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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Give anyone a ten minute head start & you're going to have a hard time catching them, actually we turned off on 604 just south of Lodi so you wouldn't have caught us anyway. The other bike was Aprilia Falco but there was a BMW K1300, ZX10 & KTM Super Duke at the gas station. It was nice to bump into you & maybe we can ride together next year.
  2. These other bikes you caught up with were they riding really slowly or were you riding really fast?
  3. I'm not positive but I doubt it, I never wear a helmet on the scooter.
  4. I'm going with the lazy route here and not getting into the depth this could lead to. None of the explosions happened while the cans were used as intended or as 99.9% of people use them. If the cans had leaked or split apart without an impact with damages I guarantee the company would have settled and not fought lawsuits. I have knocked over my gas cans and nothing happened because the lid was on it, that seven year old had a user problem that he unfortunately paid a price for but the can didn't cause the accident it was stored improperly. You find where this companies cans failed when used as is common for typical gas can use and we would agree that the company should do something. I contend that they would stand behind their product in such cases. Correct, shipping air is expensive.
  5. I still laugh about this whenever I think about it. It was a perfectly acceptable reaction to a road that road certainly isn't for everyone. I really don't like it being compared to Deal's Gap either, blind rises and driveways make this road much more dangerous. It surely couldn't be considered as a destination road for people out of the area.
  6. Did you guys see the guy in back put his bike down too? That is carnage; I've only been on a ride with two bikes down.
  7. I don't know what it is about that road but we like each other. You guys know I'm kidding about not shifting out of 1st; I do make it into 2nd two possibly three times at the most and if I had to wouldn't have any problem staying in first. Going toward the river and it’s a whole other animal, with three jumps and one that's almost impossible to stay on the road in your lane. I really like 260 now and it's safer because it doesn't have the blind rises. It has relentless curves and is kind of hard to ride with a group because on most roads after a set of curves you have a chance to slow down for the group to reform before the next set of curves. Not on 260 I'm usually fighting with me, here is a straight slow down and get everyone back together, OMG another curve sign that has multiple curves on it, should I wait for the group to get back together? But I'm going to miss this set of curves, fuck it I'll wait on the next straight that never happens, repeat over and over.
  8. Sold, thanks for playing.
  9. I.P. with his fancy Italian tractor and it's premium suspension likes to make fun of us older AARP types with our I4s motors. It's okay I'm not mad at him. Here is what not to do when riding with others. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh4VX6OgwXA&feature=related
  10. I is scared and will not go out of 1st gear and you loony bins can't make me.
  11. I take people on it if they ask but it's been a long time. After much fanfare and celebration about the road a few years ago I took one of our resident fast guys on it with a few others. "Get me the FUCK off this road" is an exact quote, he would not turn around and go the other way, I blame fear & common sense. Now when I'm in the area I do 255 then try to get to 260.
  12. 255 one of my two favorite roads in Ohio, I ride the whole thing in 1st gear it's so scary. You can keep that crazy mean & nasty 536. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=29234 ^one of many threads about the road.
  13. Seniors on the election. NSFW - language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f17fWth3YgA&feature=player_embedded
  14. I've been corrected about the trap speed it's not 153 it's 155.33 we have to be correct. Now get this they are killing me they have a new 2011 for sale at a great price.
  15. I rode Jinx's bike last night...OMG... I've never rode anything so fast. I was at redline before I knew it in every gear. I slowed the bike down for quite a while until I figured out I needed to shift sooner. I made a shift at well over 100MPH in a curve that brought the front end up!!!! Scared me to death, I have to ride it again. Made my Honda feel like a 750.
  16. So what kind of trap speed should you expect out of a ZX10 with a big fat kid on it?
  17. Three of us did a 500+ mile ride this summer & it was a blast that was the ride I was referring to as my favorite. I have never been on a core ride that had an accident involved in it. I know it can and has happened but it hasn't when I have been on one. We don't plan a lunch stop or take long bullshit cigarette breaks. Every group of people you ride with has different skill levels but what I really like about the core guys I ride with is that no matter what pace they choose I am confident that they aren't going to be wrecking. You can plan your day expecting to finish it riding. I know accidents happen and it's possible for one to happen to any one of us. No two riders ride alike but so far it seems like they all are confident competent riders & I will take that any day over people trying to ride fast & out of control. Niven you would be fine riding with the core guys. To me it’s not about the pace it’s about the competence.
