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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Uncle Punk

    Hey Tpoppa

    Not that I ever ran times this fast but those little kids on the KTM 125's were running 1:35/1:36s for the rookie cup.
  2. Having a Grom to play among them has to be as much fun as you can have on two wheels, you should really enjoy that. I would suggest that if there is a group going down to avoid being there at the same time though. Those little fuckers are everywhere and they travel in packs clogging up the road. Not that big of a deal if you venture out away from the Gap but a royal pain in the ass on the gap. Those slow little shits are fine to pass when there are only two or three of them but mob mentality turns them into big assholes in a pack.
  3. Uncle Punk

    Lawyer Advice

    This is a mess that is easily avoided. Don't get married!
  4. Uncle Punk

    Hey Tpoppa

    Wow what a bunch of technical jargon meant to ruin a good time. If you want to go fast you need to be able to brake effectively. You can generate way more g-force from braking than you can from accelerating plus it's way more fun to stop hard than it is to accelerate hard.
  5. If you can count and keep track of how many rounds, magazines or guns you own you don't have enough. I sold seven guns last year, don't remember how many I bought in the past year and have no clue or desire to know how many I own. I started to keep some at other locations a few years ago.
  6. Four is the perfect amount for someone that wants a nice car but can't afford one.
  7. The bike has been put to bed for the winter. Time to start planning next years rides.
  8. Goodnight Chesty wherever you are! Semper Fi
  9. How fun is that. Is there content about your bikes only or about the two of you? You guys are both very good riders and ride more than most so I'm wondering if any of that was worked into an article.
  10. Brand and dealer specific. Not much value to anything educational, they are phishing for email addresses of people within sales distance to a particular dealership.
  11. That is not a student survey. It is a marketing survey disguised as a school survey.
  12. https://advrider.com/f/threads/adventure-in-ohio.28732/
  13. I set my cruise at 54mph, I probably had to turn the cruise off about half a dozen times for sharp curves I couldn't see around. Kinda boring for 469 miles and even though the new bike is comfortable going so slowly I didn't need to move around so it became uncomfortable. Gas stops were welcomed to end the monotony. It's a beautiful safe road that would be really fun if it wasn't so heavily patrolled and the fines weren't so big if caught speeding. Just like Deal's Gap I'm certain that there are roads just as good in the area that aren't patrolled as heavily with a realistic speed limit.
  14. Have ABS on the new bike. Don't care if it's there or not did not and will not buy a bike with that as a deciding factor. The ABS light goes off all the time like its doing something but I have never felt like it has saved me from an accident. I rode the old bike like I ride the new bike and never had an issue where I thought that I needed ABS. I might not tax my brakes enough to think that ABS is needed so it might be something for the faster, more aggressive riders. I like to think that I ride a fairly quick street pace but it's not because I rely heavily on hard braking to do it. That kind of aggressive riding is for the track where you are on the edge of tire grip when braking. Aggressive braking is where most mistakes are made, which is why I don't apply it on the street, I want to ride long miles and be able to do it again the next day. Speaking of long miles I did Skyline Drive and the whole Blue Ridge Parkway a few weeks ago. $25 to ride 105 miles with a posted 35MPH speed limit means that I won't be doing the Skyline drive again. The Blue Ridge Parkway is okay but just okay. If it was posted as 55MPH instead of 45MPH it would be better. Both were heavily patrolled and not worth the trouble if you would get a ticket on either.
  15. Uncle Punk

    New Bike

    Doesn't that bike come with bags? I know it doesn't but some salesmen have no clue as to what they are selling.
  16. Should be easy enough to plead down to involuntary manslaughter unless thinking he was immune from prosecution he made incriminating statements. Never talk to the police, never talk to the police, never talk to the police.
  17. Lawyer, who needs a lawyer? Let's just go slap some corporate bitches around until they pay up.
  18. Don't forget I steal all the white babies too. I left the Honda stock so I didn't have much to lose on accessories. I'm not going to be so lucky with it's replacement, I have about 4K in accessories on it which will be nothing but loss when it's time to sell.
  19. This bike is now sold. Put 21,000 miles on it and got $6,000 for it. This was a fun thread to reread and it is the origins for "Black Tod"
  20. Hahaha, you're right. We all have to compensate somehow. Lazy fuckers too, neither one used a clutch very much, it's almost like riding an automatic, might as well have a scooter.
  21. Random thought after seeing Jim post in another thread and tying it into the old age thing. I'm not certain but I think that combined age of the guys that rode in the first two spots for most of the ride is 115. Couple of old fuckers.
  22. Tried to edit the post above but can't figure out how to do it. Why does Casper keep breaking the software? Shad makes the factory cases for my bike so their stuff is good quality. The service from the USA distributor is a little lacking however unless you buy from them through EBay.
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