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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. You left the period off that last sentence.
  2. Sunday, big batch of Apple Pie Whiskey. I will hook you up man. Or do you want our most epic Bourbon yet? It is awesome and still has a few weeks of oak aging to go?
  3. This is the correct assessment of the situation.
  4. Perfect, I hate gin.
  5. Fuck you you little cock sucker.
  6. Throw in the Top Gun poster!!!
  7. If we are going to do any redirecting then Lemon Party needs to be the destination. EDIT: If you don't know what lemon party is, don't google it and go there. You have been warned.
  8. If someone wants to start a second group they are more than welcome to.
  9. I sure hope some mod doesn't delete all your messages in this thread where you expressed an interest.
  10. With @Howabusa possibly being in we are at 10. So if you expressed an interest prior to this post you are in. If you didn't sorry but: THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED. PERIOD. Hauling 10 bikes across the smokies is all I am willing to do. It is just too much to keep everyone together and happy.
  11. I'll give you ten. But that offer is withdrawn the instant Mike declines to buy them. Choose wisely (gr)asshopper.
  12. I would have played that differently. Would have told him take my money right now or forget it. Dibs
  13. I misunderstood, I thought you trailer-ed to the Flight 93 memorial. I was halfway home to get my bike to drive down there and get your man card before I realized my mistake. Carry on.
  14. Oh my, this change in you makes me sad. Very sad.
  15. Tonik

    2016 Deals Gap

    Yea, don't bother looking at their signs trying to read their names. Easily found on the webs, just make a mental note of date and time you pass through. Killboy Moonshine Photo 129 Slayer 129 Photo US129 Photo
  16. If he takes you up on that make sure he throws in a spare battery.
  17. My dad died from cancer when I was two. My surrogate dad was my uncle. He taught me to hunt, fish, ride a bike and got me laid the first time. He was cool as fuck. Killed himself on a bike. He is why I ride.
  18. Three hours into the slab I bet his price for the Multi goes up.
  19. If you do that while I am beside you I will shoot you.
  20. Just so you are mentally prepared for what is going to happen...about 3 hours into the slab part Wed I am going to get in the left lane and drop back beside you. Kick on the cruise control, prop my feet up on the highway pegs, take a hit from my bottled water in my cup holder and a few hits on my vap while blasting Born to be Wild from the stereo. then flip you of and then go back up front.
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