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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. There may be someone here with a good story that can tell us what the result of that situation would be. I would try MidgetTodd as a likely starting point then move on to the track gays.
  2. I hate you & wish I was you at the same time. I really love 60 around Suches. I lived in the Spring City, TN area in the early 90s. Where you crossed the river on 60 used to be a ferry that didn't run at night. You couldn't cross at 30 either if the ferry wasn't running. If you got caught on the other side of the river at night you had to drive down to Chattanooga or up to 68 across Watts Bar. It took a very long time to get back home if you didn't pre plan plus if it was a weekend you were most likely going to get stopped at half of the county lines because every other county was dry & they wanted to catch you crossing into the dry counties from the den of sin you just left. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=S+Mulberry+St&daddr=S+Columbus+St+to:OH-555+N+to:39.5306445,-81.9433992+to:OH-32+E%2FOH-7+N%2FUS-50+E%2FJames+A.+Rhodes+Appalachian+Hwy+to:OH-7+S+to:39.1775777,-82.1341049+to:OH-356+S+to:OH-356+S+to:OH-93+S+to:S+Mulberry+St&hl=en&sll=39.53089,-81.943331&sspn=0.015557,0.030556&geocode=Fb9KWwId4JAW-w%3BFehnXwIdwzYY-w%3BFXERXgIdTlcc-w%3BFZQwWwIdmaQd-ynxVxosURdIiDG_FRwvWAhLGQ%3BFX4-VwIdL3wh-w%3BFSSrVQIdaSAf-w%3BFWnNVQIdqLsa-ylnh6YMf3lIiDEFxq5ZqP0Irg%3BFc3TVwId9MMY-w%3BFcBkWAIdR-wY-w%3BFZfhWAId6LsV-w%3BFexOWwIdXpEW-w&mra=ls&via=3,6&t=m&z=9
  3. The bag comes off but I'm afraid that if I take it off I'll lose it. We old people have a hard time remembering where we put things.
  4. NinjaDoc is correct, each group that forms itself can decide which way they would like to conduct their group. We will have cruisers there and maybe some scooters, I might even be on my scooter if I don't have my bike back together from winter maintenance that I didn't start until Friday.
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/19/obama-taking-executive-action-on-guns-after-senate-vote/?test=latestnews#ixzz2QwZ0t67d
  6. The people that own guns know that it is already required and those that don't know the difference think it should be. The results aren't hard to understand when you see the question. This certainly doesn't support the assumption that the majority of those surveyed think additional laws need to be put in place as the anti's are trying to infer. Here's a question for the next survey. "Did you know that you are required to get a background check at a gun show when purchasing a firearm from a dealer?" How about "Are you in favor of requiring private individuals to conduct a background check when selling their personal property to friends and family?" Another “Did you know that when purchasing a firearm from the internet it has to be shipped to a FFL for a required background check?” (Yes I’m away of some of the issues to this.)
  7. I don't understand why people need to be compelled by government laws to do what they think is right. There is no reason at all not to use an FFL if it gives you piece of mind other than it adds cost to your transaction. People that think we aren't taxed enough are free to send in all the extra money they seem fit but they don't, they wait for the government to compel them. There is no law to require me to wear a helmet but I think it's the right thing to do so I do it. That decision cost me money but it's worth my peace of mind.
  8. What is stopping you from using an FFL now if it's that important to you? Who in the hell is this 90%, it certainly isn't anyone I personally know. It might be some of you nut jobs here but you can't pick all your friends on the internet. I think this number is so wrong that it's laughable for the anti's to use as fact.
  9. "Drop and Sweep" is an excellent method to control a group ride. Properly executed you won't find a better way to keep a group together and organized. Having said that "Drop and Sweep" is a totally inappropriate tactic to use on a sport bike ride. It works great with scooters, cruisers and Goldwings that are out sightseeing but is a clusterfuck with sport bikes especially with a vast diversity of skill levels. It ends up putting people in from of others that shouldn't be. Most groups settle in from fastest riders to slower riders. This gives gaps of appropriate distances; it allows the slower riders to see what the rider in front of them is doing and allows the group to reform at stops safely. When you put faster riders behind slower riders they tend to crowd the slower riders which makes them nervous or makes them go faster than they should be because they don't want to hold others up both are uncomfortable and the latter is unsafe. In some cases it encourages passing which should be a no no. I know having a faster rider in front can sometimes suck the slower riders into trouble but that's where picking the right groups and skill levels come in. You want the guy in front of you to be slightly faster not can't keep him in sight faster. Keeping the group sizes down to maximum 10 riders allows us to work the groups in a typical sport bike ride. If we want the whole group to ride together and not organize by skill level the ‘Ride and Sweep’ method is the only option. I personally am not interested in going to the nice roads to parade around them.
  10. Happy Birthday you queer. I'm starting to get a complex about being the older guy and I'm not even the oldest one posting in this thread. Semper Fi
  11. Yes, that is the intended route. Trust me 337 at pace going north is too dangerous for a group ride with inexperienced riders. 555 is a stretch for the group but with the two large capacity gas stations at the bottom of 555, trying to get a route long enough to make it worthwhile & not knowing any other roads in the area I didn't know what else to suggest that wouldn't complicate the route too much.
  12. Something got lost in translation on the ride posted. The route stays on 555 & does not go off on 337. This helps simplify the route & makes it shorter if only by three miles. I know for certain 337 should NOT be ran with a group going north. If everyone wants 337 in the route I guess we could live with it but the route HAS to be ran the opposite direction. I don't know 93 in that area or the other roads but I do know 555 and to a small extent 337. A small group of us ended up on that road last year after we had put in about 350 miles already. We were tired & had backed the pace down a notch. I remember a few curves that caught me by surprise & made me uncomfortable getting through them. At the same pace as described above the questionable curve on 555 wouldn't be an issue.
  13. Did you complete the route in four hours?
  14. I found the curve that I was concerned about & how to identify it on the ride. If you are in an uphill right curve with a cemetery in front of you the uphill blind left curve ahead should be approached with caution. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-555+N&daddr=39.5196791,-81.9353619+to:OH-555+N&hl=en&sll=39.519275,-81.935641&sspn=0.001117,0.002411&geocode=FUQCWwIdpcUd-w%3BFb8FWwId_8Md-ylj08EbQRdIiDHjaV1Qzp8JaA%3BFRAGWwIdK8Ad-w&t=h&mra=ls&via=1&z=19 https://maps.google.com/?ll=39.519219,-81.935171&spn=0.000002,0.002411&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=39.51904,-81.935135&panoid=hXAaEdQPAvR96ZLSU-5dOw&cbp=12,359.8,,0,16.29
  15. I didn't think it was your's, just giving you a bump. If anyone is interested in this bike I'm close to the seller and will be happy to test ride it for you.
  16. Can the general public still ethically purchase Glock blue guns through retail? How much longer before all Glock training guns are restricted? Did they go after the big guy first and the rest are about to get the hammer? Adam, time to just call yourself a holster maker and get on a vendors list. I have a Ring's G17 and you can't have it.
  17. Okay, I'll have agree with the pushy salesman here sometimes they get it right.
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