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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Jesus man, they murdered police officers, planted pipe bombs, tried to over throw the election results and thus over throw the legitimate president elect. So yea, they are terrorists by any sane definition of the word. Textbook definition.
  2. If you think Pauly is a democrat you are mistaken. There most certainly is a difference between what the MAGA rioters did in the capitol and what the BLM rioters did in Seattle. The MAGA rioters were rioting to protest the fact that their bat shit insane leader lost an election, and to try and over turn those election results. The BLM rioters in Portland were rioting over the ongoing cold blooded murder of their people. And before you mistake me for a democrat, I am an old white conservative, for the most part.
  3. Why lower in the cold, I would think you would go higher in the cold so they will get up to pressure as they heat up. Or are you running them lower so they will get hotter and grip better against the cold pavement? Honest question, I don't know...trying to learn.
  4. Yes that will work. Don't need cell service, just connect via WiFi at home and down load the maps. You will not get live traffic if you do it this way, but no big deal. There is a map program you can buy called Sygic where you can download whole states at a time. I think that will work better for you because Google Maps downloads are a bit limited. If you go this route, consider a rain resistant phone. It won't save you in a down pour but will give you time to pull over and store it.
  5. Not sure why you wanted your post reported but I have done so. Maybe a mod will come along and act on it. And just in case Tim's free phone is gone and someone needs one here is one for 35 shipped. No fingerprints though. https://www.ebay.com/p/182482072?iid=193817353308
  6. No, I think he means replying to threads that are over a decade old isn't valuable.
  7. I got one, still need it?
  8. Corbin or RDL can solve this problem.
  9. I am 6 1 with a 32 inseam. Legs are not an issue because your legs are more under you so you just end up with knees being a bit more bent. If you want, for 500 bucks you can have the seat modded to give you an extra inch of space to move back, it will not impact your passenger. Handlebars may need to be modded, but will depend on how far forward you like to sit...lean forward a bit...or lean back a bit or be more upright will impact that. They make a riser plate for that. The above seat mod will also impact handlebar reach of course. If you want to go all in, which I am doing this winter for 700 bucks, you can replace the handlebars with a set that are 100 percent adjustable. Forward, back, up, down and angle are pretty much fully adjustable.
  10. Does not matter where it was stored. There is no air flow so it would not get much dust, if any. Now, if it was stored up someones ass I would change it as it would be covered in shit.
  11. Previous owner replaced the really crappy tapered steering head bearings with last forever forget about it All Balls. (ironic isn't it). The windshield in the pic is a really nice recurve, that is the one you will want. Very nice long arm Kury highway pegs. Fork seals and so on were replaced at 60k, they are good for a long time. Can't believe the current owner didn't mention that it is ABS. Kaw's linked ABS is freaking awesome.
  12. Wish you had told me that sooner. I just spent today riding WV with him. I could have beat his ass or something if I had known.
  13. No, we wear masks because we want to help protect the weak. We care about others. You on the other hand are a piece of shit that only cares about themselves.
  14. You are in luck, one of the more recognized companies is in Florida. https://landingear.com/
  15. At least he didn't grab them by the pussy.
  16. We actually have a person in this thread that agrees with that bullshit.
  17. Covidiot is now basically an accepted scientific term to describe people with a low cognitive ability. Guessing they have been reading this thread. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8519169/Real-covidiots-People-refuse-wear-mask-lower-cognitive-ability-new-study-shows.html
  18. Correlation does not equal causation. The reopening, indoor gatherings and idiots not wearing masks caused it. The protests were outside, MUCH safer than what the freedom crowd is doing. Stop making excuses for dumbasses. https://www.google.com/search?biw=412&bih=645&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ALeKk01voEnJ7k9HKzWAYJoLnVDCz36_-Q%3A1593966773548&ei=tQACX5WUIe-uytMP0LO36Aw&q=did+protests+raise+covid+infection&oq=did+protests+raise+covid+infection&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...32108.34160.0.34927.
  19. Yes until you or someone else brings Covid in from somewhere else. As to your original question "Am I an idiot". Sorry man, at this point I have to go with yes.
  20. Ok you patriotic freedom loving Covidiots. Are you better than Chile and Peru, or are you not. 'Merica!!
  21. Unless you have high quality hard bags some dampness is to be expected. Zip lock FTW.
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