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Everything posted by LINK

  1. Not sure if this will be doable for me, 3 months in a row, I am already heading down in April (full week) and May (3 days). I will need too see if the funds & time off of work will be available in June. Have you guys seen the latest news on North Carolina banning trucks...Read here:http://www.tailofthedragon.com/
  2. Looking forward to this up and coming riding season. I met you, and the others, late last season, maybe we can get an earlier start this year. Great video, once again, thank you for sharing, always a treat!
  3. LINK

    03 sv1000s

    Both of them offer plenty of torque down low, they both handle well in the turns, but the S3 is much smoother, and a bit easier to ride in my opinion. The S3 feels like it pulls harder than the SV, but I am not 100% sure that it really does, V2's can be deceiving at times. I found myself riding the SV, like the Ninja, with more reserve than I do the S3. There was just something about that SV1K, of course I did not realize this, nor did I appreciate it, until I sold it. It has been a while since I have been without a V2 motorcycle, the SV was the last to go...I cannot stop looking/shopping for one, this is why I was here.
  4. LINK

    03 sv1000s

    I parted ways with my 2006 SV1000S last year, I do regret selling mine. I am happy with the bikes I currently have, but I should have kept the SV too.
  5. He finally sent me a text back...It has been raining here and there, temperatures are not bad, but tree covered roads are staying damp.
  6. I have a friend in Asheville, NC right now, I sent him a text, not sure when he will answer though, he sleeps late.
  7. I have tried my fair share of chain lubes and cleaners over the years. I prefer the Dupont Teflon Lube, currently I am using the Chain Wax though, I caught a deal on it, it is good stuff too. For cleaning I like Tirox, a bit messy, expensive, and not easy to find, but good stuff...I have not tried their other products. http://tirox.ca/index.html
  8. Yes the 1125/1190 are Rotax engines, and the rest of the Buell engines are Harley Davidson Sportster engines?
  9. I am on my second Jeep, but I am not into modding them like others do...I just like them, that is the only reason why I own one.
  10. Harley Davidson could not afford Erik's ideas of advancement in performance & technology.... Harley Davidson probably paid more money out to the dealer's for warranty work on Buell's than Buell made in total sales. They are still paying out the ass for the warranty work on Buell's. If it wasn't for the fire sale, dealer's would still be setting on the Buell's in their showrooms, with limited to no interest.
  11. I haul one bike sometimes, right side, not sure why always the right, but it just is...I did this from Ashville, NC, 500+ miles, just a few weeks ago, no issues, two down, one back, not the first time either...6x14 enclosed.
  12. Yeah I have noticed some good deals for new ones, not sure on the other costs or fees on some of them, but the pricing I have seen for some is pretty good. I am sure there will be some used available too, as you mentioned. Funny thing, I switched bikes with a friend of mine for a bit this past weekend, he wanted to ride the Ninja, he has a GSXR750...lets just say I cannot see myself going back to a race replica bike anytime soon, not saying never, but I just do not see why I should or even would again, don't get me wrong his GSXR is a great bike, just not for me anymore...he said that he was impressed, and surprised by the Ninja overall, not at all what he expected...he is considering one for himself now. Best of luck with your search!
  13. Congratulations...so how close are you to buying a Ninja 1000 now?
  14. You guys still have time today, 30/60 intersection (Hayesville, Marathon Station), I will be there around 11:30...come on over, I have to slab almost the same distance as you "Youngstown Area Folks" to get there...
  15. Sounds like this was a good ride. Doc you did not find your limit yet, you could still ride...right? I had a solo ride today on most of the route I posted earlier in this thread...gonna hit it again in the morning...
  16. Absolutely... I mainly try and hit these roads on my way home from SE Ohio, sometimes on my way down. I had to leave some of the good roads out, I only had 3.5 hours to work with from Bolivar and back. I really wanted to include 541 and 60 South of Warsaw, but again, time was an issue. Besides being that close to the back roads of Salt Fork, and the section of 22 between 285 and Cadiz would be a must for me, then who knows where else...
  17. As mentioned before this is a late fall ride, time being an issue, not a 500-600 mile mid Summer route. They are curves, not switcbacks, or anything close to that...just a short end of season blast on some decent roads, some boring unavoidable straights, but remember it is still in the Northern part of the State.
  18. Several decent roads in that area, not quite like SE Ohio, but a fun ride...If time was not an issue, I could show you a hell of a day in that area, at and around Coshocton, and Cambridge, all North of 70...again, not SE Ohio, but it is safe to say that you would enjoy the day. Yes the map is misleading. Yes I have ridden 151 and 646, and some other roads in that area...it has been a few years, but from what I remember, they are decent roads if you live in that area...not beneficial for me at all to travel there from where I live, much closer for me to head SE, and the roads are, in my opinion, a bit more fun with more routes to choose from.
  19. Just a thought, could be modified if needed... http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Bolivar,+OH&daddr=Millersburg,+OH+to:Blissfield,+OH+to:Walhonding,+OH+to:40.42672,-82.26516+to:Glenmont,+OH+to:40.39364,-81.87077+to:40.3335334,-81.8709652+to:40.4659,-81.70714+to:40.58471,-81.61198+to:Bolivar,+OH&hl=en&ll=40.33817,-81.850891&spn=0.072882,0.105743&sll=40.338432,-81.850548&sspn=0.072881,0.105743&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ%3BFQvQagIdIAge-ymjPgCzqm03iDHHmEZsCKOuVQ%3BFa1zaAIdlU4d-ylBRN_QZnY3iDHRZI40gfRJZQ%3BFVfWZwIdAYoa-yl37y2lFYA3iDGRK0VTeUhT9g%3BFeDcaAIduLsY-yn1Eo7FUdQ5iDH9T4u0BMom2w%3BFYBJagIdIUsb-yknSi-LLns3iDF5Ez5Kz-kBDA%3BFahbaAIdTsAe-ykfP76U03Q3iDGCLLVajsVE8w%3BFd1wZwIdi78e-ykzbFGY8Z83iDFxU5QHdU_Amw%3BFex1aQIdfD8h-ylTF1EOmQ83iDGaE3VpO1EP3g%3BFQZGawIdNLMi-ynVuQ_oTxk3iDHxbHZD-iWXAg%3BFU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ&vpsrc=6&mra=dpe&mrsp=7&sz=13&via=4,6,7,8,9&t=m&z=13
  20. Something tells me that is not a spelling error... Possible interest here, just waiting for the route to be posted.
  21. I have a good set up to haul my bikes to and from the good roads, but I feel if I do not ride I have cheated myself in some way, even though I hate the ride there, and the ride home usually...I know makes no sense, but it is what it is... I really need to reconsider at times.
  22. I will be on a similar route tomorrow, I might see you guys there, probably be on the Ninja.
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