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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. How long have you had it? Was the 120,000 mile maintenance done? I assume it wasn't, given what you posted about the head gasket.
  2. Click bait and aids. Copy and paste it. Too much pop up BS.
  3. I've not received our funds yet either. Our financial structure and habits haven't changed, luckily. Wife and I have lost some from investments, but being in our mid 40's we expect to recover. I have been stimulating the economy quite a bit from rigging up the boat for this season, so I hope that has helped those businesses. I think when the funds do come in, we will put some toward our vacation fund and reinvesting. For what it's worth, I talked to a CR member this week about the effect this is having on their world. My view of all of this is very narrow. This is all terrifying for many. Things they have spent their lives developing have been erased to have to start from almost scratch. Their income is effected and I'm sure their investments have tanked. I can see a lot of downsizing in lifestyles after this.
  4. You do well talking on camera and you are entertaining. That's tough for a lot of people. And the build is great. Hope we get to ride this Summer. Looking forward to the next vid.
  5. It is also worth noting that SARS by itself is not a virus, it is a symptom. SARS has been added to virus names.
  6. I followed several podcasts for a while and found that many touched on a topic, and I was left wanting to know more. I pretty much made a full transition to audiobooks in mid 2018. I drive a lot for work, so this worked out great for me. I'm no subject matter expert on this virus, but I have taken the time to learn a little more about it, which has given me a better understanding of what needs to happen to get this under control. People are taking this as they, the Government, are "telling" us what we can and can't do. We are a careless society as a whole and too dismissive of what the Virus task force, the Governor and Dr. Acton are urging us to do and what not to do. The process to find a vaccine in a perfect setting is likely 6-18 months. And, it take a heck of a lot of chicken eggs. Then we have to hope the vaccine doesn't have long term side effects, like the Den Ngay vaccine did. Complications with that vaccine never showed up until five years later, and in women mostly. All I'm saying is this is a time to get informed so we can help those around us and share good and productive information. If anyone had other book suggestions, I'm open to read more on this.
  7. There is a lot of info out there that has been ignored for decades. Disbelief and misinformation now are likely because something like this happening was alway put on the back burner, so now here we are going through it. I've spent the last year studying mankind, human nature, and some of the disasters we have been through. What we are going through right now was written about three years ago, and the play by play in the predicted synario is pretty much on track to what we are living today. I'll link the book below. If you find you have more free time now, this book is worth getting. Information is how we beat this virus. I don't think most people are understanding just how devastating this can be. They hear about it, but they haven't seen people suffering that have it, and the death toll isn't high enough for them to fear it. By the time enough people die from this to fear it, it's too late. There is a prediction of 1.3 billion people getting this and 330 million dying from it. There are 7.4 billion people on the planet. For comparison, 1.3 people live in china, and 331 million in the United States. We can only imagine the changes in the world if those numbers are even close. Reading this book will shine a lot of light on things. Hope this helps. https://www.amazon.com/Deadliest-Enemy-Against-Killer-Germs-ebook/dp/B01HZFB5EW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=250YH5XYBJ0YQ&dchild=1&keywords=deadliest+enemy+our+war+against+killer+germs&qid=1585182398&sprefix=deadliest%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-1-spons&swrs=21055523743FF0DF9585BAA8DCF29848&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMk03NjFMS0xaMFlRJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjkyNjM2M1ZLOTRLV1VRQVFYVyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjE4NDUyMlJIVkhLUlhGQk41TSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  8. Mojoe

