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Al Z. Heimer

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Everything posted by Al Z. Heimer

  1. Hope you have a good time. Wish I could have made it. BBQ........MMMMMMmmmmm!!!! Now I hate you.
  2. Also I put in an agm in the Wing the last time. Riders Discount gave me the best price and fast service.
  3. http://www.yuasabatteries.com/faqs.php http://www.yuasabatteries.com/pdfs/TechManual_2014.pdf This battery issue seems to come up every year. My search skills suck and I can't find the previous thread. Take time to read that tech manual. You will learn a ton about batteries. No reason yours should have choked that soon. How you put a battery in service is the most important thing you can do to achieve long battery life. Lead acid and agm batteries require different care. The agm in my Super Hawk is 13 years old. I get 5 or 6 on the Wing with lead acid. Improper charging technique and or equipment will also kill a battery.
  4. It's a fine idea. I'm in. Son in law can't make it though. Has accepted a job in Georgia. Daughter and g/kids to follow when school is out. If they stay prolly were I will be moving to when I retire.
  5. The mansion referance was aimed toward Tonic's plowing snow at his kids house with a zero turn. I understand your position.....Best bang for the buck. I mow an acre and have a Z-Force Cub Cadet. 44". It has served me well for 12 years. I have a buddy that has a landscape business with mowing crews consisting mainly of high school kids. Cuts both residential and business customers. They cut from sun up to sundown,rain or shine 6 days a week during the season. What he found works the best for him are Toro zturns and walk behinds. If you are going the commercial route with only 2 acres that machine will last your lifetime with proper care.
  6. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KvwUXIWb_ho Being a mansion in the country was mentioned May as well go all the way.
  7. http://www.zeroturnsnowplows.com/how-it-works.html Some good info here Jim. I don't have a plow on mine nor would I want one. First it would take up too much garage space. I had a plow on my garden tractor and if you don't plan ahead or have a place to put all the snow you can run out of room for it. I broke down and bought a snow blower and have no regrets. I do 4 drives and all you basically do is walk. You can even gear up.
  8. My thought would be if you can swing keeping it and buying another....do it. Some of the best trips and times have been on the Wing with my Wife.....but it just won't satisfy the 18 year old in me so I have to have another. One thing may be helpful is to take her along and see if she it comfortable on it. Just because it is a bagger does not mean the pillion is gonna pass her approval.
  9. Welcome to OR. Great group of guys and gals here. Keep an eye on the forum. Rides are starting to be posted. I'm close to you and only ride south of me for the most part. I'm old and slow but can show you some good roads south make it somewhat entertaining.. Just be ready for some miles. The Neo-Seo ride posted for today would be 300+ for us. Stick around and enjoy the madness.
  10. Have a safe ride you speedsters. Gotta do a couple shake down rides to see if the old bod has anything left. Not to mention it is only 32* at my place.
  11. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110412224212AA7mnaz I found this..it may or may not be of help. First thing I would do is check battery voltage....key off....key on. If it is low,charge the battery and see what happens. Always start diagnosing with a fully charged battery. Sometimes when chasing electrical issues it is advantageous to back track...meaning starting at the pump and tracing back to the voltage source. Being 15 years old corroded connections could be a possibility. Check all that you can and address as needed. I also found a schematic on line and it seems as though the fuel cut off relay gets a signal from the #1 coil. It is possible that this is what tells the relay to close and run the pump when the engine is cranking/running. There is a connection showing in that circuit that you should check. You can also do a bypass on the bank angle sensor to rule it out. It could be a low voltage thing being Honda...if while cranking my Wing and the voltage drops below 10.5 volts it will not start...will crank but not start. Just some thoughts...a shot in the dark as it were. Also by hot wiring the fuel pump you are basically bypassing what ever is the issue in the circuit.
  12. Oh my. Gonna run this by the War Dept.
  13. If I get pulled over by Johnny Law......A citation for earplugs will be the least of my worries. Just saying considering the company I ride with.
  14. http://www.thefabricator.com/article/arcwelding/cracking-down-on-weld-cracks Sometimes you can have the best looking bead in the world but just like an Olympic gymnast you need to stick the finish. In all reality that is a bad weld because of a lousy finish. A crater was left at the end of the bead which should have been filled. The crater is prolly where the crack started. Other factors could be involved as well but the crater gave the crack a place to start. This should be reported to the http://www.nhtsa.gov/. That is how a recall can be implemented.
  15. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-helmets/motorcycle-helmets.htm http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/ Advice worth taking from others as far as going some place to find what fits. What works for me may be awful for you. HJC seems to fit my melon the best. As far as quiet goes,I just wear ear plugs. Foam type. Walmart has them in the pharmacy section. Here are a couple sites with a boat load of info. Nice to see you back Tony.
  16. I totally agree with you on the Diner. Wife and I stopped once last year an it was bad. Also stopped with Copeland and it was pretty disgusting. I miss 164 for what it once was. Since they started this shale shit you really have to be aware of the truck traffic and crap on the turns. Especially the right handers were they drag the gravel onto the pavement. 646 is still a Baller of a road though. Glad you were able to get out Jim.
  17. Just like Bad. I have a set you are welcome to borrow Tim.
  18. Image from https://cassandraparkin.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/deliverance-rape-scene.jpg. Maybe he has something else in mind.
  19. ^^^ Kids both of you. I have almost 35 years on you Brian. Ain't braggin. Just complaining. Ya I do have a physical job as well.
  20. Yes your title may be the original. Who's name is on it? That is the one that has to sign ownership over to the buyer as it were. Which has to be done in front of a notary. An odometer form also has to be filled out as well. Did anyone sign the back of the title to transfer it? If it is signed and dated and notorized the only thing extra would be a an extra 5 bucks for not transferring within 30 days. The insurance company does not issue titles so in reality the status won't change until it is transferred to your name. Call your local title office and explain the situation. You may want to block your number if you can't prove that you obtained the bike legally. You may have issues if no one signed over ownership on the original title.
  21. One of these could be built pretty easy.
  22. ^^^^ Saw that it was already posted. Could not edit. But it does look like a good choice.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/the-rhinoshield-bumper-and-the-iphone-i-could-not-111444363399.html I can't vouch for this personally. Just came across the article. Gentleman sounds convincing.
  24. How about an 02 Honda Super Hawk?? Only riddin on Sundays by a little old bald headed guy??
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