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Everything posted by LINK

  1. LINK

    deals gap

    This should get you started... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Hubbard,+OH&daddr=41.05028,-80.5665+to:40.61124,-80.41007+to:40.27071,-80.45224+to:39.9937629,-80.3876214+to:39.67625,-80.20831+to:39.36755,-80.31249+to:39.16348,-80.45153+to:38.92129,-80.26586+to:38.69109,-80.38149+to:38.222889,-80.5955243+to:37.66975,-80.89663+to:37.39305,-81.04209+to:37.34307,-80.80789+to:37.1918341,-81.238138+to:36.9178717,-81.5288052+to:36.69664,-81.4668+to:36.50011,-81.89842+to:36.09821,-82.09178+to:36.060783,-82.336466+to:36.10977,-82.4439+to:35.867344,-82.8424722+to:35.282384,-82.752891+to:35.08879,-83.16217+to:Deals+Gap+Motorcycle+Resort,+Tapoco+Road,+Robbinsville,+NC&hl=en&geocode=FV7_cwIdaZwy-ynRTNrMkOAziDEiiuMbrjTGJw%3BFahgcgIdHKcy-ym1gsLF3_EziDF8y5N0dnugVA%3BFaitawIdKgo1-yk5IHVUCGs0iDEZB6KtuEdF7A%3BFXZ7ZgIdcGU0-ykLSPUqg0o0iDEK5Nv0QdzdjQ%3BFaJBYgId22E1-ylrCnDKN7k1iDGtiFgOX0zAmA%3BFVppXQIdSh44-ynffpLBaYQ1iDEnP24h2N7ffg%3BFX6zWAIdVoc2-ymdKF6qB29KiDF8rUgzLHfo3Q%3BFViWVQIdNmg0-ykHyPSnWUdKiDHWrkPxRh-gWg%3BFUrkUQIdfD03-ykxdpwrrlJKiDGekBdgwZZPFg%3BFRJhTgIdznk1-ykz_jabQblLiDHQVgI1p-YhnA%3BFSk8RwIdvDUy-yl_5279_AhMiDEm0GtidgkOug%3BFXbLPgIdip0t-ynRjreSKoFOiDFOeikUMXQlNA%3BFZqSOgIdVmUr-ykXqy9GhW5OiDExKyIGMqE8PQ%3BFV7POQIdLvgu-ylnVW5kYN9NiDE_2tdnQWShkw%3BFZqANwIdhmco-ykXwoMSZDxOiDEOqb4VIe9noA%3BFW9SMwIdG_gj-ynr3uDmRCtQiDHAOkLbCHQS-Q%3BFUDyLwIdUOok-ylTCg1brstRiDFNW65M2j-ZzQ%3BFY7yLAIdTFQe-yk5_BO_1WdQiDEbTTCOqml49Q%3BFaLQJgId_GAb-ynP2uUrzptQiDFqzC1qAlnaiA%3BFW8-JgIdLqUX-ykHzewvqHNaiDHfGA6QznLu_A%3BFcr9JgIdhAEW-yn3w8DoJ2xaiDE1pc838gacYQ%3BFdBKIwIdmOwP-ykLjoF2jS1aiDFK2sOjw_D3Yg%3BFdBdGgIdhUoR-yn7487aOKNZiDG6z4QgLknFww%3BFZZpFwIdxgsL-ylzDD1wHxxZiDEe1wBUwio22g%3BFWstHQIdrX3_-iEwGrFPgjTibw&aq=2&oq=deals&sll=35.143494,-83.06488&sspn=0.334079,0.441513&vpsrc=6&mra=dvme&mrsp=23&sz=11&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23&ie=UTF8&ll=35.502605,-83.809204&spn=0.332598,0.441513&t=m&z=11&dirflg=d Oops, I see I missed a point that has you on I-64 for a short bit, and I started you at Hubbard, that you can alter easy enough. Enjoy the ride, I am jealous, I too would like to stay down there!
  2. LINK

