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Everything posted by LINK

  1. LOL...Not sure why you thought that, I guess I fall in the North/Mid/South West Area of Ohio, depending on how one looks at it I guess...
  2. Hutch, I have looked at several different route options, not out of the way, all of them bring us nearly at the Bolivar meeting spot when we would finally cross paths, no help... I am waiting on another rider to decide if he is going or not, which it looks like he is, and for me to meet with him, as discussed previously, it leaves us no time to alter our route to meet you...If he bails on me though (today), I am not against altering/lengthening my route some to meet you somewhere for the ride up to Bolivar.
  3. I think the gear driven cams to chain driven cams is the bigger hang up for most, it would be for me...same as newer HD's, people change to gear driven, more money, but money well spent... Manufacturers save huge with the chain driven cams from my understanding, cheap bastards! Many complaints heard on the VTEC engine, most I have read sound mostly like people afraid of change, some make sense though, sort of like the latest "ride/drive by wire" being installed on motorcycles, several people being skeptics, maybe for good reason, I don't know.
  4. Already contacted a few...We will see...
  5. I will know closer to the end of the week, work schedule and weather permitting.
  6. Congratulations...Good work on the cake!
  7. Yep the last year before the VTEC, and chain driven cams. If there is just cosmetic issues, I think this is a good find.
  8. LINK

    Steak Ride

    Work got me again, I am out... Have a fun safe ride, maybe next time.
  9. LINK

    Steak Ride

    I go by that place often, usually a good cruiser crowd there. Good food huh, fat guy likes to eat... I will put this ride on my to do list, work schedule will be out on Friday, I should know by then.
  10. Nice car, but now you still need a truck.
  11. I would have no problem showing you the Zanesville area, or any area/road for that matter, I ride there quite a bit solo. I do not join many rides posted, and I do not post my solo rides often, I have been trying to work on that. My work schedule leaves me making last minute decisions, this is why I mainly ride solo. Yes you will ride some miles if you join me on one of my rides...I very rarely map my rides, I know most areas pretty well, so I just ride, any ride can be altered, at any time...
  12. Yeah raining here now, not looking good...
  13. That is kinda the area we will ride today, Mohican that is. Probably a 250+ mile ride. I got caught in the storms between Bellefontaine & Springfield yesterday/last night on the speed triple, no elements protection at all. Cold and soaked, so I am not really feeling it today, still should ride though, I am still waiting for the other guy to call.
  14. Not a motorcycle, but my first solo motorized ride on the street, of course unadvised, and illegal, and only about 5 miles, was a moped at probably 11 years old or so, I was hooked then...wow, that is a long time ago. Not counting the short road blasts on the dirt bike...
  15. Probably riding today around noon, waiting to hear from another rider around 11:30.
  16. I personally like, and use e-track, rather than eye bolts for tie down points. I like the idea of being able to adjust for different bikes...Just a thought for you... I use two of the black Harbor Freight wheel chocks with the tie down eye bolts already attached up front, and one just like the two you installed for the third bike in the rear. I am very anal when it comes to hauling bikes, I use as much caution, and tie them down more than needed. Two tie downs is more than sufficient with my set up, but I use four instead, just to be safe.
  17. ^^This^^ & Gold Bond, careful with the extra strength on the "package":eek:, or Monkey Butt powder...
  18. Let me guess, a spark plug broke off, or one blew out? If you have a significant loss of power, and you hear a whistling noise, similar too the sound an aftermarket cold air intake makes, you probably have a spark plug loose. Just a guess, I am not a Ford Tech...
  19. Is the wrist the only place these appear? I have a large bump just below my elbow that looks similar, I thought it was from an injury, maybe not, it has been there for years. I can't believe I am asking for medical advice on here...
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