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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Umm, yup. Could I come if I tucked it back, maybe with some tape or something
  2. I was thinking sex 3 times before noon
  3. Kids are happy, I am with great girl, job is going really well.. that is what matters most.
  4. The roads there and back were as good as the roads down there....and with much fewer LEOs to worry about
  5. 3 pieces of tape per gift. no more
  6. Talking doesn't but communicating does.
  7. I think the chances of a supreme being being responsible for our existence is exactly 0%. It's not a comment I make lightly. We have found simple life like bacteria on pieces of asteroids that have landed on earth. We also have overwhelming fossil record of single cell simple life evolving into more complex life. Understanding how life was seeded on earth isn't that all that difficult to understand. Stephen Hawking even went as far as explaining how the universe was created without the need for a god. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/09/02/hawking.god.universe/index.html
  8. If I believed in god I just might be offended.
  9. First off, great of you and your daughter to get involved. The world needs more people like you. But it begs the questions..are you saying you only got involved because of religion, faith and not just because it's the right thing to do? I certainly hope not. Or do you feel that those 'poor bastards' that don't believe in god must lack compassion and would just look the other way? Not only would I get involved....I have done say many times, multiple times this year in fact with people that were struggling with addiction and suicide. I'm a super busy person, and could easily make excuses to not help people, but I still do. Not because of faith, or god...because I'm not a shithead.
  10. I would agree with you Jamie. Christ was a pacifist. But every religion has bred their own brand of "we're right; you're wrong" intolerance. Islam, on the other hand, is a deeply flawed ideology that at some point became a religion. It's inspired quotes like: Winston Churchill 1899: “Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” Islam is fine justifying violence, killing, rape, and slavery in certain situations. Even Mohammad committed murder and rape. What??? Where did this hate speech come from??? Well it's right in the fucking Quran. Read what's in there...you'll be surprised Violence https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx Rape https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/rape-adultery.aspx Slavery https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/slavery.aspx Women's rights https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/women-worth-less.aspx
  11. I attempt to live my life as a thoroughly decent human being. I've never needed any religion or ideology to convince me of that. I just seems right to me. If you needed religion to tell you that lying, cheating, and stealing is wrong...then deep down you are shithead.
  12. I play pool. Sometimes for money. Sometimes I win...lol
  13. Tracy, this is absolutely a true story.
  14. Ugh. My ex wife tries to get a hold of me every time whatever loser she's been dating dumps her. No thanks. They are exes for a reason.
  15. I don't think the 40 inch seat height will be very popular with non-NBA players.
  16. Eat at Steiner's Ranch. You're welcome.
  17. The place I booked is right by Playa del Carmen. It's a well known snorkeling location. The resort also has free snorkeling lessons. https://www.playadelcarmen.com/blog/best-snorkel-sites-around-playa-del-carmen/
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