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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. Are you guys talking about this Sunday the 21st? I've never shot over 50yds, but I have been wanting to get into long range for a while now. Depending on how the gun show goes for me Saturday, I'm hoping to have at least a 9mm. I might be able to borrow a 30-30 lever action for the say though. If there are more people from NEO that want to go speak up, I'll be coming from Middleburg/Brookpark area so I can car pool or pick someone up on the way
  2. Why is the right to bear arms in public any different then the right to bear arms in private? We are further entering a world where there is less and less distinction between the two anyway. That's not really a good comparison at all for a couple reasons: a gun is used in a situation where that is your total focus, people drive because they have to get places regardless of if they know they are a bad driver or not whereas a person who does not want/feel responsible to have a gun won't use it, among others. I find that to be a stupid regulation as well.+1
  3. I read from your post on page 8 (reproduced below for those that are lazy) just onto the next page and it seemed like a reasonable discussion between you and Joe Sixpack with a few people posting purposely abrasive viewpoints directly conflicting and pointing at you. Seems like a standard internet discussion. Maybe joe wasn't perfectly polite, but as soon as you called EVERYONE out it just started in a shit storm going your way. You both have good points; no, I do not want inexperienced people handling loaded firearms around me, but what is "inexperienced". There are plenty of people that would be considered "experienced" whom I still don't want handling firearms around me because they still seem dangerous.
  4. The SC doesn't have the rotating barrel, you are correct. However, the compact version has been out for a while now..who told you they arn't out? I have personally handled at least 4 separate ones over the past month-month and a half while I have been looking for a new pistol. Granted the supply was a little slow out of the gate, and it was more difficult to find like 2 months ago, but I see them everywhere now (all at the same price at $480 btw).
  5. Didn't hear about this; how can a stunt show cause $15k worth of damage to a road and cause it to be repaved?
  6. Its already rained here twice and with the humidity it doesn't look like it will dry anytime soon either. Are you on live? I ditched live a while back, couldn't justify the price for how much I played
  7. If this falls through then hit me up, still interested..
  8. I only read the first article, but the second trooper knew there was two because of the first. He pulled out after the first bike because he couldn't stop them either. I would say he tried to cause an accident and therefore tried to injure, and quite possibly kill, the rider at those speeds. No, the rider shouldnt have been speeding, but that needs to be taken into account in pulling them over
  9. I wouldn't know, I still haven't seen the video from the 10th
  10. The advantage of a bazzaz is that it can be expanded to have traction control, quick shift, on the fly tuning etc all at a high premium. A power commander is sufficient with single injector control and cheaper, but has less upgradability (still can do the self mapping, quick shift but I have heard at less user friendly, i do not have experience on that though). They never developed a secondary injector control because dynojet says it added too little performance increase to justify the cost. You say you want one, but ou have to ask yourself does the price really justify the performance increase? You will gain a little top end if you already have spent a lot on performance upgrades The less you have upgraded, the less effect it will have. i.e. if you have a full system exhaust with AM air filter and velocity stacks, then you will gain a good amount. If you only have a slip on, its a waste.
  11. I think you do need to pull off the clutch cover for the rr though. I remember when I was putting the cover back on, the manual said that I needed to rotate the lever that enters the cover as it was being put back on to lock it in place. I had done a clutch cover removal on an old zx6 before and just rotated the lever once I got the covers on and it locked in place. Here though, I tried to do that and had to pull the cover and redo it because the clutch wasn't engaging after. I have not tried to remove the lever after but I assume that since I could not lock it in place while it was on, it won't disengage and come out either. YMMV though, and I would try to remove it before you take the cover off just to make sure. It should still be a $10 (including RTV if you don't have it) 15 min fix. It doesn't take long to pull the cover off, remove the seal (did that so I could paint the cover and not ruin the seal), RTV and bolt back down. Of course, since you are so close I can easily stop by and lend a hand since I do have experience doing it.
  12. I'm late as well, but did you check if power is getting to the starter motor? Welp, I went down 3rd session of my 1st trackday. Not so bad, but I did ruin the right rearset, fairing stay, right clip-on, throttle tube, grip and kill switch assembly. If anyone has these parts let me know, I'd like to get this up and ready so I can find the inevitable other problems haha.
  13. Is it just me or is the route not showing up on the map that's posted
  14. I wish I would have saw this earlier. I should have a wrench/socket that will work. I torqued mine to spec with a socket and my 3/8ths torque wrench. PM me your addy and I can stop by with a bunch of tools
  15. Haha, tell him thank you for the compliment! I was certainly trying, but I'm just a newb putting to good use what Bob Brown and Joe Cotterino taught me at the CSBA clinic. He wasn't too bad himself; he was on my ass after every turn as well!
  16. +1 I want to see what I need work for/on this Saturday at Nelsons and just some good twistie footage!
  17. Arn't there mc donalds around you? :dunno
  18. I might be up for the 17th. What is the proposed route?
  19. What day(s) will you be there. I still desperately need to go to my first track day so I certainly wouldn't be in A. I would need a trailer, so I could easily pay for gas to pick me up and watch your dog in return. Also, how much for the track plastics?
  20. Update in first post. Why track the 600rr over the r1, for those who have said it?
  21. Well, the half redline thing is more for twisties; however, you should still not be locking the rear during decel.
  22. This. Your rear wheel should never hop on a downshift. Each gear is ~1k rpm off from the next. When upshifting, in the time it takes to upshift, the revs drop so its smooth even when you dump the clutch. If you try to just dump on a downshift, you are ~2k off and the rear will lock up. You either need to release smooth and slow (unnecessary wear, but really doesn't matter either way) or blip the throttle. You should also not let the revs drop below half your redline
  23. So what happened to this, is it still for sale?
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