parts needed for the motoped are Forks, Wheels, Tires, Rear shock, Brakes, Cranks, Pedals, Headset, and Freewheel.
  4. I'll actually take the option to have a ups driver deliver at a slightly higher cost. The ups driver takes good care of me. I took a box back to the post office that didn't belong to me. They had damaged several boxes somehow in transit, and threw everything in one box with one label. It was like deer in headlights when they tried to understand. The next day they delivered it back to me. wtf
  5. 11:15a Met at Rooster's on Hamilton Rd 11:45a Depart 12:00 Short Ceremony performed by Whitehall Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association 4:00p Dinner (Knights of Columbus; proceeds to benefit KoC charities) $8.00/person $5/Kids includes Chicken Breast, Salad, Baked Beans, & Dessert We will be riding to the neighborhood for a ceremony, to the cemetery, Pop Ba Boos, & back to the Knights of Columbus. --------------- When I went they had a buffet breakfast, but be early or nothing left. I think they will stop more than just one place in 4 hours. Often around and down through the outskirts of Lancaster and then East on some back roads before returning. Don't know the exact route this year. Facebook makes you login to see it.
  6. Protection from civil suit is part of the Florida stand-your-ground. I wonder if it is in the other 27 states that have it.
  7. 520 rear - Daytona 600 2003-2005 http://www.indysuperbike.com/customer/product.php?productid=5556031&cat=0&page=1 520 front - Daytona 600 2003-2005 http://www.indysuperbike.com/customer/product.php?productid=5556033&cat=0&page=1 get 120 link chain and break to the length you need looks like only one brand and set for that edit: looked like there were more choices in the 525. I'm not too hyped on conversions either. And like steel better than aluminum. And prefer stock front sprockets that have a vibration dampener built in. But they all work.
  8. http://www.indysuperbike.com/ both 520 and 525 for 600 Daytona. Difficult to search, but the prices are toward the low end of discounts, and cheap shipping from Indy. Just take some time, and maybe make a list of what you find. Other than a few specialty sprockets, this is where I get mine.
  9. I took a bumblebee between open face hemet and head on the dark freeway years ago. It thunked to a stop on the back of my neck. Sort of whack-buzz-huh? Panic stopped on side of freeway while braking steering downshifting without clutch and yanking the helmet off with free hand. All I could think of was that a sting on the back of the neck could kill or close to it.
  10. Probably a single shot. But at less then one foot. Yeah, took a shot at the other one also.
  11. And I thank you for that. It was much quicker than if I had done that. Again. After having failed the first bump start. Did it again a few years ago, left the key on in a doctor's parking lot. Pushed up the driveway, down the street, into another parking lot with a long downhill. Got on and waited for road speed to build up, turned key back on and bumped in 2nd.
  12. I haven't been on this one lately. I'm lazy. It's coming up on Aug 24. Expect 300 to 500 bikes, small percentage not Harley, but usually reasonable. Fully escorted, and non stop. Except for the mandatory beer stops. https://www.facebook.com/events/522294194486853/ http://www.odmp.org/officer/15754-police-officer-terry-mcdowell
  13. 90's really. Then stable for a while. But the profits and surpluses ran on out for another decade and more. The errors in city financing mostly occured a decade ago. edit: btw, now read that San Francisco is in shakey territory also.
  14. I would like to, just no clue what to buy. Combined with the distance to find suitable venues from in-town area. Maybe a smaller dual bike on the back of a camping van. Something like that.
  15. Living in the past? only a decade ago, the dot com boom pushed everyone into a surplus. And unwisely, most decided to spend it. Foolishly, when it was gone as both surplus and income, the spending continued at the elevated levels. Ergo, instant debt. The bonus income never came back. And people aren't much different than cities, many went over into new heights of debt also. Makes sense, people are cities, cities are people. boom unemployment boom foreclosures. boom banks in trouble boom governments seeking more cash flow from anywhere boom people ain't got it
  16. Further fueling the fire, Chicago debt was downgraded this week. Basically each person in Chicago owes the city about 4700 bucks to break even. Yeah... not happening. Just for fun, I crunched Detroit's debt vs population. Since everyone who can leave has left, the citizens of Detroit own the city 25,500 bucks each to break even. Gosh, that makes Chicago look good. edit: btw, cleveland residents owe the city 6100 bucks each to break even. Toledo only has $97 per resident of city debt (2009). And still considered in trouble. Various problems. If you haven't heard, the Chinese are buying property in Toledo, much like the British invested in Detroit. Cincinnati clicking along at $2140 debt per resident. Akron is at $3024 per resident. Dayton is at $848 per resident. Columbus is at $3010 per resident, but rated sound (Aaa) by Moody's. Detroit isn't the first to go bankrupt. About 150 US cities have done so over time. And Cleveland was the most notable in 2008.
