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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Don't give her keys anymore? New keys are expensive with laser cut edges and RFID chips, not a whole lot can be done to mitigate that. They do have key insurance policies though if this is a problem
  2. imprez55

    Ban Trolls

    Considering harassment is still illegal if its happening on the net, this bill doesn't really solve anything. So if you use your 1st Amendment right to say something on the internet and someone doesn't click away and gets angry, you can get a misdemeanor. I don't see this passing in the least
  3. I've had these for a while! Sometimes you forget what flat you are on and try to rock back more though...
  4. I'm 3rd in line then, can pick it up any day this week (possibly even today if it gets to me).
  5. Thanks guys! I appreciate all of the good words and I'm glad you like the OR discount. Josh, I hope you like the feeling of new tires and you didn't get caught in any rain on the way home
  6. Wow man, luck is certainly not on your side this month. I'm glad you are physically alright and it sounds like the bike is mechanically alright (arearset and some cosmetics isn't bad). Unfortunately if that dog hit you hard enough to break a rearset I don't think its going to fair too well. Good luck with, well, everything
  7. Good looking out, that's the kind of stuff that would be helpful to know.
  8. Can anyone point me in the direction of a reputable/cheap wheel straightener for motorcycle wheels? I called and emailed a few places but most only work on car rims. I also called MPH but they ship them out to an undisclosed 3rd party so they couldn't give me an accurate quote. Ones people have experience with are preferred!
  9. Thanks Chris! I won't feel rushed now trying to get one before the track day. I will keep you in the loop if I do or don't find one. I think I have missed Pauly's sale as well, but there are a few I am seeing on CL for sale now. The hitch is in the post, so once I get it mounted I will start looking at some
  10. I have tried it by hand a few times and ended up scratching the shit out of the rims and my knuckles. I never heard/used this zip tie method though. The 2x4 method wasn't that great for me, especially with a car instead of a truck/van
  11. Haha, thanks chevy. Not many aluminum for sale used, but what I do see seems to be in the $1k range which is certainly too high for me. 5x8 is still an upper limit for me, but maybe I will lean more towards one of that size. What kind of weights are these trailers normally at? Bad - Isn't your trailer an enclosed one? With the added weight and wind resistance I can't imagine that would be ideal for the scoobie. Also, with the number of bikes you have had, I am not surprised you have had that many trailers as well It sounds like a used TSC one would be ideal (or at least that style). I have until 4-28 before I will need one, so I guess I will just see what pops up. The bearing buddies seem interesting, especially for the price
  12. You can always do cool things with car stuff you don't want anymore, just whether you want to or not is the question. I will be making a shop seat out of some stock Maserati springs soon hopefully Does said number do motorcycle wheels as well?
  13. As the title says, I don't know much about trailers but I am in the market for one so I would like some help. The primary use for the trailer will be bike hauling but I do not want a rail style one because I would like the option to haul other stuff if the need presented itself. I am going to be hauling with a 2012 Subaru WRX so a smaller trailer is a must. I think a 5x8 would be the maximum dimensions I would like to go and would prefer a smaller size. With that in mind, what kind of things do I need to know looking for (preferably) used trailers? Is there any tire size or other design considerations I should keep in mind? I see a lot of wood decks, do those stand up alright being in the elements all the time? Should I look at trying to convert a boat one if I can find it cheap (keep in mind I have no welding tools)? What else do I need to know about owning a trailer?
  14. Resin + hardener + dunked fiberglass and plenty more resin applied via a paint brush. Make sure the fiberglass extends well beyond the crack (like 3 inches) and you should be fine. Its going to smell real bad, I would suggest using it outside
  15. I have heard good things about klucky pucks as well by the way
  16. imprez55

    Magzfest '12

    I will clear my schedule!
  17. I live in Middleburg Heights, right near the airport. I'll send you a PM
  18. Hey, thanks Brett! It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife yesterday. I appreciate the review, and I'm glad you liked the result.
  19. It looks like the hub broke on the rear rim as well. He definitely had a very bad day
  20. Honestly all of this talk is just opinions unless someone has done any tests and proof like used oil analysis etc. I like rotella t6 because its cheap enough that I can afford to change it slightly more often than others and be sure that its not getting bad without doing consistent tests. As long as its rated JASO-MA and you change it (along with the filter), its fine. I won't ever use a fram oil filter, but mobil, bosh, purolator pure one...the list goes on, are all good
  21. If the screws on the rubber gaskets than the throttle bodies can come off. You will need to yank pretty hard forewords/ backwards and up to get the off and then the cable will come off quite easily.
  22. Is it still having the aforementioned issues and what did you do to winterize it? Did anything precede the issue last year, like a long sit or anything?
  23. One thing they say is that dreams can never be literal interpretations of the problem or thought that's going on in your mind. Instead think of it more like something is bothering you about your relationship with said friend (I don't really know what it means, just that it doesn't mean what is manifested in the dream)
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