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mello dude

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Everything posted by mello dude

  1. I have had the same issues. With Chrome most online videos are jerky, and then if I take the same video and run it on IE, it runs smooth. PIA. Waht's the solution IT guru's?
  2. mello dude

    F'n Repubs.

    Did you actually read the article? Not once was the word republican mentioned and multiple times, the Obama administration was. btw - I hate both parties
  3. I am stlll a Honda guy, but on some of the new bikes lately, I dont know what the hell the styling guys are thinking. Look at the VFR1200, the DN1, the new Valkyrie, the CTX1300, the CTX700. They are all in competition for the fugliest motorcycle on the planet. These bikes are probly functionaly excellent, but gawd, please dont make me have to look at one.
  4. Eastern Beaver has great products. But there are US sources for similar if you wanna avoid the shipping penalty from Japan.
  5. There are better products on the market with fused sections for individual electric gear. That fab job thing has one large fuse for the whole group, not the best. (There's a whole $18 - $20 bucks of parts in it. Pass) Example http://www.fuzeblocks.com/
  6. If the new VFR had gear driven cams it would be perfect.
  7. Just stay away from the west and north west side. If you want to party, hit the Oregon district. -- Fairborn is fine.
  8. Nice Raider! - What vendor's wheels are those?
  9. If you keep in mind these batteries lose their punch after a time sitting in cold temps, you will be fine. I just bring mine in the house if the garage temps start looking 40s or less. Best part is for the winter, I also bring it in the house and set it on my desk, no charger required. Typically it looses only a tenth of a volt for the months it sits.
  10. If there ever was a bike screaming for wire wheels... the Fury is it...
  11. It does look like a nice package. It seems to be a 5th/6gen blend. VFRD has been all lit up with 80 + pages of commentary. It doesnt look like they will sell it in the US for now. ...
  12. +1 to Spiegler - and they are local from here. Nice to be able to walk in and talk to them.
  13. That Grom looks like a riot. I can see Grom racing on a go kart track.
  14. ^^^^ +1 -- Yeah, very tedious and you need patience. But its probly very good experience. --- I have been offered once in a while to go into quality engineering and I take a pass on it, I dont have the patience to do it.
  15. Looking at the chart for the sound protection, the low frequency Db level is roughly 11Db - kinda in the range of wind noise. Can get a lot of Hearos plugs for 30 bucks....
  16. http://www.dieselairhorns.com/sounds.html
  17. Do some online research as to what a parallel job would pay at a different company. Then come back and say something like --- " Based on my research, a job like this is in the range of xxxxx." Give a high/low range that is still a bump. - Look up the company on Glassdoor.com to see if they are there. Its not unusual for HR to ask for a number in hopes you come in lower than they expect. If it finally comes down to it, they will extend an offer for you. Dont accept immediately, tell them you want to talk it over with the wife. --- Something else to consider, do you really want to leave where your at? If not, after you get the offer, tell your boss about it and ask him if he could match the bucks. Staying at a good company is worth something in itself. Good luck ------- Would you still be able to do CAD/CNC work on stuff? Probly could stand another batch of stuff.
  18. Held gloves seem to be the hot choice with the VFR crowd. ----I wish I could try a pair on. - I am terrible with gear fit in general and its a gamble with ordering over the 'net.
  19. LIke it or not, you need an attorney for your step brother with specialty in real estate.....
  20. Dont most of them have a remote start exemption? I have one in my wheels, and if the brake is touched or someone trys to put it in gear, the engine stops.
  21. I wouldnt leave the thing on 24/7 but it does keep the battery up to snuff and why I do a once a week thing with it. - These things are basically a transformer and some minor electronics no matter what brand you grab, so I wouldnt freak about the it being cheap. It just does what its supposed to. I would buy another if I needed it.
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