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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. ReconRat


    I'm strongly considering retiring a year early, and get paid to stay home. Whatever, a one or two year vacation sounds good to me. Yeah, I know, I'll be looking for a part time job within six months.
  2. ReconRat


    Out twice today already. Everytime the rain slows down or stops, I head out toward the next batch of rain. When I find it, I turn and run home. At least it's nice and cool today. Not much is open anyway, just ride. Actually, not seen any heavy rain yet. It's light rain I can ride in.
  3. ReconRat

    Fork Play

    I checked the service manual for mine, and it didn't list any checks or measurements for that. Dunno. I've never extended front forks and shaken them to find any sort of major play in the forks themselves. Not even after having been bent. Triple tree bearings, yes. It should be a slip fit, which normally is barely felt as lateral movement. Worn slider bushing and/or fork tube bushing is all I can think of. Cruising the internet, it appears that some bikes have very loose tolerances on these bushings. Those will shake enough to worry some. If the front end doesn't shudder shake or vibrate (or other wierdness), I'd consider not worrying about it.
  4. OF course take it. How many times in a life time does that come around. With that experience, probably an easy way over into a motorcycle design crew of your choice.
  5. Dark Side http://youtu.be/Lcj5b7pfdyc
  6. China popped their bubble, or will if things go as they go. That dropped the bottom in the Canadian metals market. Europe isn't helping any, and neither is the US economy. All metals dropping. Ammo prices dropping also.
  7. dunno, got a lot of miles out of my chain. Buy a minumum of what the service manual/factory recommends. Go up a notch for better. They do stretch fast when they go bad. They can get noisy also. All kinked up and stuff. Time to go away. Pulling away at the back of the rear sprocket is worthy. Should not be able to see teeth and daylight when it's pulled away. Rotate and try a few different spots, it's usually one part of the chain that gives up, not all of it at the same time. Old school was take it off (clip), fold in half, turn sideways, and check sag. Usually saw that one half sagged way more. Toast.
  8. Pretty much official, rifles are back in stock for under 700 bucks. Ammo, still struggling. Gander has Remington 45 colt target rounds. Cheapest I've seen for a long time. 225gr SWC and 250 RNFP. Both on line and in store. 225gr SWC sold out on line.
  9. download the free paint dot net and resize it to whatever you want. File type change also.
  10. I used to go to the Delaware range until it got so crowded. But that was before a ranger on duty, and it would sometimes creep you out and you'd leave. I would try the Deer Creek range instead. Although the two shotgun ranges at Delaware for clays were never crowded. If there is still two of them. Bring your own launcher. edit: Is there a pistol range at Deer Creek? (Looked it up, yes there is.)
  11. Rolled down a hill two weeks ago. 68 in 55. Warning only. translation: don't do it again.
  12. Yes, I should have said some antique defunct local ordinances, that were never taken off the books.
  13. Go ahead and laugh, until you see 100,000,000 armored guinea pigs come over the horizon at a fast clip. Nipped to death. No mercy.
  14. There are simple and easy forms on-line for transfer between citizen and citizen. It's for both parties to protect themselves. Some cities also have them, since some local laws require them.
  15. A lot of info, thanks. I'll work on convincing them to get something reliable. Since that is important to them. They do tend to buy GM. But that could change. I gave up brand loyalty, they can too. Well, I still go after Honda motorcycles, I'm not totally free yet. edit: The PDF link worked, thanks. And I agree, cars like Honda and Toyota are more American made than most domestic vehicles. R1Crusher, hang on till they get settled on something and need info. They won't know how much to negotiate, I'm sure. But my Dad does car negotiations very well.
  16. There was a little tippy target free with a brick of 22lr at PSA last week. There might be more deals like that showing up.
  17. They kinda stick to American cars. And aren't happy with many of them, ha. Mazda might just be a good choice. I'm thinking the best leasing deals are on overstock vehicles, pick one of those.
  18. Get Sylvania SilverStars that fit the headlight immediately. Pick the part number carefully. The correct ones for bikes are vibration resistant. Relatively low cost and a quick fix. Any LEDs that don't need additional wiring and resistance. As in cheap and plug and play would be good in my book. Tail light and brake light, I'd want the best I could find. The internets have a ton of choices, it can be very confusing. But I've had luck on prices and selection on truck and boat websites.
  19. I don't know much, just a few horror stories. My parents are considering leasing instead of buying. And they are asking questions, of course. 1. They would not put many miles on a leased car. 2. They would never do any of their own repair work. 3. It would mostly sit in the garage, and go to the grocery. With used cars kinda high, maybe leasing is the way to go. Oh, and they are in their 90s or will be soon. Yeah, still driving ok. Rather well actually. They hate freeways and won't go anywhere on them. Secondary question, what type of car to recommend. Current car is an Olds Aurora with the fast engine and the trick suspension. They had a Cadillac that needed repair way too often. Wasn't trust worthy.
  20. I read a synopsis of potentually what would happen with a failure of the communications satellites in orbit. Basically what would happen with a large solar flare. All communications stopped within 30 days, a cascade failure of an overloaded communications system. No phone or internet. Supply chains failed. Deliveries failed. Utilities started shutting down and failing. No fuel or food or services. World economies collapsed. Everything changed, and nothing would ever be the same for a long long time. This isn't the one that I read from NASA, but it's close enough: National Geographic: What If the Biggest Solar Storm on Record Happened Today?
  21. Resources: http://publicsafety.ohio.gov/NPM/index.stm http://www.ready.gov/ http://emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/kit/disasters/ http://www.bt.cdc.gov/ http://emergency.cdc.gov/preparedness/
  22. Earthquake Fire: San Francisco, April 1906 The Big Burn: Idaho and Montana, August 1910 Spanish Flu Pandemic: 1918 Tri-State Tornado: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, March 1925 The New England Hurricane: New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, September 1938 Great Alaskan Earthquake and Tsunami: Alaska, March 1964 Super Tornado Outbreak: Miss. and Ohio River Valleys, April 1974 Mount St. Helens Eruption: Washington, May 1980 Superstorm: Eastern and Central U.S., March 1993 Hurricane Katrina: New Orleans, August 2005 And for the future... 40-Mile-Long Mudslide, Washington State 80-Ft.-High Tsunami, Atlantic Coast Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake, Mississippi River Valley 195-MPH Hurricane, Florida Climate-Changing Ocean Disruption, North Atlantic (This one changes life as we know it, bringing most of the Northern hemisphere into a new epoch.) It's only a matter of time and place. Sort of like a lottery of disaster. Choose wisely. Realize that most lottery players are losers. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=greatest+american+disasters http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_disasters_in_the_United_States_by_death_toll http://genealogy.about.com/od/historic_disasters/tp/deadliest_us.htm http://www.popularmechanics.com/outdoors/survival/stories/10-disasters http://www.livescience.com/11365-10-worst-natural-disasters.html
  23. I have two of them. They both work well. One newer Android and one of the older Android. Both of mine have GPS and twice the memory. This one on sale does not have GPS. But the price was twice as high. edit: Do not drop them. It is not Gorilla glass and it will probably break.
  24. Pmag stuff for a Mossy. Yeah, I'll do that.
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