    Riding to the Gap

    Take routes 62 and 68 to Lexington, slab I-75 from Lexington, Cinci. traffic sucks, can be stop and go (road construction everywhere), I just came back from there yesterday.
  3. I will be at the Dragon...
  4. Stick with the storm if you like it, 18K miles wow, that is about 5 or 6 tire changes for me! Shop Dog Cycles...
  5. At home, good ride today!
  6. Someone talk me into this, worked last night, plus I need nearly 2 hours to the meeting place, no time for a quick nap...Route in mind?
  7. Going from a 43T sprocket to a 45T in the rear of my Speed Triple -7.5 puts it close to spot on. Not sure how this helps you in any way, but I did get my info from triumphrat.net, just ask someone on there.
  8. LINK

    5/6/12 Sunday

    Add your two days together, then add a few more miles to that, that is a good day, then do it again the next day, a good Saturday and Sunday of riding right there... I should have went with you guys today, I missed out on riding, and sleep, complete fail! Third shift and overtime is killing my weekend riding!
  9. LINK

    Paving Updates

    Some good roads there, thank you for the update!
  10. Buell's are/was Harley Davidson's right, not EBR's? EBR should not have a problem selling their $40K+ bikes to the public now! Seriously, good to see Erik and Crew doing well. I wonder if Amsoil will get on board with Danny now? The KTM and Fillmore was having a good run in fifth, May on the Amsoil/Hero EBR looked like he was going to pass him very soon, maybe part of the reason for Fillmore's crash? Some good racing, except for first, Hayes just walked away from everyone.
  11. My point being, If a person does not carry a weapon, and you show them a weapon of any kind, in any type of confrontational manner, they have only two choices, make that weapon useless, or have it used against them, not a hard decision to make...Especially if things were already at a heated level. Yes you have just threatened his life! NinjaDoc was not approached by the guy who tried to hit him with the truck, BikerBoy (where you placed yourself in your comments) was... I agree with people properly obtaining an Ohio Concealed Carry Permit, protecting their rights and freedom, but seriously, this is the behavior it creates in some?...I really need to rethink this I guess!
  12. Good point, now you just threatened his life, things could get ugly at that point, not everyone is afraid of a gun in a holster...just sayin! I have had other motorcycles (cruisers) do things similar to me that you guys mention, swerve at me, flip me off, speed up etc. etc., more than once!
  13. I had them on my 2008 Z1000, decent quality (especially for the cost), good sound. One complaint I did have was the mounting strap they provided, very cheap, and new bolts had to be purchased (not supplied) for fitment, the stock bolts were to large for the holes drilled in the straps. Customer service sucks, no response at all when I emailed them several times concerning this issue. It would seem that they use a one size fits all mounting strap, I would not consider this to be a deal breaker, but maybe some people would.
  14. I placed my E track on the outside edges only, I plan on possibly placing some on the walls, I have not had a reason to yet, and I am lazy. I also placed two bikes up front, slightly staggered, and one in the rear between the two. Mine is 7'X14"... Do not haul the V-Rod, it will knock everything over... You can't see the rear, but this should give you an idea, and yes there is a strip of E track on the left too, starts from the rear, not showing in the pic, nor is the center wheel chock.
  15. 50-100 miles? My bikes would not even be warmed up at that point... My Speed Triple and Ninja make me do bad things... huh, Al Z. Heimer...... By far a kid though!
  16. No particular order: Kingsport, TN, Asheville, NC, Newport, TN, Blacksburg, VA, London, KY, Huntington, WV, Fayetteville, AR, Grand Junction, CO, Redding, CA, Santa Fe, NM, Lufkin, TX...The list goes on and on, I am glad I will never have to make that choice, it would be a tough one for me...Idiotville, OR might be the most appropriate for me, and some great roads in that area too!
  17. Wow that is funny, I did not know this, I will be at Deals Gap at the same time...I guess I will see you there... I will be leaving on the 17th at 3 a.m., there should be 4 of us.
  18. Yes I am doing this to mine also, thanks for sharing a great idea Tim!
  19. LINK

    Saturday the 14th

    I will be watching the weather before I decide, not looking good on Weatherbug or the Weather Channel right now...
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