    Gun goals 2020

    I wouldn't look at good pricing or availability for another 6-10 weeks, and likely longer than that. The scare - OMG I need gun stuff now! The Pre-covery - OMG, I better buy all I can now that it's available so I don't run into what I did last time. The recovery - Ok, all the fuck faces have gone back to knitting and thinking their life is great again. They decide to sell off their "prep buys" because they haven't used them in 3-6 months, and asking way too much. After being chastised for their pricing, they sell at a lose and likely a deal to you. Another 12-18 months before the retail market gets back to having a surplus and pushing sales at a decent/ normal price. I would like to see the numbers compared to Obama's gun scare buy 2012-2016, and the virus buy. We won't be able to see the full view on that until 2021.
  9. Sorry to hear about the job. That's a nice looking boat though. I was suppose to be on the water this morning, but me and electricity don't play well together. with rain all this week, it will be interesting to see water conditions after this.
  10. I moved my dad in with us to do his treatment. He was at the James for 6 months for radiation and chemo. The side effects your body goes through is something I was not prepared for. Dad was always dehydrated and went septic 2-3 times. Ended up in a rehabilitation facility to relearn how to walk and basic daily functions, because he body was so weakened from fighting with no nutrition. The gave him appetite stimulants, but they were not the fix needed. He ended up having a catheter, because he lost control of his bladder. Seeing the farmer, machinist, outdoorsman and you father experience failure after failure with his body that has worked hard its whole life is fucking heart breaking. All of these defeats of his body failing took their toll and dad lost hope. We could see it and we knew he knew it too. He wouldn't drink out eat, because he didn't want to. He knew he should, but just didn't feel like it. And he knew not doing so was setting him back from recovering. Nothing we could do made him WANT to do better, he had lost hope. Chemo is part to blame, because it makes your brain think different. We also have a cousin who is like a sister to us going through chemo right now. Not a good time to have a compromised immune system. Here's what I would say. Make smiles and memories. You are the voice of reason, but need to communicate effectively. If you both have underlying stubbornness, have a talk to rationalize decision making. EX: Cousin, Lori, is a vet tech and lies being on the go and doing things. Can't stay cooped up. Was planning to go to work all this week. FUCK NO! Let alone she is able to remote work. So, you can't just tell her you shouldn't go to work or can't, she will feel like she has no control over her life. So I told her husband to call the vet doctor who owns the clinic and tell them to tell her she is not coming in this week and they will reevaluate for next week. Lori was very understanding when being told from someone outside the family. Mission accomplished was the text I got from her husband. How you communicate and who sends what message plays a big part in the state of mind of the person going through treatment. I don't have all the answers for how to deal with being in a house with a someone going through this. I offer this to you, talk to people. Vent, rant and rave, so you can laugh and get things off your chest and move on without regret. Feel free to reach out to me if you just want to talk to a non bias ear or get ideas of some things that may help. I wish the best for you and your family. Keep the smiles on place. make them if you have to.
  11. Many of them are treated with chemicals or pressure treated. That could end up in your soil and then your food. There are many write ups about it in homesteading groups. https://preparednessmama.com/pallet-safety/
  12. I've been on meth since 2008 and have had no issues. No motor problems and it does what I want it to, and what it is supposed to do. I can run higher boost, but I have not tuned to that yet. I can't say I have a downside to it on a turbo setup.I can't say for sure, but I think it does "clean as it goes". My use is as a trackable street car that tends to cruise a lot and do a few pulls from time to time.
  13. Mojoe

    Ham Radio

    My como days tapped out in 2013.
  14. Mojoe

    Ham Radio

    I think it is. But get the impression that gives you temps until you pass the full test. I need to look into it more.
  15. Mojoe

    Ham Radio

    I have two of their handhelds, and a Btech mounted in the side by side. My boat has an Icon. The testing seems in depth. 423 questions test and 8 week courses offered to study for it.
  16. Mojoe

    Ham Radio

    That's what got me to buy. You can run two way and not be on the freq's that require a license. We have 40 channels programmed in. I'd like to get some repeaters programmed around here, but have not got to messing with it much. https://www.repeaterbook.com/index.php/2016-04-07-21-08-49/2-uncategorised/1-welcome-to-repeaterbook-com
  17. Mojoe

    Ham Radio

    More for us to talk about. LOL
  18. Mojoe

    Ham Radio

    I did a site search and didn't see any threads on this. That was a bit surprising to me, as I think CR would have some Ham people. I just picked up three radios, and have a fourth installed in the boat that I have done nothing with. Anyone have their license?
  19. ^^ You know I love the rotary, but I wouldn't bother with it. While you are one who can sort out working on one if needed, there are many other platforms that would be an option first. I like the B22 suggested. Interested to see what availability is and pricing.
  20. I could ask the same of you. You tend to voice your opinion on people hunting, I was just waiting to read it.
  21. Been waiting for Howard to come in here and report everyone to PETA, or maybe explain how we should be hunting by what he justifies.
  22. https://burningrockwv.com/ If you are an off road enthusiast, please check your calendar or free it up for the weekend of June 20-21. On January 25, Davon Collins passed away unexpectedly at only 25 years old. While he was not a member of CR, he was a devoted car enthusiast. Davon served 6 years in the military and worked at Honda at the time of his death. His family has set up this ride to raise money for military families in need. I realize this is not local and the cost for the weekend alone will likely be $400+. You need a reason to ride, and what better reason than this? Get that side by side, four wheeler, dirt bike or 4x4 out there and hit the trails. There will be more details to come with this. Let's show all the support we can and have a great time celebrating this young man's life. All funds raised with be donated to the Callen Foundation: https://www.thecallenfoundation.com/request-help. Obituary and tribute video: https://www.snyderfuneralhomes.com/obituary/davon-christopher-collins/
  23. Mojoe

    2/8 Dinner meet

    Training in Coshocton this weekend.
  24. I’ll take it. Where are you?
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