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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. what is a psn ? and i went and bought it so hopefuly on wedsnday " my day off " i'll be on all day so i take it you guys play that ?
  2. thinking about buying XboX36 elite with this game, what do you think guys ?
  3. yesexactlythatswhyican'twaittoleaveworkandgohome sleepingisthebestthingicandoonasaturdayafter11hoursofworking,speciallythatiamworkingtomorrowtoo. lol thisgameisfun
  4. because you were bored and wanted to find a thread and post something on iot too ?
  5. yeahiamsoboredtooandifeelsorryforyoufeelingthisboredanyideaswhattodonottobethisbored?ifanyonereadsthistooandhaveanyideaswhattodopleaseposthavegoodnightalllol
  6. i don't think he still has it if it was real, and other than that i need a bike to ride it back home no time or place to work on one Thanks tho
  7. i am sorry to add but 6 months ago it was " august " right ? isn't that summer where prices are higher ?
  8. just got it, gonna give him a text or a call lol what does jet kit means ? thanks
  9. not running due to battery, he will take 900 for it, but gotta do it within an hour i work till 9 pm any one near that area ? Thanks
  10. okay texted him gonna email and call him in an hour if he didn't answer what does geard 1 up and 2 down means ? Thanks
  11. BikerBoy


    I wish, but nah it's Parma town mall
  12. BikerBoy


    so there is a chance that this mall will close tomorrow ? that would suck as saturday is our busiest day, but if there will be no customer, so it's better to stay home D:
  13. don't think you can fly there in 24 hours
  14. i'll set and cry for the next 24 hours as a fly back home to kiss my mom and dad good bye takes 24 hours, that if i got a on time flight or maybe as it's unlimited cash, i could buy a air jet or something and let an Air Force pilot fly me home so i can say good bye to them lol glad no one can tell when they are dieing, that would suck.
  15. it's a scam, he is in UK and wanterd to get paid to ship the bike back to usa lol don't worry about that ad , look for soemthing else.
  16. how many races are you planning on race ?
  17. I hope nad pray he is doing good, and hopefuly he started getting better, if anyone knows anything please let us know
  18. yeah i was drive testing that, looks good ha ? j/k
  19. Congratulations dude, looks awesome.
  20. it's for when you hit 5000 post dahhh
  21. contact the people in this add, someone told me they have few bikes in the range of 1000 - 1500, i'd go and get me one of them my self, but they are 3 hours away from Akron, so good luck http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/1569590362.html
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