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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. Suzuki GSX650-F upright riding position smoove inline 4, fair amount of torque (relatively speaking) heavy, or as I like to say, "stabile"... inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to maintain
  2. can't tell us there's a story and then not tell us the story... /free bump
  3. you might get better results if you put future items in the Firearms sub-section... /free bump
  4. one for your bike, and a modified one for a pink scooter:
  5. jblosser


    From the album: Plates

  6. jblosser


    From the album: Plates

  7. jblosser


    various plates created at oplates.com for thread replies
  8. i'm trying out next time 'round...
  9. poncho > duster > trenchcoat
  10. dammitall, got me to looking and found one in upstate NY that I want. i h8 the intarwebz. it's only money, right? anyone have a car trailer in case i go stupid and decide to venture up/over there? only semi-joking, I hope.
  11. wrong. and in Ohio, what are the majority of property taxes used for? Something the Amish don't use, public schools.
  12. BeeGreenStrings is world champ, or close... I think he was getting out of the game, though.
  13. .. in other words, people that built businesses took and took and took and never paid in, so we're gonna get 'em. It's ok to confiscate more of "the rich's" money ("the rich" being defined as anyone who makes more than you, because class envy is a powerful tool), after all, government and every Tom, Dick, Harry, and teacher built all businesses.
  14. Marshall Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty Mac and Cheese Archie and Veronica Laverne and Shirley (if both girls) Archie and Edith
  15. Briggs and Stratton Smith and Wesson Abbott and Costello Cheech and Chong Gin and tonic Seven and 7 (might be confusing) If you're a fanboy: Jobs and Wozniak
  16. Me too. i'm old, and haven't really found much "new stuff" that my ear likes. may put that feed on in the background today - mebbe I'll find some new music. Thanks for the link!
  17. good news on the reptile! "moving once or twice a day", "fighting with his reflection" - sounds like my dog... 'nother question: do those guys make any noise, i guess the correct term would be 'vocalizations'? In other words, can you carry on a 2-way conversation with them like us cat and dog owners do?
  18. "liked". if i'm ever out that way (live in Westerville) I will certainly stop in. Good luck!
  19. ‎1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home, who cooks, cleans, and has a job. 2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh. 3. It's important to have a woman whom you can trust and who doesn't lie to you. 4. It's important to have a woman who is good in bed and who likes to be with you. 5. It's very, very, very important that these four women do not know each other.
  20. needs some of that spaghetti western music... nice sidearm, Tex!
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