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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. The post above this one is the correct answer.
  2. He is trailering, there is no doubt.
  3. Go across the river at Ripley OH. Take 9 and 10 over to 22. Take 22 pretty much all the way to Louisville.
  4. I made that comment a few days ago. Dont recall where I was going with it but I am certain it was very clever.
  5. Read my comment in your thread.
  6. My update was about Riverview Rd near Cleveland being closed on 3/28.
  7. Gratten is just east of Grand Rapids MI.
  8. Saw this at Kmart. Going to buy it.
  9. Well, they are opened. Don't rush to get smaller pads Tim, they compress quite a bit after you use it for awhile.
  10. 3/28 for 60 days right at Vaughn Rd. Where the yellow ranger buildings are. I assume they are doing something with the low road through the swamp.
  11. We waited out there for him to leave, to find out. He just scampered up the side using the frame bars like a damn monkey. Had a bag of burgers and a drink in his hand.
  12. If I had a dollar every time you sold a house I could buy a Tesla.
  13. Why are Exxon, Mobile, Visa and Pepsi exempt from providing birth control to their employees but the Little Sisters of the Poor are not?
  14. Your custom layout's on the streams got nuked. Where you had the chatbox and recent activity and stuff on the right side....gone. The new choices at the top for content filters is cool.
  15. Saw this at Wendy's today. Pretty epic, dude could motor this thing around.
  16. That is great stuff Eric, but keep in mine that pretty much all of OR has the attention span of a West African gnat. Videos longer than 30 seconds are too much for us.
  17. Locked per OP's request.
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