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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. just wipe the front seal dry when you're done washing, or leave the door ajar. if you forget, a shot of Clorox on a towel will clean it up. can't speak to bearing failures as i haven't had any.
  2. if you wanna spend money well, Bosch. if you wanna waste money, Asko. if you don't wanna spend a lot, Kenmore. I'd go online to Sears Appliances, check the amount of $$ you want to spend, then look for 4 star and up user reviews. Old-school top load washer and el-cheapo dryer are probably your best bet, money-wise. Won't have the "wow" bling factor to impress your friends, but will have (probably) very few issues. Assuming they're hiding somewhere, who cares what they look like? I have HE front load Kenmore Elite (2 years old, wrote them into the contract of my latest abode), wash is done in 45 minutes, dry is done in 35. My Bosch HE set I have at the mansion is 4 years old and the cycle times are 60 minutes. I've got access to supplier pricing at Whirlpool (whirlpool, maytag, amana, jenn-air, kitchen-aid, gladiator, etc.). From what i've checked, the prices online at Whirlpool are better than Amazon, Lowes, Sears, w/free delivery over $1K. If you're interested I'll send you a user/pass so's you can take a look-see.
  3. 517 (or 518, i don't remember at the moment) of the 535 members of Congress didn't or won't release their tax returns, either. I know, I know, they're not running for POTUS, but you gotta wonder why they won't... At least there are free BJ's since the Miami Heat won the NBA championship...
  4. ABC/Good Morning America/George Stephanopoulos tried to pin the movie theater shooting on the Tea Party this morning - since they happened to find someone with the same name as the shooter on a Tea Party website. The shooter's name isn't exactly unique, and why would they go to a Tea Party website to look for a connection to the shooter? Wonder if they bothered to look at, i don't know, Occupy websites, Mother Jones forums, etc., you get the point. They want the public to believe the worst about people with opinions that differ from theirs. Same crap the media tried to pull after Congresswoman Giffords was shot - too bad for them it turned out the shooter in that instance was liberal (and insane - yes, I'm not repeating myself - there are some liberals who aren't bat-sh1t crazy, same with conservatives). The vitriol is heavy on both sides of the aisle. I'm not very happy with the political system in the US these days...
  5. I find this very easy to fap to - my co-loafers at work are not amused...
  6. Happy dropping out of mom's vajayjay anniversary..
  7. Don't you have a drag strip nearby? Shoulda taken it out there to check high speed noise - could've hit 100+... How come everyone in your neighborhood parks on the wrong side of the street?
  8. Common sense requires it; I don't believe the law has anything specifically to say about it, but I could very well be wrong.
  9. I'll admit to being more 'billy than 'neck. Bigoted? Sure, to some extent. Anyone who says they aren't is lying. Racist? Probably, again to some extent. Back about 40 or 50 posts someone quoted something that said, in part, that an Eskimo could be president. I f*cking hate Eskimos.
  10. You know, Obama is a lousy Socialist, seeing as how Marx defined socialism as a classless society with abundance, freedom, and equality for all. He's failing on the abundance and freedom parts, and failing very well - unless you consider the rapidly expanding debt as an "abundance" of debt and fewer freedoms as "free enough".
  11. Wait - Cheech is Justin? Sorry, Justin, I've been calling you the wrong name all these years... Obama is not a Marxist/Engelsist/Socialist/Communist? Really? Well then, how do you explain that the band that opened for his rally in Oregon is named after the 1825 revolt against Imperial Russian Succession??? No answer? Didn't think so...
  12. (hypothetically, of course) if you were growing your own, strictly for your own consumption (and perhaps a friend or two when they came to visit), then Yes, it's harmless. the story referred to a somewhat large-scale operation - which could easily include bodily harm to the people involved in the operation as, for instance, debts go unpaid, turf wars evolve, etc. mebbe that's why 5-0 got involved? who is profiting/benfiting from the illegality of certain drugs? The cops? Doubt it. They have to hire and pay personnel to fight "the war on drugs". this is a real (not arguing) question, as i can't see who profits. IF the gub'ment legalized "soft" drugs like marijuana and taxed the crap outta them like they do to alcohol and smokes, would they not reap a windfall? Collect money (positive cash flow) from taxes instead of spending money (negative cash flow) on police actions such as this one? Seems to my simple mind that in this day and age of soaring budget deficits at all levels it would make sense. I was born in the USA and am old enough - maybe I'll run for POTUS...
  13. seems like i just read this somewhere... Thanks!
  14. ^^^ truth. "age 60-70" above looks like Yoko.
  15. Eye-talian women are usually gorgeous until, at some point, they turn into a 5' tall, 180#, mustachioed broad that can cook like no one's business. Sophia Loren is the only known exception to this, afaik.
  16. haz. i HAZ connections. prease to use correct grammers. kthxbai.
  17. Why are some drugs illegal?... So, back in 1900 (before it was illegal), heroin was good, as were cocaine and pot? Assuming your answer is 'yes', please tell me if you would allow/endorse/encourage your child shooting some smack. Assuming 'no', why not? It's not illegal, and being illegal made it bad, correct? If we take the obverse of that, then 'not illegal' = 'good', so come on junior, you and daddy are gonna par-tay tonight. (All of the above is rhetorical. If we have a law, it should be enforced. If it's a bad law, then it should be repealed. Period.)
  18. not really (but kinda) arguing, but are there any other laws that should not be enforced? what if it were cocaine being sold? or ecstasy? heroin is bad, right? until marijuana is completely legal, shouldn't operations such as this (just a bit larger than one friend selling to another) be shut down? just wondering.
  19. my buddy has a shop, once ridden bikes, does repairs (sell new and used, too). he's just off campus, Indianola/Hudson area.
  20. the now dead dude should never have opened his door at 2AM without knowing for sure who was on the other side of that door, whether he (the homeowner) had a gun or not. sorry he's dead, but he brought it upon himself by not being vigilant. if he would have verified by looking AND asking, he wouldn't have had the firearm at ready and he would still be alive. i don't answer the door, period, unless it's one of my neighbors - but that's because i'm basically anti-social; at least when it comes to jehovah's witness', tree trimmers, kids selling crap, and other boors who come knocking. that being said, the police should be held accountable for manslaughter at the least - but they won't. "Oooh, sorry 'bout your luck, but we're just doin' our job".
  21. i'm more likely to report good service than bad, unless it was <really> bad. I was amazed that they took less than a full day with no appointment. It's not like I had the only bike there, and it was less than an hour to bill back to Suzuki, so they didn't make much $$. Definitely would not hesitate to go back if needed (or just call Hoblick...)
  22. Rectifier died, bike no start (shoulda paid attention to the recall notice, I guess... ) Took the bike in there at 15 before closing, they called the next day and it was fixed (they happened to have the part in stock, lucky me). Service manager couldn't have been nicer, and told me he opened a case with Suzuki to have it on record just in case the battery was harmed, so's I can get one from Suzuki. Once the CRF250L comes out this fall, guess where I'll be heading to look/touch/buy (well, maybe buy)?
  23. +1 to Clucker's. Across-the-street neighbors - their son's fiance' is the manager = free wings...
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