  17. Or looking at it another way. Name a city that has gone "up hill". I can't think of any. But my memory goes back to the 50s and 60s, so there's not going to be much improvement seen much of anywhere. Judge anyway there is, crime, foreclosures, median income, unemployment rate, modern transportation and infrastructure, whatever marks a good city. Arts is what looks like one exception. Even a failing city can have good arts and entertainment. Sort of Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
  18. A bunch of us used to go on them. When they stop to drink, we would just do something else. Like ride around a bit and get back before they leave. It can be worth it just to see 500 bikes travel together over the horizon. You don't really have to stop on some of the runs, the police and fire crews will block the intersections. Road guides are often police and fire as well. At least it was on the rides I've been in. There are different types of poker runs. I haven't been on one of these runs for a couple of years. If it's all Harleys, you're in the wrong ride, unless you're on a Harley. If it has some metrics, standards and sports, you might enjoy it. There are also poker runs that do individual starts, or starts in smaller groups. You ride your own ride to each destination and draw a card. Sort of not so organized. No big group of bikes. From what I've seen, many of the fire dept poker runs will operate like that. All the stops will be at various fire departments. Fire departments also have pretty decent food as well. Usually food before the start. Yes, with the drinking, some of the bikes will often go down. Even at slow speeds.
  19. I've been in both cities. Detroit has failed and I won't go back. Chicago is somewhat stable on a down-hill slope, but it's hanging in there. It's a city where you're very careful where you go. Parts of it are off limits for anyone. It seems apparent that recovery isn't much of an option. I still like Chicago, as a great place to visit. The real question is which city will be next. Miami came close, but it did turn around pretty well. Oddly, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton are in worse shape than Miami. My guess might be Toledo and Cleveland, because of the proximity to Detroit. Much in the same way that Gary Indiana folded up near Chicago. NYC got cleaned up a bit before it was too late, so it's not impossible. Los Angeles is actually a very small part of the metropolis. A little area downtown with no income. It's as bad as Detroit, but the rest of the metropolis props it up with cash. I guess DC is proped up also. Yes, we've reached a point where large cities fail. No, the federal will not bail them out. I say it again, who's next? Thanks Tonik, for sticking to the subject.
  20. low cost 4" x 4" octagonal plates $6.99 on sale http://www.shooterselement.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=22 seems about the right size to me
  21. Results will judge. If it hums and drones a tune, it's clearly too tight. If it drivetrain jerks in transitions during gear changes, it's probably too loose. Running toward the tight side will accelerate wear, from what I've seen. But if you're regular about buying chains and sprockets, it matters not. I try to run a little on the tight side, to get some mileage between adjustments. If you're adjusting the chain a lot, it's a cheap chain, the o-rings are shot, or it's failing. And yes, my last chain ran to near failure. It appeared a pin had broken on one side. Ready to let go. Taking a link out to get an extra year out of it was not a wise idea. Could only have been worse if I had removed the bad link and riveted in another to get yet another year. Ha. Actually, the chain was way noisy, cleary bad and time to replace. The most prevailent cause of chain failure is using a metal brush on the chain when cleaning it. Which damages the o-rings. When some of the o-rings are gone, it's over. When inspecting, you can see them if looking closely. They should all be there.
  22. Pretty sure there's a perfect way to do this, but I used to drive a pick-up with lift and pick up bikes for shop repair. Basically six to eight bikes would fit in the bed, with any old strap, two each, tied down anywhere possible. Never had a problem. Back-in-that-day, most bikes weren't over 450cc. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  23. ReconRat

    Mammoth Cave

    Took a lantern tour a long time ago. Everyone carries a lantern, there were no lights on the route. No crowds, more like a private tour. It entered from an entrance not used by the public, and turned us loose in a public part to finish on our own. Don't remember the name, but the Violet City Tour sounds like it. It was really enjoyable. Parts of the trail were rugged back then. Be sure to stay warm and dry. Pretty much 60 degrees and 100% humidity. Whatever you decide on, make reservations now. Violet City lantern tour and Great Onyx lantern tour do not appear to be available before Sept 2. Mammoth Cave Summer Activities Schedule (May 26 - September 1, 2013) Mammoth Cave Fall Activities Schedule (September 2 - November 3, 2013)
  24. Made in Taiwan per SMKW (Smokey Mountain Knife Works)
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