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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. My computer runs Internet Explorer. Sometimes it doesn't work, so I have to restart. Usually then it works again. I hate that, too. Am I right?
  2. Reviving this thread - show keeps getting better.
  3. Yeah, you can pretty much make any Michael Jackson joke into a Jerry Sandusky joke now.
  4. A friend of mine posted this on Face book as a was to determine the difference between "friendship" and "relationship." I thought it was very informative. "Friendship" - 1) Makes you laugh; 2) Helps you move; 3) No penetration. "Relationship" - 1) Makes you laugh; 2) Helps you move; 3) Penetration. Hopes this helps y'all as much as it helped me.
  5. I always have a bill of sale when I sell a car - even had to use it once. Sold my wife's Civic and the guy wrecked it the next day - his insurance was trying to stick us with some of thecosts - faxed them a copy and never heard from them again.
  6. I won't ever get that five minutes back, Ben. Not ever.
  7. It just fell out of the sky! What is it?!?
  8. I still think the school zones one is best...
  9. Guys, if you think package logistics is counter intuitive, ask a railroader about how freight is moved around. It's best to just not ask questions.
  10. The last of my parts should be here this week - and I have Tuesday - Thursday off - maybe have a change to mock up the front end? I got a speedo/headlight bucket from a late 1960s Yamaha that I'm going to modify to have a tach as well, and I got headlight ears to mount it - just waiting on those items to mock the front end up. Mock up project after that? Tail section - I'm going to mock up in PVC pipe first, then build from steel tube when I like the layout. Pics later in the week!
  11. It's possible they use a thrid-party shipping system (Stamps.com, etc) that routes their mail through a regional hub. It may be cheaper in the long run to send the very small amount of orders that ship to a local buyer (who is too lazy to drive to the other side of town ) along with other shipments than to split up the shipment. It's all large scale logistics. The Post Office just needs to re-evaluate its business model. It's costs are too high to support its income - there are two ways to solve this, neither of which is very good, but one of which or a little of both need to be done. UPS/FedEx make money because they simply don't have the overhead that the USPS does - nowhere near as many locations and their core business is the logistics of moving packages, not in posting them. My thoughts? Smaller, single employee Post Offices in grocery stores and/or business stores, like UPS. More online business - the Priority Mail business is fairly well developed. And at some point, we need to eliminate paper mail. It's simply antiquated in our society. The fact you can send a piece of paper across the country for $0.50 or so is simply not economically self supporting anymore. *sigh* Who know's what the answer is...
  12. Just about to say this - if one of my 6 presets on the Sable is on commercial, 9 times out of 10 the other 5 are too. And the 1 time out of 10, only one of the others is playing music. I think on radio and TV they have accepted a standart timing of commercial - usually between shows (27 and 57 after the hour), "first break" (10 and 40 after), and "last break" (22 and 52). I've also noticed most newer shows, especially hour long, will delay that first commercial break five minutes or so, but then it's longer. Gets people hooked.
  13. This. Be very careful. If in doubt, short them out with a plastic handled tool - or if you have one, the tool specifically designed to discharge a capacitor. I had a roomate at OSU walking around with a limp arm for 5 hours fucking around with capicitors. Not cool.
  14. I spend every trip budgeting for the transmission rebuild on the Sable And she keeps getting there. Same boat, brother.
  15. Harvey Samuels was a customer of mine at Nissan. I would not want to be on the other side of the courtroom. He's got a reputation here in Columbus - great one for his clients, bad one among their exes.
  16. +1 Car karma is a bitch - for making that 2.7 live as long as you have, you've killed hundreds of other engines. Seriously, though, I don't know if I could own a car knowing that every time I turned the key could be the time... you junking it when it goes or doing a 3.3/3.5 convert?
  17. This bike was designed for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but left out at the last minute.
  18. As mentioned at the bottom of the article, this seems to happen every few years... this one is particularly funny.
  19. So let me get this straight... you put the lime in the coconut? Seriously though, an American company is upset because one of their American affiliates is undercutting a foreign distributor? *sick in my mouth* This is what needs to change in business. And I'm a supporter of business... BTW- not attacking psyco1's quote, just referancing it
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