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Everything posted by what

  1. what


    You're gonna find the best deals from private sales rather than dealers. No idea what the gsxs750 is worth but it seems like $4700-5k for private sellers and around $6k for dealers for a 2015 after a quick scan through facebook marketplace.
  2. Should come out and play at the track sometime next season
  3. The grom is fun down on the dragon and at kart tracks, not so great on regular twisty rides. Currently my grom is -2/+11 and tops out at about 50mph so it's not very practical on the street. It lifts the front wheel a bit when I roll on after shifting into 2nd though 😂
  4. Almost the entire grid in the MotoAmerica Junior Cup is the Ninja 400 this year. Out of 20+ bikes, there are 2 Yamahas and 1 Honda, every other bike is a Kawi 400. They are only running a few seconds slower than the 650 class, which are pushing 100 horsepower.
  5. they are running late days (1pm to 7pm or something?) on saturday and sunday at a discounted price.
  6. Sounds like ya'll had a good time - the entire point of motorcycling beyond basic transportation. 👍
  7. youre not invited check the small print on the ticket, it says no tims.
  8. Yeah the scuttlebutt from a number of CRs seems to be that they are at least talking about it. The quote was just me being a tongue in cheek asshole to Timbo. Whether or not a repave happens, I guess is probably up to Indycar, and if they are threatening to pull out of Mid O due to pavement concerns.
  9. Well, the 12" wieners only went into one guy's mouth and I had nothing to do with it. There was also chili involved.
  10. what

    Straight up trade?

    Hah, well I was just basing things off the Russians I know. I guess I don't know many white supremacist Russians, thankfully. I do think shipping them off to Africa would be some sort of poetic justice though. Or maybe Israel.
  11. what

    Straight up trade?

    Russians seem to be fairly accepting of people so long as they are pro-Russia. I think their prejudice is more along the lines of "if it's not Russian, it's no good" rather than based on race or skin tone.
  12. what

    Straight up trade?

    Not sure who would take the white supremacists, honestly. Give them to Africa as laborers?
  13. no idea where we went except south east. a dairy queen a giant wieners were involved though, as well as a track bike. interesting 200 mile ride. forgot how peppy the triumph is.
  14. I have no idea where we are going. 😅
  15. Maybe Jacob and I will see you out there Pauly. We are doing a squid twisty ride into the unknown tomorrow, leaving Columbus at noon.
  16. The Dyno Shop in Powell mounts and balances tires (they are not a vendor however), not sure on their pricing though. Price-wise, Pony is right on par with, if not cheaper than the online dealers for most of the tires they carry.
  17. Derek is the new track dad with his hauler and AC. They'll be ok. The real question is, will they wait to bust into the twisted tea until after sessions end or are things gonna get silly after lunch?
  18. so it's the meat grinder, but with fresher ingredients?
  19. Dunno, but the last one I went to they were not doing it.
  20. If I wasn't saving every penny for more horsie powers right now I'd take both. Someone buy them.
  21. Go on Mike get out of here! YOU ALREADY BROKE MY HEART ONCE, IS THAT NOT ENOUGH?
  22. doesn't mean I can't have a coach tow me around. it's the same with STT and Track Day Winner.
  23. i heard mid ohio sells them
  24. i'm not riding A with anybody right now. nothing to ride. also @TimTheAzn you better be my sugardaddy N group coach once i finally come ride pitt, show me what laptimes bring all your boys to the yard
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