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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. No way. Gonna work for my kid and get some fuck you money. Not you specifically, just a general fuck everyone. Just finishing a couple years to lock in retirement insurance.
  2. That 22 is a good deal, as a gov worker I only get 15.
  3. Give it to me, I'll sell it to Tim and split it with you.
  4. Dude, you have connections. If you want to go you are in. I MIGHT be able to get you a room at the Hyatt, but no promises.
  5. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I meant CBBARON and What.
  6. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    So are you two going to homo up? Just want to clarify so there are no issues on the trip with rooms.
  7. Yea, everyone wants to be like me.
  8. Never used them, but when I was going to go one way to Colorodo/Utah/Vegas with the wife a dealer and several other peeps suggested these folks: http://haulbikes.com/
  9. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    And a big part of why I don't share rooms. Life is too short to spend it listening to some snoring.
  10. Well, it either uses cell, data or magic. Those are the only three choices. Magic is out I think. Cell is also out since Cell can only make phone calls, so yea it uses data. In the middle of no where it won't work. But it is a very slick system and outstanding company. For emergency crash calls, ride recording and lean and all that I have an app called Eat Sleep Ride that does all that. It senses the phone changing angle suddenly and the impact and the fact it isn't moving anymore and will text and call and email your location to any contacts you set up. It also records your ride, lean angles and speed info. I was an early alpha tester, so I have if for free for life. I can't say I would recommend it to anyone, it's still pretty full of bugs and has limited abilities. Mowhak.Fusar is the way to go.
  11. @Casper Looks like Derbycon has us covered for the concert.
  12. Calling my stock broker, going to get some shares of motorcycle battery companies.
  13. Rule #1…Don’t steal stuff Rule #2…If you do, don’t ride it like you stole it Rule #3…Karma is a bitch Rule #4…Stupidity hurts a lot Rule #5…Keep your dumb butt on the ground.
  14. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Well, I decided to put the brakes on. So that is done.
  15. Me too, although it is just a great ride Thurdsay and an ok one Saturday. Rest of the time is hanging at a IT security conference. Where are you headed?
  16. The only rotation that gets the Indians to the World Series is Kluber, rain, rain, rain, Kluber, rain, rain, rain.........
  17. Well after yesterday it would seem you won't be there. Shame to end such an epic season on two injuries.
  18. Tonik

    Fogo Island Inn

    Haha, its Newfoundland. The government is paying people to leave man. There ain't shit there except this hotel and a couple of bed and breakfast places. The story on the hotel is some lady grew up in that town as it crashed and burned when fishing went to hell. She made it out, became a billionaire and built the hotel to try and save the town.
  19. Tonik

    Fogo Island Inn

    It's Canadian, so not real money. Plus you are a Doctor ffs.
  20. As I understand it, it depends what phone you get. They just use others networks. So some on vz, some on sprint.
  21. The 6 is a great choice. I love mine, two years I have had it no desire to replace it. Have you unlocked it? Try Franco's kernel. Amazing battery life and great performance.
  22. Tonik

    Fogo Island Inn

    I am riding here. Anyone else in? http://www.fogoislandinn.ca/
  23. And try a different cable, preferably the sammy one. The Auth fail might just be the cable.
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