  18. Best ride I did this year was a C.O.R.E. ride.
  19. 911 call http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2012/10/19/police-elyria-resident-shoots-and-kills-alleged-burglar/
  20. I have no idea why the government needs to be involved in marriage at all in the first place. I also don't understand how they can't be able to define it any way it wants to. No one has to opt into the system and why would you want to give up your rights to have the government regulate your actions? For the religious folks that are supposed to be conservative to ask the government to offer them special privileges and protection just seems hypocritical. If the religious folks had kept marriage out of the governments hands in the first place they would be able to define it as they wish but that ship has sailed so sit down shut up and take your medicine like big boys. When inter-racial marriage laws were changed these same religious folks fought against the changes and I find their opposition just as ridiculous today. Bottom line if you don't want your shit fucked up keep the government out of it because it fucks up everything.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9UrOmhH2PeI
  22. I can reply for you, trust me I won't get anything wrong. What do you want me to tell him? https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-82+E%2FElyria-Twinsburg+Rd%2FRoyalton+Rd&daddr=40.2358748,-81.8772458+to:OH-78+W%2FOH-83+N+to:Ohio+60+N%2FState+Route+60+N+to:OH-339+S+to:Co+Route+21%2FW+Virginia+14+S%2FMineral+Wells+Heights+to:Main+St+to:W+Virginia+16+N+to:38.548051,-81.021506+to:38.420832,-81.112228+to:Beckwith+Rd+to:37.5789789,-81.3291989+to:W+Virginia+83+E%2FBartley+Store+Bottom+Rd+to:State+Route+611+to:State+Route+611&hl=en&ll=39.470125,-81.518555&spn=4.579327,9.876709&sll=37.195878,-82.319183&sspn=0.14768,0.308647&geocode=FQpodgIdOHYc-w%3BFWLzZQIdA6ce-ynfnee8mpg3iDGrKEbfix_8Yw%3BFfnLXQIds_og-w%3BFYa_WwId4gwi-w%3BFQhvVwIdcAIi-w%3BFcr3VQIdN_gj-w%3BFU4PUAIdbrQm-w%3BFUvhTwIdry4q-w%3BFVMyTAIdvrUr-ym_qCD_j0RJiDF71YQ5HwDmMw%3BFWBBSgIdXFMq-ylBzArPDElJiDFKqBSoUirrjw%3BFZ62RAIdsm4q-w%3BFeJoPQId0gMn-ykrdN9b91lOiDE_2VwSUXBX3g%3BFTB-OQIdWIIh-w%3BFfkgOAIdNHMY-w%3BFWUIOAIdXjUW-w&mra=ls&via=1,8,9,11&t=m&z=7 https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-82+E%2FElyria-Twinsburg+Rd%2FRoyalton+Rd&daddr=40.2358748,-81.8772458+to:OH-83+S%2FOH-83+Scenic+S%2FCoshocton+Rd+to:39.7029921,-82.1160319+to:39.37878,-82.4614731+to:Park+Dr+to:16th+Street+Rd+to:W+Virginia+80+N+to:Bartley+Store+Bottom+Rd+to:VA-80+E%2FBreaks+Park+Rd+to:State+Route+611&hl=en&ll=39.257778,-82.22168&spn=4.593256,9.876709&sll=38.289937,-81.123047&sspn=4.65594,9.876709&geocode=FQpodgIdOHYc-w%3BFWLzZQIdA6ce-ynfnee8mpg3iDGrKEbfix_8Yw%3BFaw0ZAIdvlsg-w%3BFdDRXQIdQQIb-yln15yTDwJIiDHPxfAASkdIVQ%3BFVzfWAId37wV-ymF9h11O8JHiDEQgHASC58sjQ%3BFQQRTAIdsXcS-w%3BFSDMSQId4q8W-w%3BFdi6PwIdgLwe-w%3BFQnvOQIdb9If-w%3BFfkgOAIdNHMY-w%3BFWUIOAIdXjUW-w&mra=ls&via=1,3,4&t=m&z=7
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