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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Yea they are messed up. There are three ways to post pics. Load them up here to your gallery (hardest way). Attach them to the post....like if they are in your phone and you are posting from that. Or last to link to another site, like photobucket or smugmug or Flickr or something. It looks like you are doing the last, linking to another site. To do that you need to figure out how to get a link from that site that has .jpg or .bmp or whatever on the end. If I go to my smugmug and look at the page that has my Fonz picture and just post that directly: https://jimkennedy.smugmug.com/Wizard-World-2016/i-JmNP5WK It won't show up, but you can click on it. If I use that same link and hit the button on the bottom right that says Insert other media and post that link with 'insert url', it won't show up. But if I go to my fonz page and get the full url to the actual pic by right clicking on the pic and saying 'get 'copy image address' I get the full url with the .jpg in it. I can just post that into the post, or use the button on the bottom right and insert url. The key is to use a url that has the .jpg or .bmp or what ever on the end, that is a valid link all the way to the image. Get that and you will be golden. EDIT. TOOK OUT MY FONZ PIC SO NOT TO MESS UP YOUR THREAD. IT WAS THERE, HONEST.
  2. Probably a repost, but in honor of Easter:
  3. Plans a Meat and Great sausage fest then makes up bullshit rules about keeping our pants on.
  4. ^^ Kills every thread he posts in, case in point. This one.
  5. That looks great Brian. Your kid will remember that and tell the story when he is 40.
  6. The Box gets lots of folks. And you are right, practice helps. And the practicing and learning never ends. Its part of the fun for me, getting better.
  7. I would have no problem living with that. Hell, I would back over him a few times just ro make sure.
  8. Your entire premise is based on a lie. Stunters on the street most certainly do kill and injure people. It happens a lot more than you think. You fail to understand you are EXACLTY the same as a drunk driver. They dont think they are going to hurt anyone. They think they are fine and in control. Both of you are wrong, very wrong. Its one thing to make a mistake and accidentally kill someone. But it is entirely different to decide to drink and drive or stunt on a public road and consciously decide to put others in danger. I find your disregard for others in pursuit of your own fun to be quite disturbing. legacy.wfaa.com/story/news/crime/2014/08/10/13637294
  9. Weather permitting that is what I am doing.
  10. We are getting good at this grandparents shit. 12 people over, it went perfectly.
  11. The post above this one is the correct answer.
  12. He is trailering, there is no doubt.
  13. Go across the river at Ripley OH. Take 9 and 10 over to 22. Take 22 pretty much all the way to Louisville.
  14. I made that comment a few days ago. Dont recall where I was going with it but I am certain it was very clever.
  15. Read my comment in your thread.
  16. My update was about Riverview Rd near Cleveland being closed on 3/28.
  17. Gratten is just east of Grand Rapids MI.
  18. Saw this at Kmart. Going to buy it.
  19. Well, they are opened. Don't rush to get smaller pads Tim, they compress quite a bit after you use it for awhile.
  20. 3/28 for 60 days right at Vaughn Rd. Where the yellow ranger buildings are. I assume they are doing something with the low road through the swamp.
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